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Some Pics Of Native Animals.

snake catcher

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I havnt got much in the way of pics but I thought

I'd share some of the animals that have come into our care here.

Here is a wattle bat that was relocated.


This is the bat box used to relocate the little guys (there were three of them)


A baby plover


Another shot of the plover


A Boobook


This raven came in a baby last year, now it live in tree near my place and still comes and hassles me for food sometimes


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This Black Shouldered Kite was a great success story with a good release



The little sugar glider came in last week


The mother Koala didnt survive the dog attack but the joey did and is still in care.


Non dangerous snake from the Rosebud area.

These are White lipped whip snakes and are easily mistaken for dangerous snakes.



Shadow the possum


Clifford the elephant seal, didnt make it and died (was euthanised) on Mornington boat ramp


That was a heartbreaker.

This galah has seen better days but made a complete recovery


The tawny frogmouth chicks are always cute and always hungry


hope im not boring you guys


Edited by snake catcher
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:shrug: Thanks! Lovely to see the babies especially. Sorry about Clifford - was he old, or the victim of lines? tawny babies have those amazing gapes! I remember slicing up frozen day-old chickens and dropping them into those huuuge mouths!

Loove ringtails - nice pic.

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Aw, gorgeous baby animals too!

On my way to work this morning I saw an RTA guy on the side of the road 'herding' a mother duck and her ducklings who were on the very busy 6 laned M2 motorway! Someone must have called the road crew as they were trying to catch her.

Edited by Ripley
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