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Comfortis For Fleas


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What is it and where do you get it?

Sounds as though it may be "natural"

I doubted this, as anything that kills, and I might add, kills THAT fast, has got to be a poison of sorts. So I looked it up.

Comfortis website

Important Safety Information

* The most common adverse reaction reported is vomiting.

* Other adverse reactions reported in decreasing order of frequency are: depression/lethargy, decreased appetite, incoordination, diarrhea, itching, trembling, excessive salivation and seizures.

* Following concomitant extra label use of ivermectin with Comfortis, some dogs have experienced the following clinical signs: trembling/twitching, salivation /drooling, seizures, incoordination, excessive dilation of pupils, blindness and disorientation.

Nope .... it ain't "natural". And unless I had an absolutely MAJOR problem with these pests where it decreased the quality of my dog's life (and even then, I think I'd be very hesitant) then I wouldn't be feeding this to my dog.

Edited by Erny
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I ordered it from vetnpet. :xmascheer: After someone mentioned it on Dol as being v good.

Side effects: i had one dog chunder about an hour later. No other side effects to report and the fleas were dead in 3hrs. It must be given on a full stomach.

Has apparently been available in the U.S. for around 2yrs.

Erny, if it was just me and my dogs I think i'd agree with you. :xmascheer: And still recommend caution with any chemical treatment.

BUT With fosters coming in and out, and the occasional flea ridden kitten/s absolutely riddled from head to toe- i need to keep on top of parasites and am especially vigilant. Particularly after getting two fosters with untreated flea allergy (isn't it delightful to inherit problems people couldn't be bothered with! ;) ) - one bite will set them off and get them back into the medication cycle which is a quality of life issue in my opinion.

The spot-on type ones had gradually gotten less effective over time and this seems to be a common story in my local area. :( With any treatment the efficacy decreases over time i suppose.

Natural essential oil collars were only moderately effective. Garlic the same.

Permoxin dipping was ok, but didn't last - plus with cats, it gave me the heebie jeebies to have that residue near them even if it's dry on the dog's coat as they often kiss and hug and sleep together. :D I have a kitten snuggler here too.

Capstar - great but too temporary. So I've effectively cut down on the overall chemicals used.

Heartworm will be treated separately and everyone can go back onto the quarterly worming schedule of the old days before Advocate/Revolution. :xmascheer:

Edited by Powerlegs
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My vet said that she was skeptical when she first heard about it, so she did every single bit of research she could possibly do, and she is sold on it. She thinks it's great. She has had fantastic success with it. Now I just gotta wait until after Luuka is 14 weeks old :D

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Yes Powerlegs, I understand desperation, desperate times, desperate measures.

I was and am just a bit concerned that everyone would hop to it and start feeding their dogs this stuff when other lesser treatments would suffice. Even just for those odd fleas, picking them off and squishing them with your nails. Some people panic at the sign of any fleas, even just a few.

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It'll work great for now, because it's a new chemical so there's no resistance. I did some research on this about 12 months ago now and I'm certain it was the same stuff that researched showed insects were quick to develop a resistance.

I think for people who have had poor results with all the other spot ons, it could be great, but if everyone jumps on it and starts using it, its only a matter of time until it joins all the others and starts to fail...

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