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Chloe's Journey With Cushings...


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I'm worried about Chloe. Just last week I was saying how fantastic she looked – so well – full of energy etc… yesterday I noticed her gums were quite pale. After a couple of hours they seemed to return to normal, however it's a massive worry. I'm just waiting for the specialist to call me back now. I'm hoping that she is just receiving too much medication and on the verge of becoming Addisonian and perhaps will be taken off the meds for a while, however I'm worried it may be something worse… like kidney failure, or auto immune anaemia (not sure of the technical term) - even though just a few months ago her specialist said her kidney function was fine. The last time she became Addisonian, we didn't even really know – the symptoms just weren't obvious, so we need to be really careful with her now and look for the smallest of changes.

She appears well otherwise, although her legs did seem a bit weaker than normal yesterday. But she was still energetic, hungry, and jumped all over me (which she very rarely does). She even insisted on going for 2 walks…

I feel so worried. She's been such a trooper through all the tests, medications etc for Cushings disease. It's such a nasty disease, as is Addisons disease. I worry we are pushing her too hard, although I regularly just sit with her quietly to see if she is trying to tell me it's time for her to go… and she never appears to. And it's something that I deliberately look for to ensure I never miss it so she will suffer, no matter how much I don't want to see it.

Anyway, guess it's just a vent. It's terrible not knowing what's going on, and means more testing. I just wish it was simpler, so we weren't always so worried about Chloe and she could just live happily for a while instead of being so up and down… I'm worried we will miss something and she will become worse...

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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  Kelly_Louise said:
I feel so worried. ... It's terrible not knowing what's going on, and means more testing. I just wish it was simpler, so we weren't always so worried about Chloe and she could just live happily for a while instead of being so up and down… I'm worried we will miss something and she will become worse...

If it helps you any to know, I worry too. I worry for my dog not being as well as I think he could or should be. I worry that I'm over-worrying. Then I worry that I should be worried when I'm trying to tell myself not to be.

It can send you a bit :laugh: . So you need to console yourself with the fact that Chloe is what and how she is and that you continue to simply do your best for her. No-one can ask more than that.

But I agree .... it would be lovely if things such as this could simply stabilise for a while, and not be on such a roller coaster ride.

Good luck. I hope that this latest isn't sinister and that there's some simple and easy explanation for it.

In amongst your worry, though ..... be sure to take time out and just enjoy.

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Thank you Bokezu - means alot after you losing your dear boy...

These diseases are so stressful. I'm lucky my girl is such a little trooper, and my family - although they don't fully understand the disease - are so supportive. :laugh:

We can only take one step at a time, so test first and then we know where to go from there.

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Thanks Erny - I know you've been there too. It would be nice if she could just have a mild symptom and not have us panic it's something much worse. But we've learnt now that the smallest of changes means something much bigger and needs to be caught early. I guess that's where the worry and stress comes in. Worrying that we may miss something, worrying that we may be over-worrying and putting her through unwarranted testing and draining the bank account unneccesarily - it's such a fine line. But in saying that, when you've known your dog for 12 years like we have - you just know when something isn't right. It's just frightening because as I said, last week I was congratulating mum on the fantastic job she's done with her because she looked the picture of health and vitality. She still looks great - however two small things nagged on my mind and I knew something was amiss.

I take plenty of quiet time with my girl to just enjoy every second we have with her... we had our own quiet time for a couple of hours yesterday, we just sat and talked. She gave cuddles and kisses. She's not ready to give up yet. Lucky she has a family that adore her... we've done everything in our power and knowledge so far to get her to be in such good condition (with all the setbacks) at almost 12 years old - so no matter what happens - I will always feel proud knowing we did everything we could for Chloe and she's had every chance. So many others are not that lucky. The specialist is always amazed at her condition... for an older dog that's been through the wars, she's come through better than anyone expected. Let's hope it continues.

I feel at least less worried knowing she will see her specialist - and we will know for sure what is happening. He is a great man, I trust him and this whole experience would be so much more stressful if we hadn't found such a caring specialist who just seems to know Chloe. It's a relief handing her over to him (even though she doesn't like going).

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Kelly Louise I was hoping we could all get thru Christmas without drama - how wrong can I be :laugh: I am crossing everything for Chloe, and hoping it is something mild and nothing to do with either C or A. Keep your chin up KL you've come a very long way, over a massively bumpy road. I'm saying a prayer for Chloe and forcing Zedley to do the same :laugh:

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Thanks for your thoughts as always Loraine - I was also hoping for a bit of a calmer ride for a little while, moreso for Chloe's benefit, but it's just not to be. I try to be positive, but always find myself assuming the worst these days... the upside of that is that when she comes marching through another episode, I'm always pleasantly surprised. I feel that it may just be too much medication, but I've been proven wrong many times before with this unpredictable disease.

Thank you for your ongoing support, I feel good that she is going into be tested so we know for sure what's going on... because not knowing is the worst part. :rofl:

HOpefully some good news either tonight or tomorrow :D

PS. Thanks to Zed for his prayers too :laugh:

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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Hi Kelly Louise, I've been following Chloe's story and wish I could offer help of some kind but all I can do is send you both all my best wishes and healing thoughts. You've done a wonderful job of keeping Chloe as healthy as she has been. No owner could have done more. I hope you get good news and she can pick up again so you can enjoy more time together.

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I hope everything turns out fine and tests show nothing that can be fixed with changes in the dosages.

We also worry and worry about worrying too much. Sometimes I find myself going from cuddles to examination mode without noticing. I wish I had something helpful to add other than our prayers and best thoughts for Chloe and also for you.

