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Worm Question


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I have a few possums that live in the trees in my backyard. Sarge and Madeline seem to think the possum poop is some kind of gourmet delicacy and often snuffle around the yard gobbling up the possum pebbles. My main concern - are they at risk from any parasites, particularly worms? The dogs are heartwormed every month and I've just given them an all-wormer that targets 11 gastointestinal worms including Roundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm and Tapeworm (including Hydatid).

They've been doing it for months and I've seen no obvious ill effects but I'm wondering about the risk of parasites that might be transferred to them through the poop.

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Kei loves possum poop too, it is only second to cats bum :o

So here's what I think you should do... collect all the poop, combine it with 'cats bum flavour' package it up and then make a fortune selling "Mystery Dog Treats" online :eek: I'll buy some for sure :eek:

Seriously, I dont think you need to worry about worms though :happydance:

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:rofl: You know, you could have something there. Natural, tasty treats. Fits right in with the theme of my shop, and they're free too! :rofl:

Pele snarfles up the possum poo at SAODC. On our first night there I suggested that they bag it and sell it for training treats. They didn't see the funny side :rofl: Get out there Jo and it collect before they change their minds :rofl:

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