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Did I Do The Right Thing?


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Hi Everyone

So i managed to take Minnie(13 weeks) to the vet today. In my previous posts i mentioned that she has been having diarrhea for 3 days now (2 days with specks of blood). Quite Runny, but not to the point of being like water.

Anyway we did the usual Parvo test and test for coccidiosis. Both showed up negative.

So the vet assumed it was a stomach bug/bacteria and that the blood was from an irritated intestinal lining.

One of his recommendations was to keep her for a couple of days for observation and administer 3 types of antibiotics. One a needle, the other small green tablets and the last a bottle of pink liquid, that he said all need to be used together for five days. (except the once off needle). Xrays was then an option later down the track too.

I asked him if her body would rid of the bug by itself (if indeed it was a bug/bacteria) and he said that it could, but he wasnt sure.

So i decided to monitor her at home for at least another day without all the antibiotics for now. The reason i chose this option is because I think that it would be better to give her body a chance to fight it on its own instead of jumping straight on the antibiotics. Also the vet was on call 24hrs, so i could always see him if i was concerned.

I do want to see her get well, but then again i don't want to be administering antibiotics every time she gets a stomach bug. Just wondering what everyone else would have done?

Kind Regards


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If I had taken her to the vet- I also would have used treatments suggested- but probably had her at home.

I would have also asked for the names of the drugs, and written them down :rofl:

yes, her body may get rid of the bug...

she may also , being a bit compromised, pick up something else- especially as she has now visited the vets surgery.

What did the vet suggest re: her diet etc over the next few days?

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My girl has had a stomach bug twice, both times she had the same symptoms you described. The first time she got an antibiotic shot, a course of tablets for home and the vet advised to feed a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice for a week. The 2nd time she just got the tablets and the bland diet without the shot. It was never suggested she would have to stay at the vets at all. I would do the exact same thing again if she ever gets another bug.

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When my boy was a pup he got an upset tummy and I got hte "pink medicine" - cleared him up in 24 hours. I was actually given it by the "breeder" as they said that with settling in etc this was common.

What are you feeding her now? It needs to be very bland (boiled chicken breast with rice is good). Make sure she's still drinking water and active - as soon as she stops drinking or is listless straight back to the vets.

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If I had taken her to the vet- I also would have used treatments suggested- but probably had her at home.

I would have also asked for the names of the drugs, and written them down :mad

yes, her body may get rid of the bug...

she may also , being a bit compromised, pick up something else- especially as she has now visited the vets surgery.

What did the vet suggest re: her diet etc over the next few days?

Thats a good idea, taking down the names of the drugs. Will remember for next time. She hasnt eaten since 11pm yesterday. Will feed her some boiled chicken and rice later this evening.

My girl has had a stomach bug twice, both times she had the same symptoms you described. The first time she got an antibiotic shot, a course of tablets for home and the vet advised to feed a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice for a week. The 2nd time she just got the tablets and the bland diet without the shot. It was never suggested she would have to stay at the vets at all. I would do the exact same thing again if she ever gets another bug.

Yeah i dont quite understand the staying for a couple of days. Declined mainly because it wasnt my regular vet.

When my boy was a pup he got an upset tummy and I got hte "pink medicine" - cleared him up in 24 hours. I was actually given it by the "breeder" as they said that with settling in etc this was common.

What are you feeding her now? It needs to be very bland (boiled chicken breast with rice is good). Make sure she's still drinking water and active - as soon as she stops drinking or is listless straight back to the vets.

She is quite active still. Encouraging her drinking/hydration with Lactide. (glucose and salts).

Also just cleaned her poo and found a shard of chicken bone (looks like it came from the little drummet part attached to the wing). This may be the culprit. It was kind of maleable but clearly undigested :rofl: I think i learnt my lesson with chicken wings. I was recommended necks instead.

Thanks for the replies so far guys :laugh:

Edited by Azzachazza
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Hi, Im so sorry to hear about your puppy's upset tummy.. The chicken bone may be the cause of the upset, but if the diarrhea comes back try giving her some Yukult either by itself or with some lactose free milk.. this will not harm her at all and will help her stomach upset to heal itself.. And also with the chicken necks you need to be careful as your puppy may choke on them.. were the wings you gave her raw? i always give my girl raw wings and drumsticks and i must say i have never had a problem.. i hope that minnie is feeling better soon!

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I'm not a Vet so not "advising" as such. But seeing as you are 'monitoring' (I think I would have done the same), perhaps give some doses of Active Manuka Honey (UMF +20 or higher - purchase from health food shop - be prepared to faint at the price). This has antibacterial qualities and is a good immune system supporter. You can feed some doses straight off the teaspoon, or you can add some to a small amount of water. The latter is especially good if you are a bit concerned that your pup is not drinking as much as it might.

