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Eating Poo And Digging...


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Hello all,

Got a couple of problem that has been bothering me abit now... I have a 6 months old lab milo.. He likes to dig around the yard nothing huge but big enough to be annoying, not too much of a deal.. but he also eats his own poo. >.<

Was seeing people mention about using the dog's own poo to stop them from digging... in my case this wont work as he will eat his own poo and then dig anyway..

So the couple of questions are:

1) How do I stop him from eating his own poo..

2) How to stop him from digging..

Since he started eating his own poo (previous owner my brother has told me he's had this habit since puppy), I have been removing them manually from the garden each time. But since he has the whole backyard there has been times when he would be eating it before I got there to remove it. He also only eats poo that is not just been put down so he'd only go and eat them after a few hours or much later.

So any suggestions on how to stop him from eating this own poo first then trying to stop him from digging?



Edited by yotis
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I've heard many reports from other dog owners similar to my own experience, a high-quality home prepared diet often stops coprophagia (poo eating). It's worth a try if you're not doing it already. There are additives which can make the taste of poo unattractive, your vet or pet shop might stock them.

Putting poo in a hole only stops the dog digging in that spot. It doesn't stop him digging nearby. I give my dogs LEGAL places to dig, then encourage them to dig there by hiding food, toys under the surface. I have fenced off my veggie patch.

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There's no particular recipe or diet, just a home-prepared or Raw diet seems to do the trick. I suspect the preservatives in processed food make the poo somewhat edible (to an opportunist scavenger with no airs and graces!)

Google "BARF diet" for some ideas.

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My young dog does these things too. Haven't' given her her own digging pit yet even though I've known about it for years. She also sometimes eats poo. Don't know if it's hers or our other dogs. I have heard if you give them pineapple it it gives it a nasty taste they don't like. I have given her some in recent days but as I don't see her eating poo, my son's inform me of this trait, I don't know if it's working.

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The theory behind the pineapple is that it is a meat tenderiser and acts as a probiotic, so that what comes out isn't viewed as food any more. Sometimes it works, sometimes not - with a Labrador anything can be viewed as food of course :)

A diet high in bone content and lean meat usually helps - the dog can digest the meat almost completely and the residue of bone is crumbly and usually not all that appetising. There are low residue dry foods if you want to go that way too.

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what are you currently feeding? THe point is to have as little undigested protein in the poo

so if you are feeding dry feed one with less fillers and smaller meals

raw meaty bones that are completely edible (chicken frames, necks, lamb flaps etc) also in smaller meals

the poos should be smaller, dryer, and unpalatable

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A mixture of Bonnies and also supercoat puppy dry food. More so the Bonnies than the supercoat at the moment. So the main food he gets are dry. I do mix boiled veg, left over cooked rice, bread, etc in about every second or third meal he gets. This could be in his breakky or his dinner.

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When does he eat the poo? Does he turn around and eat it as soon as he's pooped?

Best if you can go in the garden and clean up every morning and night and middle of the day if you can. Or if you see him poop, pick it up asap.

My dogs eat poop, not each other's but they love something that's dried and crunchy in the park.

If only other owners picked up after their dogs, I wouldn't have that issue. :laugh:

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It used to be after its dried for a while... but because I have been picking them up he has been going for it as soon as he's pooped. I am teaching him "leave it" at the moment so thats helping.

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Does he have bones at all? I used to feed my dogs supercoat but took them off it because of the beet pulp. Their poos were very grainy looking too. When they have bones their poos are white & hard. If you try bones it might stop him from eating his poo.

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Does he have bones at all? I used to feed my dogs supercoat but took them off it because of the beet pulp. Their poos were very grainy looking too. When they have bones their poos are white & hard. If you try bones it might stop him from eating his poo.

Yup he gets bones every now and then (a piece every 2 to 3 days), there are left over bone pieces around the yard which I am considering removing as they have been there for a while now.

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How much and what sort of exercise (physical and mental) does he get on a daily basis now that he is with you?

How much and what sort of exercise (physical and mental) did he get when he was with your brother (on a regular basis)?

IE .... What is his lifestyle like (before and after your ownership)?

Edited by Erny
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Physical, I take him out for a walk in the morning and in the evening. They are at least 25 to 30minutes and its more of a casual walk than jogging tho I have just started to go a lil bit longer in distance since yesterday. Mental, I have just started doing some mental activities just after the walk as I am trying to teach him a few things. "Leave it" one thing I am trying to get consistent with atm. I still get him to do the usual sit, hand hand and also down. Can start him with obedient school this coming monday as I couldn't start him earlier as it was in the middle of an already running school.

With my brother, this is only according to my parents as my brother is still overseas atm. He gets one walk usually, sometime none, sometime 2 in terms of physical. Mental he was going to puppy and then obedient school once a week?

Environment wise he has a big backyard (3x the size of my brother's backyard) and he is free to roam during the day.

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