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Litters Due In February 2010

Bilbo Baggins

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Welcome to my nightmare......................

We have one live male puppy here named 'Mr Stubbs' he is a champ and although took a bit of effort to get him started he seems pretty good. Going to vet this morning for a check up but he is eating pooping and has a great set of lungs on him.

I have waited 8 years for this litter and it all turned to poo and there's nothing I could have done.

Ginger started small contractions at 2.15pm yesterday got stronger at 2.45pm and whelped a huge 650g girl at 3.20pm, she was huge, perfect and I couldnt revive her. I figured it was because she was so big she had gotten stuck somewhere............

Second pup fell out with a gush 15 mins later 429g Mr Stubbs, I had decided that if this pup was dead I was going straight in for a caesar. I revived him.

Next puppy had no tail and maybe no anus/sex organs so I did not even try to revive it. Starting to get very panicy and rang vets they said see whats next and call again because she was whelping in a timely manner.

Puppy 4 was a huge 675g boy perfect, perfectly maked, unable to revive. Called after hours vet on call said I want in NOW for a caesar, we were only expecting 5-6 pups from U/S so the vet said not to come in, just to give her oxy shots every 20 mins until they/ it was out. He thought that due to the babies being very big they might have had placental separation and would likely be dead.

Puppy 5 was giant beautiful girl dead. I rang vet again and said I think I can feel 2 lumps but had so far given 2 more oxy with no result so he thought it ws just her uterus. She was calm and settled so we had a sleep.

Well at 550 this morning she had 2 more girls 650g and 785g dead the last one had rigor mortis setting in.........

This is all such a nightmare, the only thing I could have done is plan an elective caesar for saturday but I didnt have a crystal ball...........

Will put pics of Stubbs later when I can bear it. I am beating myself up about this even tho I know there were no indications for Caesar, she is from a family of easy whelpers and she is young fit and in great condition. She whelped huge puppies in a timely manner and I am so proud of her but feel so bloody bad.......

Sorry for rambling am shattered :laugh: my poor poor babies

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Oh Lolap ..what a dreadful thing to happen..a breeders worse nightmare..such beautiful big puppies that just diddn't make it..I cried when i read your post. My Jessica's temp has plumeted so next 24 hrs is my anxious time..my other girls temp is stable so at least won't have two same day. Kisses for Mr Stubbs

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Just back from vet check he thinks Stubbsy is ok and Ginger is great so thats good. Just gave her a wash on the back end so she feels and looks prettier.

The vet today thinks that the pups were just way too big and got crushed in their passage, so maybe doing the caesar would have saved my last 3 girls? :laugh:

Any way here is Stubbsy on the move.......



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Lolapalooza I am so sorry to read your nightmare, I know how much this litter meant to you :laugh::o

I hope that Mr Stubbs turns out to be everything you could imagine and I am glad that Ginger is OK.

Think I would be changing vets though :D

Gorgeous pics os Mr Stubbs, can't wait for cuddles at a show :laugh:


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Just back from vet check he thinks Stubbsy is ok and Ginger is great so thats good. Just gave her a wash on the back end so she feels and looks prettier.

The vet today thinks that the pups were just way too big and got crushed in their passage, so maybe doing the caesar would have saved my last 3 girls? :o

Any way here is Stubbsy on the move.......

What a beautiful photo..Makes you wonder though about what your vet said about size..I have had puppies so big I have really had to haul them out..mums have just managed to get the heads out..two hours of pushing !!! yet all have survived ?? Your Ginger seemed quite capable of delivering them without help??

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