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Training Treats...how Much Is Too Much


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I have FINALLY got the hang of training my Bull Terrier Miniature and his stomach rules the training :(

My question is what does everyone use for training treats..

I don't want to cut down his training and have cut back his meals but still seems to be gaining a little more than I'd like.

Is there such a thing as low cal treats for dogs that don't contribute too much to his daily food allowance..

Any thoughts would be appreciated

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A common practice I see at our dog club is making each treat too large. A treat really only needs to be about the size of your little finger nail unless you're giving a jackpot.

I'd recommend reducing the size of what you're giving if that's possible. What are you using now?

Edited by poodlefan
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:laugh: never thought of reducing the size..lol

currently I'm using some of his dry food, pieces of cheese cut small for extra incentive any left over cold meat cuts( ckicken lamb steak ect)

Like most dogs here on DOL he eats better than most :rofl:

I should measure out his evening meal into a container and take the treats out of that then I'll know how much he's had..... :rofl:

Why does it take someone to point out the obvious before it seems logical... :)

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