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Jedi -

Ahsoka -

Terranik your kids are doing really really well and I really hope you get Jedi's allergy problems sorted. Having an allergy kid myself I know what you are going through. I am now 3 years into the densensitization program and we are doing OK - although I have just discovered another food that she is allergic to and I am now trying to sort out her red chest and belly.

You need to slow your left about turns down and perhaps put in an extra step as you wizz around and lose them. I would be looking at playing the hansel and gretel game where you reward them for finding heel and throw the food to force them out of heel and then C/T once they find heel again.

With Ahsoka - in the recall when you left the dog - you will notice that the dog was very distracted and kept looking from side to side. I have this issue with Beans and have started going back and rewarding more often - clicking and throwing food so she is now more focused on me when I leave her.

Keep up the great work.

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Hey Ptolomy how do you teach your dog to shuffle over like that. I gave it a try today but Banjo's front end was coming over, not all of him :thumbsup: .

Tiggy try leaving Banjo in a sit at heel and then you do a 1/4 turn turning towards him and then ask him to line up. He then really has to move his back end to get into position.

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Some training videos of my two working tonight -



If I was practicing straight presents with a young dog I would have food in my hand so that when they presented I didn't have to dive into my pocket - I don't think kenzie's first present was straight but when you dived into your pocket she didn't hold position, but turned towards your pocket.

Ness being at UD level I would expect straight presents from her - the way you are asking her to present you are doing all the hard work. I would be leaving her in a sit and taking a step forward and one to the side and saying come - no excessive hand movements, nothing, and if she didn't nail it - it would be too bad so sad. I know the finishes are a constant work in progress.

YOu will notice Ness throwing food between her legs and telling the dog to get it - this helps bring the dog in straight and close. I am doing a lot of this with lexi who has personal space issues.

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Terranik was nice enough to film Zero and I the other night with our heel work. Let me have it! I need you guys to pick it apart!

So far I've realised, Zero curves around me rather than being straight, his stand is crooked though when I was out there I didn't notice it. It's also not instant. Definitely something to work on this week!

Mostly I think it's me that's having problems - I'm not walking with purpose, and so he's surging and lagging at different points and my signals are all over the shop.

Oh and my instructors shirt is hideous... though i look a lot thinner in the video than in person so that makes up for it :thumbsup:

Shell you need to get your act sorted it looked like you were going for a Sunday stroll. Walk with some purpose - do some heeling without your dog so you can get your footwork sorted. You dog is doing a terrific job despite your handling.

Even though the dog is a novice dog - as Ness said start working on reducing your signals.

I would like to see another video in 4 weeks time - NO PRESSURE!

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:D Ptolomy - got your stick out tonight - sounds good I have missed it :( .

Kenz's presents are usually very straight but were also a by product in that video - but point noted. I probably don't have the food out often enough. That is only a subset of what we actually did. I used her i-squeak ball as well and had that in front already and dropped it into her mouth. Kenz hasn't done a lot of round the back finish work so the hand going into position to help her needs to go bigtime :thumbsup: .

Ness - hmmm its the first thing she has done in a while and because all her presents at training last week were plain woeful and she sat out to far I wanted to reward her sitting in front but mostly we were working finishes. I can't work them both in the same session for obvious reasons. So the luring her in was purely just a means of getting her in front of me so I could reset for a finish.

Thanks for the feedback though will certainly take it on board because like you said presents and finishes are a constant work in progress. I thought I did a great job of not rewarding the shitty ones. I would ask the dog to correct itself and then tell them they were good but not give them food or toy and then ask a second time and only reward if they were spot on. Must have learned something :D .

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Here's my first one :D Pretty boring - mainly some flat work with Miss Trixie. I do like her enthusiasm though :( and I only tripped over her twice :thumbsup:


I'm learning things already from videoing it though... I never realised how much I lure! Bad! Also need to stand up straighter and not crouch down as much.

Hey Amypie when can I drop Cider over??? Wouldn't you love a red dog to train for agility? :(

You will have to have your running shoes on Trixie is going to be fast :D

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:D amypie - just be thankful you only posted agility video to the thread :D . Ptolomy is back with her stick hahaa. Trix looked very cute in her video though and she looks to have the makings of a nice agility dog :thumbsup: . Kenzie and I tonight at the park were working on front cross figure 8's around a couple of trees.

We also managed to fit in some driving to a stationary toy at full speed. Was to wet to get any jumps out though - need to do some more finding her line on jump work.

Have you tried any puppy jumping grids with Trix yet?

ETA. Ptolomy do I dare ask have you done any puppy jumping grids with Cider :(:(:( :p .

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Ptolomy you shouldn't have let your red dog agility trainer get her own dog :thumbsup:

Nope still not quite sure what to do with puppy grids... need to look that up.

I know she's going to be fast, I have to harness it for good and not evil :D

I have trouble catching up with Kyzer at agility, when I take them to the oval I hold her and fling the ring zinger for Kyzer then let her go and she catches him alarmingly fast... I reckon she's nearly twice as fast at full speed. Scary!

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Terranik - I remember now - I would be putting my food in my left hand pocket if I was you and Shell - get rid of that bumbag (it swings, is distracting to the dog and its also at your dog head height), and get some ugly trackie dacks like we all wear so that you can get the food out of your pockets easily. IMO bumbags are great because they are easy to get food out of and you don't have to have nasty slimy food in your pockets BUT they are so visual, and dogs being smart quickly work out bumbag on means I will get fed, bumbag off means I don't.....

back in my box now.......

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ETA. Ptolomy do I dare ask have you done any puppy jumping grids with Cider :thumbsup: :D :D :( .

UMMM Nope :(

Might do something after the Classic - I am too busy breaking dogs at the moment and repairing gloves, stays, directed jumping - the list just goes on and on....... :(

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:D yeah fair enough - amypie I think Ptolomy has a copy of the puppy jumping grid Susan Salo dvd - maybe you could borrow it :thumbsup: .

As for me struggling at staying upright with Ness - er yep our lawn is a far cry from a bowling green - think a certain not so midget BC was responsible for that :D . Yep I know I needed to put Kenz away I just had no great plan to train Ness except for the fact she was really looking fired up. And Kenz has been good at sitting at watching - she was waiting on the chair while I did the other work with Ness so presumed foolishly that she might just wait there again.

We did later do a session at the bowling green oval and I did have Kenz tied up while I worked Ness then.

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I'm ready to beat YouTube with a stick :thumbsup: Still can't watch anything! It just leaves me with a white screen like it's loading... but 10 mins later, it's still like that!! It's not my internet either, because last night I was using a different one to what I am now! Might be my shoddy laptop then! Boo!!!!

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Thanks Tiggy :( She's pretty funny. I was beginning to teach her to line up today, I made her sit but when I tried to stand next to her she would spin around to face me to make sure she had a good view of my hands and any food they may hold :thumbsup: I filmed it for everyone's amusement :D I'll upload it tomorrow.

We'll get there :D

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