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Do I Want A 5d Mark Ii Or No?

Guest Tess32

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Just vaguely thinking about it....I really don't know if I do. Is the image quality REALLY far far better than the 50D?

The lenses I have are the 100-400L and the 70-200 F4L. I shoot low light a lot and often use high iso's.

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Just vaguely thinking about it....I really don't know if I do. Is the image quality REALLY far far better than the 50D?

The lenses I have are the 100-400L and the 70-200 F4L. I shoot low light a lot and often use high iso's.

I dont know, do you think your pics can be improved upon by more expensive gear? They're pretty amazing to me. If you did buy, who would you get it off?

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Yes, you want a 5D mark II

There are few things I hate about it, but every time I use it I remember why we were happy to part with the money.

For you particularly, the full frame and the file size alone would make it worthwhile. You are able to crop in far more than you can on the 50D and maintain a very high quality file.

It also has smoother gradients from light to dark (when images are correctly exposed, of course).

Yes yes yes.

The cons to the camera - the focus sucks. Centrepoint focus is the only 100% reliable point. Some of the other points just won't work from time to time but if the camera is struggling to focus, knock it back to the centre and you will pin point your spot perfectly.

It has crap colour but a few tweaks in camera with a customised profile are all it needs. If you don't tweak, you end up with blue in the shadows and horrific chromatic aboration.

I am still saying 'yes' though. :rofl: Shot with it again today and still very happy. Craps all over the 30D and 40D (and also the 50D).

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I have tossed back and forth and back and forth.

I do not have one and right now probably won't be looking to add one in the near future.

Do your images suck now? Are you unhappy with what you are getting? If so, WHAT are you unhappy with?

Although I see people point out the pros like Ash did above, so far none of them have convinced me that what I'm producing for my clients or for myself is so inferior that moving to this body will be worth the cash outlay. I've compared personally and any benefits are not great enough for me personally to add this particular camera ... and the autofocus thing is really unacceptable on a high end body imho (and it would drive me mental having to have a workaround on a camera I'm using professionally.)

It is a lovely camera that can produce lovely files. Only you can decide if the change is worth it.

Are you happy to move to full frame and lose the "extra" reach a crop gives you? Are you willing to sacrifice accurate focus on all of your focus points?

It's a tough choice and one I actually revisit every few months LOL

Sigh, if I could just win lotto I'd add a 1DsIV body when it comes out and not have to think about things LOL

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I really wish I could trial it first.

What I would like out of it (that I know of) is the ability to crop more as I already do quite a bit. Even at 400mm I need to half the time.

Better noise performance would be really really handy, I practically live on ISO 1600.

The focus issue is a problem though. Is it really that bad? To be honest I almost always use center focus anyway. I can't remember the last time I didn't. So wouldn't be much of a problem for me?

Is there anywhere you can rent them cheaply and try it out I wonder?

Everyone seems to say the image quality is much better than the 50D.

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Image quality would be better on larger prints, being full frame wouldn't it? If you can afford it, go for it. Do they hire out cameras like lenses?

I think I have a review of the 5D in an English mag I have, want me to dig it out and PDF it to you? It is a 4 page spread on it from memory. Or FredandMiranda have camera reviews with people putting their images out of camera up there I think. Before I bought my 300mm prime, I read the reviews at F&M and had a look at the pics and when I don't put the UV filter on it, it's so sharp I can see the pin feathers straight out of camera, just with my 30D. I'm going to upgrade to the 50D when I can afford it and keep the 30D as back-up.

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Image quality would be better on larger prints, being full frame wouldn't it? If you can afford it, go for it. Do they hire out cameras like lenses?

I think I have a review of the 5D in an English mag I have, want me to dig it out and PDF it to you? It is a 4 page spread on it from memory. Or FredandMiranda have camera reviews with people putting their images out of camera up there I think. Before I bought my 300mm prime, I read the reviews at F&M and had a look at the pics and when I don't put the UV filter on it, it's so sharp I can see the pin feathers straight out of camera, just with my 30D. I'm going to upgrade to the 50D when I can afford it and keep the 30D as back-up.

Ooh I'd forgotten about FM, thanks! I'll look at those rviews.

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Hiring one is a great idea.

I just hired a couple of lenses to have a play...was great, but ended up costing me a bundle :o:laugh::)

if you always shoot on the centre focus point and have no need to add the others, then the focus issues are moot really.

Remember, you will be cropping MORE with the 5DII as you will lose a significant amount of reach. Will you get better results than you are getting now? you're really going to have to do some tests that reflect how YOU shoot to see.

Reviews are great but each shooter is different and has different needs, goals, standards, expectations so figuring out what gear meets your personal needs is essential so you aren't just throwing money away with no real gain for yourself.

Have you thought about getting longer glass?

Is your 50D disappointing you in some way?

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I posted some photos I took to flickr and another friend who is a photographer wrote to me and said that she can see the difference between when I shoot on the 40D and the 5D even without looking at the exif data.

I used to think people who said stuff like this were full of it (particularly since I LOVE the 40D - still do) but there really is a difference in the quality when it's teamed with good glass.

I get great shots with good glass and a 40D, I get awesome shots with good glass and the 5D.

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Hiring one is a great idea.

I just hired a couple of lenses to have a play...was great, but ended up costing me a bundle :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

if you always shoot on the centre focus point and have no need to add the others, then the focus issues are moot really.

Remember, you will be cropping MORE with the 5DII as you will lose a significant amount of reach. Will you get better results than you are getting now? you're really going to have to do some tests that reflect how YOU shoot to see.

Reviews are great but each shooter is different and has different needs, goals, standards, expectations so figuring out what gear meets your personal needs is essential so you aren't just throwing money away with no real gain for yourself.

Have you thought about getting longer glass?

Is your 50D disappointing you in some way?

I don't think I could get any longer glass. I have the 100-400 and I can use it hand held. Anything longer and I'd have to use a tripod I'd imagine and I hate them so no chance there.

The 50D noise levels are better than what I had (30D) but still aren't that great IMO, and so that is one of the things I'm interested in.

I will really have to test it at the zoo to see how it goes.

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