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Group Dog Training In Sydney North?


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Hi there,

We just adopted a six month old kelpie cross staffy, she has had no obedience training but is very smart and picks things up straight away. Only had her two nights and she sits and lies down when told. She is good with my cat and around the horses, but she did get frightened by two boisterous retreivers yesterday and barked with her hair up and lept into my Dad's arms (don't blame her, the dogs were all over her and really big)

I really want to get her well socilaised, we have a great dog park near us, and I like to walk there each day, but won't take her till she is trained. My last dog I trained from puppy school then dog training, and he was an amazing dog. I don't know where to start with a 6 month old?

Does anyone know of any group training available, partiularly at Tunks Park? I once saw a group down there that looked like they were doing what I'm after.

Any help appreciated, she's a great dog, just want to give her the best start


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Most obedience clubs would be closed over the summer. Mine doesn't go back until Feb. Here's a couple of links to clubs on the DogsNsw website.



If she's already had a fright with other dogs I wouldn't take her to the dog park just yet, they aren't all they're cracked up to be. Not everyone that goes to them take enough care of their dogs. As you've only had her for a couple of nights, she will need a couple of weeks to settle into her new home & learn all the rules.

Good luck with her & would love to see pictures.

Edited by luvsdogs
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