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Recommendation For Good Clicker Training Book Or Dvd


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My goal is to get me dalmatian ready to trial in obedience and agility. I have trialled a dally before but have to sadly admit i'm lacking motivation well not so much motivation but where do i start. the local dog club is solely check chains and i'm not going down that path... I have the morgan spector clicker training for obedience book which is helpful. I want one that will teach nice heeling with the clicker and also then retrieving my dal loves to tug but i'm finding it challenging to get her to actually retrieve anything unless i go at the the object with her then its a great game of tug shes not keen on balls or dumbell she loves soft toys and rags that she can tug on. So i want a base line to start i suppose.


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If your dog likes to tug, then I highly recommend the Ivan Balabanov dvds (you need both).

Also, the excitement shouldn't come from the dumbell itself in the retrieve IMO. It should come in anticipation of the tug.

The dvds are specifically aimed at obedience competition.

Edited by dogdude
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If your dog likes to tug, then I highly recommend the Ivan Balabanov dvds (you need both).

Also, the excitement shouldn't come from the dumbell itself in the retrieve IMO. It should come in anticipation of the tug.

The dvds are specifically aimed at obedience competition.

For those interested in these DVD's I've just had a look at the Dogwise site and they're on special at the moment :p

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I recently bought 'clicker training for (something) obedience and agility' As soon as I manage to find it again I will come back with correct title and author. I also have 'Mary Ray's Super Dog' but prefered the first title.

Eta: O.k, I got them all mixed up lol. The one I love is '100 ways to train the perfect dog' by Sarah Fisher and Marie Miller. It works through everything from sits and drops to riding skateboards and teaching 'Tidy-up' all with clicker training.

Edited by Lucy's mama
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