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January Photography Challenge - Launched Early


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daisy, love ruff and the big tounge!!

Where I live is Warrnambool, the shots of the cliffs are at a local look out called Thunder point!! And the beach shots are at a beach just out of town about 15 minutes called Kilarney, it is a great spot, the sand is nice and hard for walking and you can walk for miles, the dogs have a ball!! The beaches in town here are about a 5 min drive from my house which is great!!

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Has anyone else noticed how beautiful so many DOLers are? I've been meaning to comment on that after every one of TNs posts and Ash's reminded me again.

<sigh> jealous!

:curtsey: I can make almost anyone look like a supermodel using photoshop. :heart:

To be honest, I have removed bags under my eyes and skin blemishes and I have smoothed the skin. If I was being really vain, I would have reduced the size of my nose, plumped the lips and put on make-up.

But that might be going just a little bit far for an iphone photo... maybe.

edited to take out the need for a brow lift. The angle actually worked well in that photo. :sleep:

:sleep: So true.

You did some amazing things with my pregnancy photos. Stretch marks, skin, boobs, arms, thighs....

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Has anyone else noticed how beautiful so many DOLers are? I've been meaning to comment on that after every one of TNs posts and Ash's reminded me again.

<sigh> jealous!

:curtsey: I can make almost anyone look like a supermodel using photoshop. :heart:

To be honest, I have removed bags under my eyes and skin blemishes and I have smoothed the skin. If I was being really vain, I would have reduced the size of my nose, plumped the lips and put on make-up.

But that might be going just a little bit far for an iphone photo... maybe.

edited to take out the need for a brow lift. The angle actually worked well in that photo. :sleep:

:sleep: So true.

You did some amazing things with my pregnancy photos. Stretch marks, skin, boobs, arms, thighs....

Except I don't usually let people see the 'before' photos. :mad:wave:

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Has anyone else noticed how beautiful so many DOLers are? I've been meaning to comment on that after every one of TNs posts and Ash's reminded me again.

<sigh> jealous!

:curtsey: I can make almost anyone look like a supermodel using photoshop. :heart:

To be honest, I have removed bags under my eyes and skin blemishes and I have smoothed the skin. If I was being really vain, I would have reduced the size of my nose, plumped the lips and put on make-up.

But that might be going just a little bit far for an iphone photo... maybe.

edited to take out the need for a brow lift. The angle actually worked well in that photo. :sleep:

:sleep: So true.

You did some amazing things with my pregnancy photos. Stretch marks, skin, boobs, arms, thighs....

Except I don't usually let people see the 'before' photos. :mad:wave:

Eek is correct :)


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Has anyone else noticed how beautiful so many DOLers are? I've been meaning to comment on that after every one of TNs posts and Ash's reminded me again.

<sigh> jealous!

:curtsey: I can make almost anyone look like a supermodel using photoshop. :heart:

To be honest, I have removed bags under my eyes and skin blemishes and I have smoothed the skin. If I was being really vain, I would have reduced the size of my nose, plumped the lips and put on make-up.

But that might be going just a little bit far for an iphone photo... maybe.

edited to take out the need for a brow lift. The angle actually worked well in that photo. :sleep:

:sleep: So true.

You did some amazing things with my pregnancy photos. Stretch marks, skin, boobs, arms, thighs....

And you and you :wave:

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I just love how this thread is still cracking along! I can't believe there’s only 10 days left for this month…

Gonna try and do some comments tonight…

Tangerine Dream - love the grevilleas photos…they look so cool.

kja – love the ginger kitty photo from yesterday…so cute!

FionaC – that little cats eyes are crazy! Really made me laugh…

JS – Love Justice and his bone…Even out of focus as he is I can still see those wistful eyebrows looking at the bone…I was actually kinda hoping you’d cave at some point this month just cos I love photos of Justice! :sleep:

Shell – love Zero’s expression…

SB – Adelaide’s gone bike crazy hasn’t it! Nice shot. :wave:

bec – amazing shots as always! That skateboarder one is an excellent capture. Love the silhouette.

anniek – love the…umm…llamas? alpacas?? (:sleep: not sure what they are sorry!) running around…having them doing zoomies must be quite a sight!

Ashanali – I really like the look/texture of that photo…really really beautiful.

kirislin – I love how white little Puck’s teeth are! Great photos….he looks very focused.

flyingduster – I can’t get enough of your kitties…they’re so pretty and cute and funny!

tlc – so jealous of your beach! The colour of the water is amazing…the middle shot of the beagle doggie running through the water looks like he’s got a motor attached! :curtsey:

poocow – Love the shot of Archer…I love how long his whiskers are!

