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Scotts Lawn Builder - Regular


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Just wondering if anyone can advise if these granules are safe to use with dogs.

Their website has no info available on their MDS and doing a search on here I can't find anything.

So am taking the lazy way out hoping someone may have used it or knows a bit about the product :laugh:

Many Thanks

TD :)

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I'm pretty sure that Lawn Builder is just fertiliser with a bit of wetting agent in it. Have look on the packaging for ingredients and it should just list the nutrients that the product contains. Also, from memory, it is a fine granule so not really something that the dogs could readily pick up and ingest once the product has been spread on your lawn

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It says on the packet in teeny little writing its a non-toxic fertliser so have spread it onto the lawn and watered it in to be on the safe side....it's spitting out there now so fingers crossed we get a little rain to help it break down even more :(

You were right Horrie it is a fine granule....wasn't quite sure what to use but remembered reading that granules were a better option for my hotch potch mixed lawn....was more worried about the effect it might have on the mutts but a woman in Bunnings said it was ok in that respect.

Thanks for your quick responses guys, really appreciate it.....as does Ren & Titchy ;)

Lou x

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I tend to use a soluble product like the fish stuff and even then hose it in.

I think you're referring to Seasol? That is a tonic, rather than a fertiliser.

However, I wouldn't be fertilising anything at the moment - well, not if you are in a climate where the weather is as hot as it is. A dose of Seasol would be ok though.

ETA: I notice Horus has been here. I defer to anything gardeningy that Horus says. :(

Edited by Erny
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