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  chiquito said:
Sometimes I find myself going from cuddles to examination mode without noticing.

Yes, I know this feeling all too well. From a belly scratch, to a skin inspection... from play to gum inspection... from just watching her be a dog, to monitoring how much she is drinking or peeing... My whole family find they do it now, by default. It's just the way it is now. :D Still, I guess with this disease it's better to be over-worried than ignore the symptoms or not monitor at all. My specialist has been good, I call him with every change we see - and he generally reassures me and has been very spot on with Chloe so far - which is pretty good seeing this disease is so unpredictable.

Thank you for your thoughts, I am just waiting for the specialist to call back - he was doing his rounds this morning when I called. Hopefully will have some good news soon.

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So, first up - the good news. Her levels from the ACTH stim test were quite good - a little lower than expected, but within normal range and she's under very good control. Still, her medication has been reduced (from 20mg twice a day to 15mg twice a day) just to ensure she doesn't drop into the danger zone. Specialist ran some other tests (which we weren't charged for :thumbsup: ) which indicated that her liver, kidney, and red blood cell count were all great. Specialist was VERY happy with her, in fact, he said it's the best he's seen her since her diagnosis. So what could be the 'but' you ask?

Well, there is nothing to explain her pale gums (other than a one off incident). He did however, during his examination of her say that her abdomen felt quite full. He said that if we see further symptoms like pale gums etc - she may have to go in for an ultrasound, as the full abdomen 'may' indicate a problem with her spleen (ie a tumour) that is having a small bleed - dropping her blood pressure and hence pale gums. Although, he did say if that WAS the case (and at this point he sees it unneccesary for the ultrasound providing she shows no more symptoms) it is only a small bleed as all her bloodworks indicate a good function.

So, although it doesn't explain her pale gums etc (and her gums were very normal when he checked her, in fact were normal not long after I noticed they were pale) - I guess we can just assume all is good and it was a one off incident (ie an insect bite etc) unless we see further symptoms - which we will be monitoring very closely.

Basically he summed up with - if we hadn't made him aware of the symptoms I saw - then he would have no reason to assume she was anything but healthy from all the signs he saw... however the 'but' is weighing heavily on my mind, and I pray we don't see any more pale gums or associated symptoms...

My darling girl never ceases to amaze us... Go Chloe Go!

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So the roller damned coaster continues!! Have you ever wondered what we would do when it stops :laugh:

Sorry that you got a 'but', but overall Chloe's results sound good. Maybe her pale gums were just a one off. Sometimes I notice that Zedley's gums are pale, and I know that he is as fit as a fiddle, so have no clue as to what causes it. Maybe Chloe has had a bite or sting that was nothing to worry about - I am hoping that there is nothing on her spleen or other internal organs.

Fingers crossed for a peaceful end to this year and a Christmas unamarred by the C disease and its side effects. Give that brave girl a bit hug from me and the Z-man.

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Will do gladly Loraine - thanks muchly for your reassurance and thoughts, perhaps it's not as dramatic as what I imagined, I may have even over-reacted (who ME? NEVER! :rofl: ) - but at the end of the day it's better to be safe than sorry... and now I know that she's on the right track with her meds and *hopefully* we can breeze through the holiday season without a hiccup.

For an old dog that has Cushings, pretty bad arthritis and steel rod enforced legs - and she STILL demands to go for no less than two walks a day - that's got to be a pretty good sign doesn't it? :laugh:

Few would pick her as an almost twelve year old dog (except when she's a bit stiff or overdone the exercise) - she really has done well.

The upside of it is... at least her journey continues :laugh: Doesn't get better than that right now. :laugh:

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  Kelly_Louise said:
Will do gladly Loraine - thanks muchly for your reassurance and thoughts, perhaps it's not as dramatic as what I imagined, I may have even over-reacted (who ME? NEVER! :laugh: ) - but at the end of the day it's better to be safe than sorry... and now I know that she's on the right track with her meds and *hopefully* we can breeze through the holiday season without a hiccup.

For an old dog that has Cushings, pretty bad arthritis and steel rod enforced legs - and she STILL demands to go for no less than two walks a day - that's got to be a pretty good sign doesn't it? :D

Few would pick her as an almost twelve year old dog (except when she's a bit stiff or overdone the exercise) - she really has done well.

The upside of it is... at least her journey continues :laugh: Doesn't get better than that right now. :eek:

Now you are sounding more upbeat :rofl: Hey she probably has a good number of years in her yet - you just keep on watching and doing what you are doing. :D

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I guess it's much easier to be upbeat when you've had good news, and she appears to be well. With this disease, I guess we can only concentrate on the good, and not worry about the 'what ifs' unless unexpected symptoms arise. It's easier too because I know that she will be re-tested in another month to ensure the new slightly lower dosage is okay for her. Due to having a few hiccups this year the 3 month re-testing makes me a bit nervous - so much can go wrong in that time... but it's best for Chloe not to have to have so many tests. I don't want her last few years being spent continually at the vet.

Her specialist being overwhelmingly pleased, and her test results coming back - not just okay - but really good, is very encouraging. I think we need a reminder every now and then that we're on the right track, and then we all breathe a cautioned sigh of relief.

Wouldn't wish this disease on anyone - or their families...

Lucky I have such a big supportive base here, what would we do without you guys? :eek:

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That's good news! To me it's always somehow a relief to have a course of action, like the one set out by your specialist.

I wish we didn't have to worry, but because of the worrying they're as good as they can be. All the best and keep up your good job!

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