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Feeding Liver


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We have a picky eater here but if you add a little bit of cooked liver (he won't eat it raw - would rather stave to death) to his dry food it all gets eaten. He only gets about 100g (he's a 45kg deerhound) but it seems to be enough to entice him to eat the dry food as well.

I think I remember reading somewhere that feeding liver every day is bad for them? Is that right or is my memory playing up again? He only gets it for dinner, for breakfast a bit of yoghurt or cheese usually makes him eat at least some of his biscuit.


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thanks for the info. Unfortunately he's not a huge fan of wetting his food either as then it sticks to the bowl and is way too much effort to eat. I really think he would be happy never to have to bother with food, he looks like you're torturing him when you call him back to finish his meal. Prehaps i'll experiment with how little we can give him with him still eating the biccy.

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If he's that picky with his dry food- what's he like with meat/bones?

He's not too bad with meat as long as it's been cooked, although he will eat chicken (always a bit worried he'll choke as he swallows them whole) or turkey necks raw but not chicken frames. He'll have a chew on a marrow bone but there's not usually much meat on them. We tried going to a raw food diet for a while but it didn't work. Meanwhile our bitch is on a major diet as she has no such reservations and usually polishes off anything he doesn't eat.

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Up to 100gm of liver per day should be fine for a 45kg dog. Just make sure you don't also give dried liver treats as well or it may all be too much.

I have found the dried liver sprinkles from "Luvem" very useful for putting on the food of picky eaters. They go a long way so you can get away with feeding a smaller quantity than you would with fresh cooked liver.

Finely grated cheese, mashed sardines, or sieved hard boiled egg over the food could all be worth a try as well for a change.

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Must be frustrating :eek:

It is a bit although at least he won't have problems with obesity :(

dancinbsc - thanks for that, I wouldn't of even thought of the addditional dried liver which we do give as training treats. I think i'll have to alternate with something else on the days he gets treats. Grated cheese seems to work ok and he does like scrambled eggs but turned his nose up at sardines (which he used to love) the other day. It would certianly be easier if he didn't keep changing the rules. Good thing we love him to bits!

Thanks everyone for your advice :D

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