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What Has Your Dog Trained You To Do?


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I was just reading this on DSD.

My guy's have definitely trained me to do a few things.

Faxon's idea of fetch is for me to throw the toy etc , him to chase it and when it stops moving me to go get it to throw again.

So what have your dogs trained you to do - either with your knowledge or without. ;)


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Ted my oldest boy will stand some distance away and stare at me when he thinks its dinner time. This is accompanied by much shuffling of feet. If I fail to respond to this cue, he elevates to barking at me. This would happen a couple of times a month.

He's 12.. he wants his dinner.. he gets it. I am well trained.

Bad Poodlefan. ;)

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LOL -Poodlefan - like you, my kids have taught me to feed them at 4pm ;)

The others don't care and Ted didn't when he was younger. He gets stressed easily these days by changes from routine.

I can recall coming home from work one night, dashing around, taking a dog to the club for training and ending up in bed late. All I could hear was one of the dogs stomachs rumbling.. then I realised they'd not been fed that night. They'd all just settled in to go to sleep.

VERY bad Poodlefan. ;) And yes, they were all happy to tuck in and go back to bed.

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Ted my oldest boy will stand some distance away and stare at me when he thinks its dinner time. This is accompanied by much shuffling of feet. If I fail to respond to this cue, he elevates to barking at me. This would happen a couple of times a month.

He's 12.. he wants his dinner.. he gets it. I am well trained.

Bad Poodlefan. ;)

Yes, my dog does this, stares and tap dances to communicate. I think its funny. I often wonder about her when she goes to boarding kennels, and how the new routine could change "at home" habits, but we all merrily continue on when she comes back. ;)

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oh rottie has a system going. This came from when he was very ill and could not get up to go pee/eat so he had to let me know that he needed something

first comes the stare. Then .. whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



Diesel. Do you want hama (food)

*does the Diesel Dance*

ok let's get you some food.

We have the same thing for toilet time. Pitiful long whines like some demented bird. If I'm in another room he'll come and get me if his whine is not loud enough to annoy me ;)

Diesel do you want to go pish (pee outside)

*does the Diesel dance and hops to the back door*

Then he will bark to be let back inside, if the weather is nice he gets told to STFU and stay outside for some sunshine and exercise ;)

I go against what I tell people but I dont care. He's got enough problems and can't hold his bladder as long as other dogs can so I'd rather he let me know.

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If my dog wants me to get up, usually at some ungodly hour, first of all he will shake his head to make his ears make a flapping sound, if that doesn't work he will go around the bed and rub/bash his body against each side to see if that makes me move. If that fails he will jump on the bed and sit and stare at me. Last thing he will do is stick his nose near my face and lick me!

He does the same routine each time, it is so bizarre!! It is like the war of attrition gradually he grinds me down. ;)

Bizarrely he has never whined or barked at me (though he certainly can do both), he is like a silent assassin ;)

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Ted has NEVER made it through the night without a pee. When he doesn't have access to a dog door, he wakes me up to take him outside. This initially involves some tap dancing beside the bed and if that doesn't work he'll whine.

Good boy Ted. ;)

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My oldest girl worked out that you could get mum off the computer and paying some attention to you by scratching at the door to go outside.

She stopped doing that so much after we had her go outside every time she did it.

She can get me to open the fridge and give her a treat by just sitting next to it nicely. If you don't get the treat right away she shifts and resettles as if to say "look, I'm sitting!!"

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My dog has trained me well! Even though he has a doggy door to access outside, if I'm sitting on the couch which is next to the back door he'll go and scratch on the door rather than go to the doggy door in the laundry. I always get up and let the little fella out then when he barks will get up again and let him ;)

He uses the doggy door at ALL other times.

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My dog has trained me well! Even though he has a doggy door to access outside, if I'm sitting on the couch which is next to the back door he'll go and scratch on the door rather than go to the doggy door in the laundry. I always get up and let the little fella out then when he barks will get up again and let him ;)

He uses the doggy door at ALL other times.

That reminds me even though my dog jumps up on the bed at all other times during the day, when it comes to night time and he wants to go to bed, he waits for me to lift him up. God how stupid am I. ;)

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Zee has already figured out that I'm really quite ticklish, and that a pointy little puppy nose jammed just under my elbow while I'm sitting down is guaranteed a reaction no matter how hard I try not to. ;)

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My dog has trained me well! Even though he has a doggy door to access outside, if I'm sitting on the couch which is next to the back door he'll go and scratch on the door rather than go to the doggy door in the laundry. I always get up and let the little fella out then when he barks will get up again and let him :clap:

He uses the doggy door at ALL other times.

That reminds me even though my dog jumps up on the bed at all other times during the day, when it comes to night time and he wants to go to bed, he waits for me to lift him up. God how stupid am I. :clap:

;) ;) Awwww... poor little things to tired to jump ;)

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Yes we are all well trained aren't we!, When my old girl lady wants someting eg, smackos she will go to kitchen cupboard where they are and bark and if I ignore her will bark louder and walk back into lounge and bark at me as if to say "shift ya butt mum I wanna smackos", has always slept on my bed but can't jump up now even though she has couple of old lounge cushions on floor at base of bed and can go from one to the other two and on to the bed which she does easily when she wants to, Nooo when it's time for bed she will go and stand next to the cushions and bark until I come and pick her up and put her on the bed, oh and if I'm still watching Tv when she's gone to bed around 9.30 ish will wait a while and then will bark until I come to bed too. When she was younger would bark when she wanted to go for her walk and still barks at 4.30 when she wants her dinner, get a pay out if I get home from work later than 5 get into big trouble I do. :laugh:post-31607-1258697605_thumb.jpg

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Oh, I'm sure Erik thinks he's got me very well trained. Whenever he wants something he sits or downs and waits for it to be delivered. :rofl:

Kivi has trained me to rub his chest when he paws me. I resist, but much like my old dog had this bark that made you reflexively pat her, being pawed by a cuddly Lapphund who is sitting 5cm away from you and trying to sneak the odd kiss in under your ear makes you reflexively rub his chest. Sometimes I manage to stop myself, but it's way too late for it to make any difference. :rofl: He also pokes me with his nose to get my attention. And he thinks that he has me pretty well trained to give him food when he comes and glues himself to my thigh.

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I can't think of anything that my girl has trained me in. What can I say I'm a bitch!

I have a friend who's dogs have him trained, dinner is right after MASH (when it was on) they would all (8 of them) start whining when the closing credits started to roll! He also had a girl that trained him to give her a treat when she brought him her empty food bowl. She then started demanding a treat for every bowl that she brought back to him - one for each of the dogs! This then progressed to her getting the empty bowls out of the cupboard and bringing them to him one by one, needless to say she didn't get paid for this!! :rofl::rofl:

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My boy has trained me to not be so worried about the housework.

As a result of his excellent and consistent effort, I have developed 'learned helplessness' when it comes to housework.

LOL Erny! Housework? What's that again? I think I started paying someone to do mine around the time I started trialling.... go figure! :laugh::vomit:

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