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So Proud Of My Puppies


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This morning we did our usual play session down in the park. Heaps of 'training', but really just running around like mad things and a few tricks and some heel work thrown in for good measure - nothing that is actually 'useful' in the scheme of things. (Although stays are quite useful for when you get sick of being followed from room to room by 2 sets of obsessive eyes! :laugh: )

When we got home the dogs were both up into the back yard like a shot. They love nothing more than chasing birds out of their yard and here was one of their enemies wandering around on the ground squarking. I thought the bird was dead for sure - I have found unfortunate birds in our yard before, not to mention any number of slightly slower moving blue tongue lizards.

I called the dogs off and both of them turned around and came to me (CK did give it a second and third look, but his hearing isn't as good as Xena's :love: .)

Nett result - one baby magpie making a trip to the vet in not too shabby a state and one very happy dog owner. Sometimes all the games really do pay off in the real world!! :laugh:

Merry Christmas everyone.

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