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January Photography Challenge - Launched Early


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Thanks so much fluffypaws! Your last shot is fabulous! Very simple but its really great.

tlc all I had to do is go in for the smooch and he just appeared! Gotta give him points for consistency!

SB your Lance shots are just so cool. Im VERY VERY jealous that I cant be there.

JS Cam doesnt arrive until Thursday so there is still hope that you can score the jackpot shot!

Red Angel them is some scary Poodles!! That last shot is priceless!

Thanks Kate :hug:

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Fiona, love the nose shot, so crisp and clear!!

SB, I like your pot shot!! :hug: More nice bikey shots!!

RB, love your big smiley shot!

SBT, another nice road to nowhere!!

RA, love the candle, and your Poo shots are awesome, I have so many of my guys like that, I wondered where the face fighting come into it, obviously fromt he poo side as Ive never seen a cocker do it ever!!

Hey Bec, do you reckon you could capture that same shot of you and cam and Charch again and have a lamp or light shining where you think his head might pop up, Id love to see Charch as the focus of the shot, I think it would work but I could be wrong it would probly take a bit of doing??

Anyway my shots for today I cant decide cause I love them all, so something a little different from me today, the absolute joys of my life!! :) Bet you will never guess what the pics are of???!!!







Sorry so many I just couldnt decide!!

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Ok I have been so good and taken photos every day

BUT I have been bad and not uploading them to comp every day ;) ;) :D

So I have some here to post but first my comments.

Fluffypaws I just adore that one of your two cats on the piano I think it looks so good it could be on a hallmark card.

Huga Nice chair and the OH ain't bad either :D :o (can I say that???)

TLC I love that pic of Holly sleeping its very peaceful.

Poocow I just love Morgan what a gorg looking dog :thumbsup:

SBT123 Oh your Doggie Brett is so adorable (I think my next dog will be a SBT as I have fallen in love with them)

Kirislin That sunflower is amazing and when I first saw I wondered what it was. I love the detail.

Becandcharch I love all your photos and I love the texture/finish you give them it really appeals to me.

Ams I love your frog, cose, well I love frogs hehehe and duck eggs make the best pavs :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Justice Shades The old house is a great pic cant you just imagine living in there and sitting on that veranda on a hot summers night.

RottnBullies Your dog always has a smile on her face doesn't she :wave: :D :)

TLC I love the second ;last pic of Lacey on point and the back scenery look great.

Ok here a few of mine from the last few days

Hubby eating an orange


The child Riley James


A new plant I bought to try and make the house look more saleable lol


I am a lean mean eating machine and I want my lunch now haha Big Bad Boof

Was licking his lips and this the is the pic I captured post tongue out hahahaha


And Big Bad Boof still waiting (In fact almost begging by this stage )


Oops and the one I forgot LOL I see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cheers Janet

Edited by Riley James
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Mine for the last few days:

16th - Storm clouds rolling in on the way to Oberon:


17th - One of the dogs up on the farm where we were filming. She belongs to one of the crew and kept walking through shots!


18th - My friend hanging out at Bondi Beach (after a very yummy lunch and lots of sunshine) on my first official day of holidays. Wheeee!


Today's photos are transferring over to my PC at the moment but I have to run out to see a movie so I'll have to put it up later tonight!!

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I love the first 2 Shell. Many years ago I trekked my horses through some of the country near Oberon, I recall I rode through a place called Edith, and Ginkin? the three of us were very alone and a long way from home. I remember places looked like that first shot.

I love the dog too, what were you filming for?

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tlc - yeah I agree it would have been better to have him in more light. Im sure there will be lots more opportunities!

Love your beach shots

Kirislin you nailed the focus on your shot. The tree really pops out of the shot. I really love it

RJ your 3rd shot is awesome. Really great dof.

kja you make that beer look very enticing

Shell your 3rd shot of the doggie is brilliant. The setting and his look make me think he's a wild dog.

Loving the bokeh Anniek

Great action shot Poocow. Look at the intencity in those eyes!

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