Edited by Erny
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Hi, Im so sorry to hear about your puppy's upset tummy.. The chicken bone may be the cause of the upset, but if the diarrhea comes back try giving her some Yukult either by itself or with some lactose free milk.. this will not harm her at all and will help her stomach upset to heal itself.. And also with the chicken necks you need to be careful as your puppy may choke on them.. were the wings you gave her raw? i always give my girl raw wings and drumsticks and i must say i have never had a problem.. i hope that minnie is feeling better soon!

Thanks for the advice and well wishes :) Never thought of yakult, thats a good idea! I think little Minnie didn't chew well and gobbled down a large piece. Gotta keep both dogs seperated as they tend to rush when the other is around. I'm a bit wary of bones at the moment. I gave them raw, but it was a sizeable wing, and she is still very small...

I'm not a Vet so not "advising" as such. But seeing as you are 'monitoring' (I think I would have done the same), perhaps give some doses of Active Manuka Honey (UMF +20 or higher - purchase from health food shop - be prepared to faint at the price). This has antibacterial qualities and is a good immune system supporter. You can feed some doses straight off the teaspoon, or you can add some to a small amount of water. The latter is especially good if you are a bit concerned that your pup is not drinking as much as it might.

Yeah that sounds good actually. Read quite a lot in regards to the healing properties of manuka. I have some in the cupboard but doubt that its +20. Gotta have a look for some tomorrow.

I dont like the idea of administering medication whenever one of the girls are sick. Personally i would prefer a natural alternative where possible. That said though sometimes we have no choice. Hopefully she improves tomorrow. Fingers crossed...

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I'm also not a vet, but when I have had dogs with upset tummies the vets have recommended fasting the dog for 24 hours (with access to water at all times) to give the irritated intestinal lining a chance to settle down and then introducing the bland diet.

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when you're talking young puppies and dogs sometimes its better then letting them possibly get worst. I'm in the same boat as you, minimal meds, but youngun's I've learned my lesson on. Sometime too there is not an effective natural remedy to what we have commercially available.

The reason the vet may have suggested the stay was because puppies can dehydrate quickly, so vet would have been able to put her on a drip to replace fluids...

+1 on this one ... if you notice her gums starting to pale slightly, CRT increase, lethargy etc straight back to the vet for IV fluids

CRT = capillary refill time. When you press your dogs gum it will go white. If it takes more then a couple of seconds for the colour to return then your dog is dehydrated/very low blood pressure and needs a vet.

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I'm also not a vet, but when I have had dogs with upset tummies the vets have recommended fasting the dog for 24 hours (with access to water at all times) to give the irritated intestinal lining a chance to settle down and then introducing the bland diet.

I have heard this one as well, with cats as well as dogs.

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Vet could have done a Packed Cell Volume (PCV) count blood test to determine if it was necessary to rehydrate via a drip.

It's something I'd recommend for serious gastric upset. Dogs (and especially pups) can dehyrdate very quickly and it can be fatal. :laugh:

Edited by poodlefan
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I hope your puppy recovers quickly. xxx

Call me old fashioned/neurotic but I'd never let a pup (or dog or cat) have an upset tummy for 3 days, or think I could fix it at home. Dehydration is a killer. Better safe than sorry. If you have meds this time, that does not mean you need them every time. It is dependent on what the reason is for the upset stomach. The vet was just being conservative as I'm sure they've seen animals go donwhill very fast through this condition.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the advice. I think i spent a good 20 min just tossing up should I or shouldn't I get the meds yesterday at the clinic. In retrospect, with all the advice here, I think I should have taken the safe option.

On a good note though, Minnie is doing fine today. No diarrhea this morning. Did her first firm-ish poo in 3 days and no blood :laugh: Still on a bland diet though, but things are looking up. Thanks again for all the advice from everyone here.

Kind regards,


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I hadn't heard of this remedy b4 going on US forums. They always seen to give tinned pumpkin, not the pie type, for dogs with diarrhea & constipation. They seem to swear by it. I've never seen tinned pumpkin in Aus so I think if you boiled it up to be very soft & mash in with other food it couldn't hurt, I guess.

Just thought of something else. My kitten once had a little blood in motion with diarrhea & vet prescribed sachets of a probiotic. It cost about, can't really remember, $2-$6 per sachet. I think it would also be ok to give the human one as the pet one was a lot stronger. Sorry can't think of the name atm but it's capsules & kept in the fridge.

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Luvsdogs- Do you mean protexin? It has the same active ingredient as yukult and yukult is a much cheaper option..

The Manuka honey is a great idea too.. I had never thought of it, and although never used it myself, i have heard great things about it.

Glad to hear Minnie is feeling a bit better :laugh:

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