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Youtubing Dolers


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Huski there is an option when you upload them for youtube that says do you want to make them private. Its automatically selected and you have to deselect it. Its down the bottom of the screen that pops up.

ETA. It says make this movie personal (so if you want it publically viewable you have to unselect that box).

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Huski there is an option when you upload them for youtube that says do you want to make them private. Its automatically selected and you have to deselect it. Its down the bottom of the screen that pops up.

ETA. It says make this movie personal (so if you want it publically viewable you have to unselect that box).

Thanks Ness, got that sorted, just annoying that I have to remember to edit the vid once it's uploaded to make it public - I remembered for the first vid and forgot for the second one :champagne:

I always find watching my vids a bit cringe worthy, but at least it is a great way to learn and realise what you need to improve on :thumbsup:

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I always find watching my vids a bit cringe worthy, but at least it is a great way to learn and realise what you need to improve on :thumbsup:

Me too...but it is a learning experience. I never realised how unenthusiastic I looked (probably more self conscious than unenthusiastic). And I think I need to do a few laps around the oval after training sessions :champagne:

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Hmmmm if anybody wants a serious handling laugh just go and have a flick through some of my old videos on my channel :laugh: . Actually I was having a look at some of them tonight - thinking poor Ness. Some of my early agility videos are a scream :champagne: .

ETA. If anybody wants a bit of a sticky at some old clips here are a few links

2003 Novice Agility :thumbsup: -

Ness back in 2005 - heelwork -

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Hmmmm if anybody wants a serious handling laugh just go and have a flick through some of my old videos on my channel :laugh: . Actually I was having a look at some of them tonight - thinking poor Ness. Some of my early agility videos are a scream :thumbsup: .

Tis alright Ness I've got about 50 of my own laughable vids on utube including the ones from tonight :champagne:

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Hmmmm if anybody wants a serious handling laugh just go and have a flick through some of my old videos on my channel :whip: . Actually I was having a look at some of them tonight - thinking poor Ness. Some of my early agility videos are a scream :laugh: .

Well at least I should have a good source of entertainment when I look back in a few years :champagne:

I'm going to have a look at some of yours.... :thumbsup:

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Teaching Trixie to 'line up'


This is our first go at this, would really like feedback, please tell me if I'm doing it wrong! I'm standing next to her (trying to anyway!) with her on my left when she is sitting and clicking and treating when she's in the right spot. Going to try and do it a couple of times a day.

Amypie - You did a good job but you are just taking too long to reward. The moment you step into heel position start shovelling the food in and make sure you break her off before you run out of food.

As Ness suggested it is easier if you do it next to a wall - I use the car. As she starts getting the idea you can start slowing the food delivery down.

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LOL I would be scared to post here, the people who I think are doing good got told otherwise!

SAS - I am really a softie at heart :thumbsup: BUT I am still waiting for you video :champagne::whip:

I am here to help and offer advice to those of you who are looking at entering the obedience ring. I started from scratch and i only wish I had somebody take me under their wing. I used to stand outside the ring and when a handler came out I would ask them 100 questions - living in the country and with my first dog its the way I learnt.

I promise I will be gentle.......and it wont hurt a bit :laugh:

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Hmmmm if anybody wants a serious handling laugh just go and have a flick through some of my old videos on my channel :rofl: . Actually I was having a look at some of them tonight - thinking poor Ness. Some of my early agility videos are a scream :rofl: .

ETA. If anybody wants a bit of a sticky at some old clips here are a few links

2003 Novice Agility :rofl: -

Ness back in 2005 - heelwork -

What happened in the agility video? How come you called her off the A-Frame? Besides that, I didn't think it looked too bad ;) Like amypie with not knowing good from bad with obedience, I'm the same with agility :rofl:

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LOL I would be scared to post here, the people who I think are doing good got told otherwise!

SAS - I am really a softie at heart :rofl: BUT I am still waiting for you video :rofl::)

I am here to help and offer advice to those of you who are looking at entering the obedience ring. I started from scratch and i only wish I had somebody take me under their wing. I used to stand outside the ring and when a handler came out I would ask them 100 questions - living in the country and with my first dog its the way I learnt.

I promise I will be gentle.......and it wont hurt a bit ;)

The last one I have is from late 2009 but it's from the obedience class and about 9 minutes long, I don't think you're that intrigued to see how shit I am LOL

At the moment I'm doing clicker challenges in the Dane Thread, last one was a Pivot turn, we're still working on it but when the challenge finished this is where we were:

(Technically not really a pivot, we tried but the big boof couldn't physically pivot, it's a work in progress) You can't take a sideward step and have him re-join you at heel, he doesn't understand that, we have tried putting a lead around his body as well to help hm but noooo LOL

My major issues as I see them: My footwork is bad.....I NEVER EVER step off on my right foot for Stays, I want to but my brain won't let me! My about turn footwork is poo.

Dante is a Dane, breed should never be used as an excuse although they generally are fairly slow creatures LOL

One of the recent problems I seem to have created is that when he recalls he doesn't stop in front of me to sit anymore he runs to return to heel so I have had to go back to step one to have food for him on approach.

Sits and drops are pretty crooked too BUT he can do them straight...

MMM what else! :rofl: Also forgot to say Dante has Osteo-Arthritis, this can sometimes effect him, however sometimes it's hard to know whether it's is his back or him being a wank as to why he's not doing something :rofl:

Here's the video from the obedience night (look for the Harlequin Great Dane):

This one is just some backyard stuff from April after he hasn't been trained in god knows how long due to health issues: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOomoyrGRiE

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At the moment I'm doing clicker challenges in the Dane Thread, last one was a Pivot turn, we're still working on it but when the challenge finished this is where we were:
(Technically not really a pivot, we tried but the big boof couldn't physically pivot, it's a work in progress) You can't take a sideward step and have him re-join you at heel, he doesn't understand that, we have tried putting a lead around his body as well to help hm but noooo LOL

WOW - there are people out there with agility BC's who don't have the rear end movement that this guy has. You have done a terrific job as I can only imagine that it is like trying to back a bendy bus :D and I mean this in the nicest possible way.

How old is your boy and how long did it take you to get to where you are now with the pivoting?

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Ok quick question to do with recalls for CCD. When I return to Daisy I tend to take a step back and then walk around her. Someone mentioned to me the other night that you might only be allowed to take a step to the side and then return to them - does anyone know if there are rules about this? If I'm not being clear, you can see what I mean in the first vid I uploaded last night, when Daisy does a recall and I take a step back as I return around her.

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At the moment I'm doing clicker challenges in the Dane Thread, last one was a Pivot turn, we're still working on it but when the challenge finished this is where we were:
(Technically not really a pivot, we tried but the big boof couldn't physically pivot, it's a work in progress) You can't take a sideward step and have him re-join you at heel, he doesn't understand that, we have tried putting a lead around his body as well to help hm but noooo LOL

WOW - there are people out there with agility BC's who don't have the rear end movement that this guy has. You have done a terrific job as I can only imagine that it is like trying to back a bendy bus :o and I mean this in the nicest possible way.

How old is your boy and how long did it take you to get to where you are now with the pivoting?

He's approaching 3 years of age with a mental maturity of approx. 2 months of age LOL

Our first clicker session to start off the targeting for Pivoting was 12.11.09: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OurJndZm1go

LOL Danes tend to have ZERO rear end awareness, to me he still needs alot more!

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