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Litters Due In February 2010

Bilbo Baggins

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I have been lurking in here for a while getting my puppy fix :)

Congratulations on all the new arrivals :)

Lolaps, so sorry about your little bubba's :) Hope Mr Stubbs continues to strive.

I can hopefully add to the April litters soon.

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Ginger's dam in Sweden had pups yesterday, she had 6pups 540g-740g so obviously size is usual for her family her dam whelped tham all fine , Ginger whelped 5 pups in 3 hours so you're right somthing weird happened..........I guess I will never know what.

Stubbs has put on 50g in 2 days so thats good.

If I ever ever am brave (stupid) enough to do this again i will have to do an elective caesar I couldnt stand the worrying :(

Here is another pic of Stubbsy today doing pilates in his warm box.


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so sorry for your loss *Lolapalooza* good luck with mr stubbs he is so cute.

sorry I have been missing have been so busy I forget to drop by most days.

My puppies are 14 days old today, most of them have there eyes open now and are stumbling around on there feet, it has been a bit of a rough start have been having to supp feed them most days because mum hates caring for them one day then loves them the nexted, then she will be in the middle of feeding them and decided she is going to growl at them.

I can't trust her to be by herself with them without me being around, cause she either won't feed them or growls at them. I will put her in the box and turn around and she is out of the box again, sometimes if I tell her to get in the box and feed her puppies she will run away from me so she dosen't have to. they will be crying out for her and most of the time she just ignores them, very frustrating when it is in the middle of the night and all 7 are crying for a feed.

can't wait till they start lapping up their milk will make it much easier on me. I will post some pictures hopefully tomorrow.

congrats to everyone on the recent arrivals. :(

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Awww cute Mr stubbs, lovely markings too :(

CB: Wow how are you managing wth skin kids as well, thinking of you and your naughty doggy mum!

Pups here are gaining well and sta=rting to look cute and fat now, the one little girl has been christened 'Chloe' as for th boys..? When they are another week I will colour band them so i can identify!

Mum is doing well and is a superstar mother. All I have to do is let her out to toilet and feed and keep up her water (she is drinking HEAPS) and keep bedding clean :(

Had rear dews of on Tuesday (they get weird double ones) and found a new vet that actually puts a disolving stitch in...ok...? My regular vet wont do dews at all and I couldnt be bothered drivn all the way to monash. I was pretty happy with this guy and he even charged a very reasonable fee too. (I am a chicken and wont do dew claws!)

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One litter safely delivered..in my lap :laugh: My young mum proudly presented me with five !! 5 red pups..four girls & a boy..weights between 109gms & 155gms..am I hearing all you big doggies laughing :laugh: I don't know where she fitted them all in but she was wonderful 4 hours from first pup to last & now calm & content>>second girl in early stages of labour so will probably be another long night


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One litter safely delivered..in my lap :crossfingers: My young mum proudly presented me with five !! 5 red pups..four girls & a boy..weights between 109gms & 155gms..am I hearing all you big doggies laughing :eek: I don't know where she fitted them all in but she was wonderful 4 hours from first pup to last & now calm & content>>second girl in early stages of labour so will probably be another long night


WOW how gorgeous are they????? And 5 (with 4 girls for you to pick from :mad:) ), is that a big litter for the breed? It sounds big. Congratulations and wishing you all the best for the other litter.

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One litter safely delivered..in my lap :eek: My young mum proudly presented me with five !! 5 red pups..four girls & a boy..weights between 109gms & 155gms..am I hearing all you big doggies laughing :mad I don't know where she fitted them all in but she was wonderful 4 hours from first pup to last & now calm & content>>second girl in early stages of labour so will probably be another long night


WOW how gorgeous are they????? And 5 (with 4 girls for you to pick from :):o ), is that a big litter for the breed? It sounds big. Congratulations and wishing you all the best for the other litter.

Thank you Spikes they are rather special..Yes five is wonderful and especially the number of girls..I have only had four before..did not expect more than three from Gypsy..she is only a little girl..first litterl & it was very hard to palpate her..no wonder her tummy was so tight :crossfingers:

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Congrats everyone on the new arrivals! All looks gorgeous. Our babies are up up and away. Eyes open and can hear quite well. So cute at this stage. They are also trying to play with each other then fall over LOL

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Whoops I posted before in the wrong spot :laugh:

My second litter has been safely whelped into my lap :laugh: Jessica had four babies this time..usually has three..trying to keep up with Gypsy !!

Three little boys & 1 girl this time

Nine beautiful puppies from two little girls & all well..feel privalaged :confused:


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