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K9 Force Workshop In Adelaide


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Asari the venue will hopefully be Victor Harbour side of town if you get my drift and I am not sure what time these things would usually start - I think the Qld one was 9:30am to 4:30pm. If that is any thing to work with.

Thanks for that!, you never know as it gets closer i may be able to get somone to do my work for me. :rofl:

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1. Ness

2. Leema

3. Kynan

4. Melbomb

5. Norskgra

6. Norskgra's daughter, Vicsta

7. Zug Zug

8. Fever

9. Rivsky

10. SecretKei

11. SecretKei's OH :rofl: .

12. Miss Squish

13. Wilderblu

14. Asari

15. Justice Shades

16. Cassie

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Count me in :xmassmile:

Possible stupid question alert :rofl: Would we bring our dogs? Or is it just a human learning thing, that we then go home and use those methods on our dogs? :):rofl:

Hey Cassie

I've been to two of Steve's workshops and both times we were able to bring a dog for any practical component of the workshop. There's usually a combination of theory and practical demos.

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Thanks huski - I saw you lurking in the thread and I am glad you answered. I obviously haven't attended a workshop by him and can only go on what I have read and seen posted on here and on Steve's website.

No worries, happy to help :rofl: Steve's workshops are great fun and always an opportunity to learn heaps of great stuff. The dogs always have a good time too :rofl:

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Not entirely I hadn't had conformation after the price was posted and I couldn't remember if I had PMd you the price or not. I did for some before I posted in the thread. All those that confirmed prior to posting the price weren't automatically added as I didn't want people on the list without them being aware of the cost and so I was waiting to make sure people were ok with that. So yep you were on the mental list but not on the physical list.

Will add you to the physical list now :) .


1. Ness

2. Leema

3. Kynan

4. Melbomb

5. Norskgra

6. Norskgra's daughter, Vicsta

7. Zug Zug

8. Fever

9. Rivsky

10. SecretKei

11. SecretKei's OH :thumbsup: .

12. Miss Squish

13. Wilderblu

14. Asari

15. Justice Shades

16. Cassie

17. SchnauzerBoy

18. SchnauzerBoy's OH

Really looking very promising and thats without even advertising outside here :cheer: .

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1. Ness

2. Leema

3. Kynan

4. Melbomb

5. Norskgra

6. Norskgra's daughter, Vicsta

7. Zug Zug

8. Fever

9. Rivsky

10. SecretKei

11. SecretKei's OH :rofl: .

12. Miss Squish

13. Wilderblu

14. Asari

15. Justice Shades

16. Cassie

17. SchnauzerBoy

18. SchnauzerBoy's OH

19. ChocosMum

20. Pete.the.dog :rofl: - now you really sure :rofl: .

21. Bonnie Parker - sent you a PM re a possible venue to explain what I meant by Victor Harbour side

22. Bonnie Parker's OH

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1. Ness

2. Leema

3. Kynan

4. Melbomb

5. Norskgra

6. Norskgra's daughter, Vicsta

7. Zug Zug

8. Fever

9. Rivsky

10. SecretKei

11. SecretKei's OH :rofl: .

12. Miss Squish

13. Wilderblu

14. Asari

15. Justice Shades

16. Cassie

17. SchnauzerBoy

18. SchnauzerBoy's OH

19. ChocosMum

20. Pete.the.dog :rofl: .

WOW you beat me to the post....id love to attend....and $$$...............

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Will PM Cassie - possible location is hard as there are a few suggestions all roughly within the same area BUT we can't do anything regarding chasing them up as options until Steve has provided a date.

As I have said the location I have in mind is definitely pretty central.

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1. Ness

2. Leema

3. Kynan

4. Melbomb

5. Norskgra

6. Norskgra's daughter, Vicsta

7. Zug Zug

8. Fever

9. Rivsky

10. SecretKei

11. SecretKei's OH :thumbsup: .

12. Miss Squish

13. Wilderblu

14. Asari

15. Justice Shades

16. Cassie

17. SchnauzerBoy

18. SchnauzerBoy's OH

19. ChocosMum

20. Pete.the.dog :rofl: - now you really sure :thumbsup: .

21. Bonnie Parker - sent you a PM re a possible venue to explain what I meant by Victor Harbour side

22. Bonnie Parker's OH

23. Bully

24. Ravyk

Ok now we are starting to get some serious number are people happy for a structure similar to the one run in Queensland or do people have any other thoughts on what they might want included.

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Well I can confirm my first choice venue for those I have already mentioned it to via PM is available in April for a Saturday and the hire cost is what I anticipated so pending Steve providing us with a date it appears we might have a venue available.

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