Crazy Daisy – love the colour in the purple flower shot..

JS – sharp shot of the seagull….shame about the wing edge – but such a clear shot for a shot taken out of the car window!

Wolfsong – ooh swans! I’ve seen some down the river where the horsie was but they weren’t there last night…might have to go looking for them and try and get a shot…

Oh and I agree with kja - such beautiful DOLers – and so talented too!

My OH kindly offered to be my subject tonight and sit there unblinkingly while I shoved my camera in his face. :heart: Oh and if you look closely this is as close as you guys are getting to a photo of me!


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ok..day 20 a pic of Luci my heart dog. Shes making a hasty retreat after scoffing the unwanted fried rice I put out for the birds.


Day 21

The fruiting vine's flowers caught my eye. Apparently its never bore fruit my neighbour told me...I showed him thats because it obviously fruits on my side of the fence!!! (pointing them out) Obviously the prev owners never shared that info with him....



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Ness, your roof shot is a different angle, is it a view from a window or you up a ladder??

JS, I love the typical seagull shot!!

FP, Fantastic eye shot, his eye ball looks like a mirror, what lense did you use??

RA, I love Luci!! Nice Passion flower, Love the last shot!

TD, the Kelpie looks so serious like he is on a mission!! Love the sky in your second shot, its awesome!!

Edited by tlc
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schnauzerboy - I'm loving all your cycling shots!!

becandcharch - the skateboarding shot is brilliant! Sooo jealous that you can hang out in st kilda! It's my favourite part of melbourne.

Terranik - I love your self portraits. You have so much more patience than I do! No way could I take a photo of myself everyday!

Rozzie - That looks devine! Yuuuuuum!

Flyingduster - That cat pic is great! Love the expression!

Poomother - what a gorgeous foot!

Anniek - Are they llamas or alpacas? I can never tell the difference. Either way they're awesome!

Ashanali - I'm soooooo jealous!! I wish I had your eye (and your ability with the iphone - my iphone photos always come out all blurry!). Your post processing is brilliant.

Kirislin - Love the sequence. What do whippets sound like when they talk? I don't think I've ever heard one.

TLC - I like the second shot the best - I love your beach shots!

Weibritty - I'm 23 and I have 45s. You're definitely not showing your age. Great shot!

Poocow - I didn't know you had ratties! Gorgeous!

Crazydaisy - Looooove the flower!

Ness - How did you get up so high? I wish my house was surrounded by as much greenery!

Justiceshades - Love the angle on that seagull!

Wolfsong - great capture. I have a soft spot for black swans (it happens when you're from perth!).

Ams - Love the layers in the paperbark!

Huga - *steals Huga's dogs* You always capture such great expressions!

Fluffypaws - love the reflection shot! The detail is brilliant!

Redangel - Luci is just gorgeous. I love the flower shots - they're so interesting!

Tangerinedream - Did you take that from your car? You don't see that too often!

Here's mine for today. I was shooting at a conference all day today so didn't have time to plan a shot for today.


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Shell, the shot was taken from the car - we please to see a harness on - the first I've ever seen on the back of a ute!!

Love your pile of frangipanis!!! Can almost smell them from here.....take me back to being a kid in Sydney...

I love the different methods of processing that are coming to the fore as the month wears on......this is real creativity - I look at some images and wonder how you saw them to photograph - as I would have missed them....I'm going to keep doing this every day for a year..........

redangel, what camera and lens are you using - those passionflowers are so sharp you could almost cut yourself on them!

Edited by TangerineDream
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Was this with the new speedlite, Shell?

Nope! I stupidly forgot to put new batteries in my camera bag today so shot everything without it. I did get to play with a 5D today with the 24-70mm 2.8 lens and the same speedlite as i have - it was like looking into the future :) Here's a speedlite shot from tonight:


Shell, the shot was taken from the car - we please to see a harness on - the first I've ever seen on the back of a ute!!

Love your pile of frangipanis!!! Can almost smell them from here.....take me back to being a kid in Sydney...

I love the different methods of processing that are coming to the fore as the month wears on......this is real creativity - I look at some images and wonder how you saw them to photograph - as I would have missed them....I'm going to keep doing this every day for a year..........

Yay!! I'm doing a photo a day for a year too (as are a few of us I think) - project 365 is a lot of work but so worth it when you can see yourself getting better as the year progresses!

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