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Goodbye My Beautiful Girl

fiona mills

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post-7147-1260917972_thumb.jpg This morning we said goodbye to our little old treasure, for 15 years she has been the most loving companion to all the children, she has tolerated many foster puppies swinging off her ears and been the most wonderful mother to many orphaned creatures. We will miss you doddering around the house and rushing off to some place only to forget why you were there at all. Rest easy my friend you will never be forgotten. :thumbsup:
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She has been slowly going down hill for the last few months so we knew the time would come, I'm sad that she didn't get one more christmas with us but she will be here in spirit I'm sure. There is already a noticeable absence in the house which is very hard to shake. I know that Pets at Peace will look after her and when she returns to us she has a place with her other old friends on the dresser.

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