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Toilet Training


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Hi everyone

I am about to get my Amstaff puppy this coming week!

I want to know any techinques i can use or products i can use as to teach my puppy where to do his business.

He will live outside but i dont want to step on a surprise on the lawn or the pavers, but instead teach him to use a part of the garden.

Any help is greatly appreciated as I want to start teaching as soon as he arrives!!!


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It will be hard if the dog is to be kept permanently outside as he's going to wee and poo a lot as a small puppy and you won't be there to show him where you want him to go. It's a lot easier to teach this sort of behaviour if your dog's an inside dog as you simply take him to the designated area and give lots of praise when he uses it. There may be products that encourage him to use a certain place, but if you're not around to reinforce the behaviour I don't know how effective they'll be. Some dogs naturally tend to use the same area and if you're lucky he may be one of them, otherwise he'll probably use the whole yard.

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Agreed- unless you are home and with him 24/7 ..he will go when and where he wants.As you will probably be picking up a couple of times each day- you will notice which area he prefers to use.. and maybe gradually encourage his use of this area by praising each time you see him there....

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Hi Genolium,

I am getting my puppy son too- 5 weeks to go and counting! I have researched A LOT about toilet training as it is so important to get right from day one.. this website is fantastic and describes how to implement an errorless toilet training programme:


Also download the books "Before you get your puppy" and "After you get your puppy" here:


I have read them both and have heard loads of people having success with this method. I'm going to try it so fingers crossed!

Good luck, let us know how you get on with your trianing programme, there is so much to learn and remember!


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