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Diet For German Shepherd


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My working line girl took a full 3 years to reach her maximum size on a diet of mostly raw chicken frames. Her breeder had advised that many of his dogs take that long to develop physically. Another 8 or 9 years after that to settle down...

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this is my GSD at 45kg, he has a waist which you can see dry, but when he's wet it looks very small - he also tall

Your boy is beautiful. I can tell now just by looking at Boss compared to yours and others that he still has a lot of maturing to do.

Thanks for the pics :cry:

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While we're discussing it - this is Sophie on the weekend, (excuse the bad quality photo, great camera is on the wishlist!) and she was weighed the same day at 34kg.

I'd love to have some other GSD owners give it to me straight, because I think she's too thin and needs another 4kg at least - the breeder said he'd expect she could carry 38kg well - when she's running full tilt, you can see her ribs, and i'm having so much trouble putting weight on her! Her waist is quite sunken also. Vet says she's healthy as a horse (a healthy one i presume :cry: ) but needs more weight - I'm thinking bulk up the chicken frames and starting her on some lamb flaps, whatever they are, as i've heard other people talking about. But yeah - do you guys agree she's looking like a runt? She's a tall girl. It gets irritating because freinds with staffies or labs that are very overweight keep telling me i'm starving her - she just won't finish all her food, and gets plenty of excercise, lovely shiny coat, but because she's not wheezing with weight they seem to think i'm starving her. Grr.

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While we're discussing it - this is Sophie on the weekend, (excuse the bad quality photo, great camera is on the wishlist!) and she was weighed the same day at 34kg.

I'd love to have some other GSD owners give it to me straight, because I think she's too thin and needs another 4kg at least - the breeder said he'd expect she could carry 38kg well - when she's running full tilt, you can see her ribs, and i'm having so much trouble putting weight on her! Her waist is quite sunken also. Vet says she's healthy as a horse (a healthy one i presume :rofl: ) but needs more weight - I'm thinking bulk up the chicken frames and starting her on some lamb flaps, whatever they are, as i've heard other people talking about. But yeah - do you guys agree she's looking like a runt? She's a tall girl. It gets irritating because freinds with staffies or labs that are very overweight keep telling me i'm starving her - she just won't finish all her food, and gets plenty of excercise, lovely shiny coat, but because she's not wheezing with weight they seem to think i'm starving her. Grr.

Thats the exact same problem we are having with boss. All the dogs we see and know people who own dogs tell us Boss is underweight and unhealthy becasue their dogs are very overweight. Boss also doesnt want to eat all his food either and would just rather run all day :rofl: Since we started feeding him working dog kibble we noticed he started keeping more weight on and was actually digesting his food more (smaller and less poo's) We also now alternate each week and give him about 9 chicken necks with 5cups of kibble per day and the following week he gets a mix everynight of either canned tuna or sardines or mackrel with the same amount of kibble. He just loves fish! and i think now he is getting much stockier and solid. I dont think he will ever be as tall as our Xena as she is really tall for a girl just like yours is but he is very slowly getting there in the weight department :(

Our Xena will be 2 in march, she grew tall very quickly and is just staring to fill out now, she is also slowly getting a very nice big chest and doesnt look as lankey anymore.

I've learnt now that all dogs grow at different rates even thought they are the same breed :rofl: I think we just have to be more patient :rofl:

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My 4 year old bitch Checa is 25kg S&S - probably just means that Shyla is smaller in height than some of the other bitches mentioned, remembering that size is an issue in the breed at the moment.


I've got one bitch who is 30kgs or just over, and she's on the top limit for size

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Gee, over 40kg's seems heavy for a male GSD???. My boy is 2 years 7 months 67cm's (over max height) and weighs 36kg. I guess some bloodlines must vary??? We have always fed our dogs on mince rice and vegies with sardines twice a week and some dry dog biscuits in the morning. Our last old boy made 15 years on that diet............perhaps nothing to do with his diet??? :laugh:


Edited by Longcoat
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Gee, over 40kg's seems heavy for a male GSD???. My boy is 2 years 7 months 67cm's (over max height) and weighs 36kg. I guess some bloodlines must vary??? We have always fed our dogs on mince rice and vegies with sardines twice a week and some dry dog biscuits in the morning. Our last old boy made 15 years on that diet............perhaps nothing to do with his diet??? :curtsey:

Depends on a lot of things here....i also have an oversized dog (70cms) YIKES and he is 40kgs, vet said to me after we saw him for the first time, he was about to come in and go off about having an shepherd at 40kgs, but then stopped when he saw how tall Rajko was, the weight is all the extra bone on him!! LOL :heart:

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My 4 year old bitch Checa is 25kg S&S - probably just means that Shyla is smaller in height than some of the other bitches mentioned, remembering that size is an issue in the breed at the moment.


I've got one bitch who is 30kgs or just over, and she's on the top limit for size

Oh good to know, thanks!! Yeah she isn't as tall definitely

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Shyla's a mini :) but so damn gorgeous

size and weight depends on line, my old working line boy was incredibly tall, almost like a dane. Yet I've seen some tine show line sheps, way too much difference in the breed. If you can feel ribs and have decent musculature then your dog is fine, I dont bother with numbers for dogs anymore.

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Gee, over 40kg's seems heavy for a male GSD???. My boy is 2 years 7 months 67cm's (over max height) and weighs 36kg. I guess some bloodlines must vary??? We have always fed our dogs on mince rice and vegies with sardines twice a week and some dry dog biscuits in the morning. Our last old boy made 15 years on that diet............perhaps nothing to do with his diet??? :)

Depends on a lot of things here....i also have an oversized dog (70cms) YIKES and he is 40kgs, vet said to me after we saw him for the first time, he was about to come in and go off about having an shepherd at 40kgs, but then stopped when he saw how tall Rajko was, the weight is all the extra bone on him!! LOL :(

I would imagine at 70cm's, Rajko's build at 40kg's would be similar to my boy's 36kg's at 67cm's. I have seen a few 40kg males at 65cm's which to me look overweight :) I don't think my boy could carry much more than 38kg's before he would loose his waistline :)

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