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Bossy Dog


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I have a male rescue ridgeback cross, about 3 years old and desexed, had him for about 2 months.

He is a dominant dog and quite bossy to my 3 year old female labrador when it comes to toys and old bones in the backyard. She's now wary of playing with them when he's around.

I've been using the vinegar/water squirt bottle and 'uh-uh's and he does stop unwanted behaviour immediately, but only when I'm there.

My lab girl is placid and generally very submissive, when he takes things, it never turns into a fight, he sneaks up or charges, grabs whatever she's holding in her mouth or causes her to relinquish it and races off with the hostage.

I've never had two dogs at the same time and am a beginner at interpreting canine behaviour. I hoped that they would get along better but am finding that I have to separate them often due to rough playing turning into scrapping and snapping- with her picking on him indoors and him picking on her outdoors. One will bite the lower ruff of the neck repeatedly to encourage the other to wrestle, constantly.

They are always fed separately and he is happy to share the water bucket so the resource hoarding has me puzzled. He even steals her newly dug holes in the yard! I feel bad as my lab has been an only dog and it feels like she's had to sacrifice a lot for her new demanding housemate.

Any advice? Does the fact that he keeps repeating this behaviour mean I'm not the most assertive leader or does it just take persistence and some more strategies?

Edited by Ms Genki
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I'd be removing all toys when you are not around to control the situation that way he can't practice his bad habits. I would also be treating him a bit like a puppy again, so if he gets a bit rough or demanding in his play then give him a time out (backyard, bathroom, laundry etc), when he's quiet after a few minutes bring him out again and try again. Also incorporating things like NILIF (Nothing in life is free) and TOT (triangle of temptation) will help to teach him who's in charge.

If he's really demanding perhaps separate the dogs when you aren't around to give your older girl a break and allow you to teach him how you want him to behave when you are there to supervise.

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