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Odd Lump Near Whiskers?

Red Fox

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Kei has a little pink lump in amongst where his whiskers are.

It first showed up when he was around 8 months old then soon disappeared so I though little of it. In the past month or so it has re-appeared again (he is now 14 months old).

It doesn't appear to be itchy or causing him any pain, it did however bleed a little when I had a pick at it (I first though it may have been an ingrown whisker so gave it a little squeeze :laugh: ). It almost looks like a blood vessel that some people get close to the skin -the ones that look like small raised pink bumps.

I thought I would just have it checked when I take him to the vet in January but now am wondering if I should go sooner...

Does anyone know what it might be :)

*I'll add a pic soon if I can get a decent one.

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My first ridgeback had one similiar & it was a pimple. Not sure if it the same at Kei's.

Thanks. I dont think it's a pimple though. It's harder then a pimple and no pus inside. Kind of looks a little like a skin tag but I dont think a skin-tag would form in this area :thumbsup:

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Dante has those :o

he rubs his muzzle a fair bit so I gather they are from that.

But couldj ust be a skin growth.

Kei doesn't rub his muzzle at all really... I did wonder if the cat caused it when they were play-fighting and it just never healed properly?? Poor Kei has ended up with the occasional claw in the muzzle :eek: Doesn't stop him going back for more though :eek:

A skin growth could be a possibility. It's not growing or bothering him at all so think I'll just have it checked in January :D

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