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Maltese - Puffy Eye Lids Now Also Puffy Lips


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3 weeks ago we took our Maltese to the Vet after her left eye lids started to swell, the vet prescribe some stuff and several days later the right eye lids started to puff up, back to the vet again he said it seems like an allergic reaction, so prescribe more stuff and it seemed to go down after a little over a week. Now her puppy teeth have started falling out and she has almost no teeth and now her lips are swelling up and the skin from under her nose and around the mouth (same as the eye lids) have gone very pink. Also when the eyes were puffing up the skin would split and bleed, now there is a crack in the skin on the right side of the mouth and bleeding also.

We are going to the vet again tomorrow and requesting an allergy blood test done.

We have changed the dogs food, stopped using any sprays (like deoderant or hair spray or air freshner ect.) had the floors professionally cleaned, mowed and hosed ( and broomed while wet the grass area where she does her buisness) and we believe we have done what we can to make the house and her outside area as clean as we can. What else can we do ? any suggestions.

We are doing our heads in trying to think what is wrong.

Her name is Bella, she is due for her 3rd vacc and desexing very soon.

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could be her adult teeth coming out and causing a lot of swelling - they may be growing out at a funny angle an x-ray would not go astray

if it was an allergic reaction it would go down faster then a week with antihistamines. Get a second opinion and 'mention' if it could be teeth and roots pushing

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could be her adult teeth coming out and causing a lot of swelling - they may be growing out at a funny angle an x-ray would not go astray

if it was an allergic reaction it would go down faster then a week with antihistamines. Get a second opinion and 'mention' if it could be teeth and roots pushing

I will deffinatly mention this.

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No way is that due to teething. Have a chat to her breeder and explain what is going on and see if they have any ideas.

Please don't get your dog vaccinated or desexed until you find out what is wrong.

Sounds like you are on the right track eliminating possible environmental causes. Sounds awful and very frustrating. Send an email to Steve and ask her advice http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showuser=199

Edited by gareth
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We are seeing a different Vet but same clinic today, I will be asking for the other vets to all step in and talk it over. Holding off on the Vacc sounds like a good idea to me, the last 2 she had slowed her down for a week each but she bounced back well.

We did call her Breeder and explain what was going on and they have never come across it. They said we are welcome to bring the dog back to stay at their property for a while if we think time away from our home and the environment is needed.

Our previous maltese never had this problem and I have never seen it before.

We have cleaned her eyes every morning and apply a cream the vet gave us, but washing her face with anything but water we were told not to do for now. It allows us to clean away the cream from the night before and any other mess there but with just water cleaning isn't easy.

We have her booked in to the vet in a few hours time, so fingers crossed this time we get a better result.

I have attached 3 pictures of her how she looks this morning before washing her eyes, excuse the dirty appearance but we dare not wash her with anything but water and water alone doesn't clean too well. It's a little hard to get clear pictures with such an active puppy, but these are the best pictures of a bunch I took. Looking at the one of the snout we notice the skin is damaged and also the hair is thinning out a lot too.




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:laugh: Oh the poor baby, it must be so uncomfortable. You seem like caring, switched on owners - what a great breeder too!

I hope today gives you results in the right direction. Keep us posted.

eta: I once had a dog who had an allergy to the type of food bowl I sued. It gave her an irritation under her nose. A long shot, but perhaps switch the type of bowl used.

Edited by Clyde
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This isnt teething and there are several things which may be the cause. Before much can be done you need a proper diagnosis so you have a better understanding of what you are dealing with. Ive got some ideas but the vet is the best place to go for now.

When you get a diagnosis there is much we can talk about but whenever this sort of stuff happens its about the dog's immune system

so anything you can do to assess things which may be compromising that is important.

I would definitely not get her another vaccination or have her desexed. Have a look at your home and consider where she is sleeping and playing.There are obvious things like food, grass , carpet shampoos etc but once the immune system is under pressure even things like drafts, high or low climatic temps,visitors pretty well anything can impact.

Ive a couple of questions but Ill wait until after you have seen the vet again. Ask for skin scrapings to be taken too.

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No way is that due to teething.

after seeing the nose no - but i have seen dogs with infected gums/tooth roots and it can punch up through the face. Cats are great for it too.

I agree with steve no more vaccs until this is sorted out - I'd be running to a specialist

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After todays visit to the vet he has found yeast and white cells and a fungus type bacteria on the effected places. So we again have her on quarterzone, antibiotics and ear drops that clear up yeast and fungus that we apply to the effected areas (not the ears). We have to clean it daily and try to keep it dry (hard when she wont stop licking her chops).

After talking about fungus, my first 2 thoughts was her biting at our feet and sometimes licking them and also her bad habbit of getting into the shoes, it's possible she has picked up some nasties from them. But we also got a colour printout of common plant types that cause problems similar to this so we can look over the yard to find anything that may match it.

The Vacc's we have had so far are something like C4 and C6, sorry I can't remember them. She was due to have her 3rd and last today and desexing next month.

We talked about blood tests and skin tests for allergins but he could only refer us to someone for that and the prices are out of our reach unfortunatly. We also talked about a special single protine diet if this current medicine option isn't too effective.

While it looks horrible she isn't hurting so we are told, that at least calms us a little.

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No more vaccinations and stop using flea treatments and or heartworm meds.

Make sure there are no woollen blankets around the place, check your garden for toxic plants eg: wandering jew etc.

Take the puppy off dry food, only feed fresh.

Those are the things I would be doing right away.

Poor puppy it looks so uncomfortable.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

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