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Plans For The 2009 Christmas Break


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Following on from a conversation I had with somebody else last night - what do people have planned once the trials are over for the year (mostly from early December until late February here). Are people giving their dogs a break from training or do people have any specific training plans of things they want to achieve over the "holiday" period.

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I am getting some weave poles with metal bases for my birthday so plan on getting Kaos faster on the weaves and consistent footwork, more work on entries and work on rear crossing the weaves as I haven't done a lot of work on that and when I tried at training he pulled out to see what I was doing.

I want to do more work on my seesaw performance too - want a bit more speed and driving ahead.

I'm going to try to get a plank so I can work on getting more independent contacts and get him driving into position.

Want to work on some jumping handling skills too.

Not much to do over the break from competing :)

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We'll be madly trying to work out what's causing Jedi's allergies and seeing if we can find something that minimises his itchiness!

I'm determined to get Ahsoka up to scratch with her obedience during the summer while I give Jedi a break.

And I want them both to be doing proper box work for flyball by the time I go back to uni (February).

Aside from that, just loads of complex trick training! :)

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While I'm on holidays, its time to put the dogs to work :)

I'm going to teach Chip to swim (poor little fella loves it but always sinks :laugh: ), and shape the seasaw (once I make one!!), fix and fix some weaving issues. As for Kiesha all she needs to do is learn her SFE :scold::mad:whip::rofl: - thats a funny prospect since she's very wary of most people.

Then the rest of their time can be spent sunbaking, sleeping and eating Christmas turkey, ham and lamb - and thats what I'll be doing too :)

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The only thing I really want to get done over the break is get Zuma doing some of the Susan Salo puppy jumping grids.

I'm not sure what else I want to do but it'll largely depend on how kind the weather is - too many more of these 40+ degree days and I don't see us doing very much at all!!

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And since Rivsky was suggesting that I hadn't posted my training plans - here goes:

Ness after our final trial in December will get the entire holidays off with no training. Not sure what she will be up to next year and no point flogging to much over Christmas.


Agility: Susan Salo Jump Grids/GD flatwork and box drills, some one jump/two jump work and proofing her 2o/2o contact behavior on her plank

Obedience: Duration heelwork so she is all set for next year, want to get to work on some of her UD exercises and hopefully have her people issues well and truely sorted.

Should keep us busy - in between time at the beach and ball at the park.

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:) Rivsky that was my holiday homework for Kenzie last year - didn't do nearly enough of it mind you.

As for 40 degree days least this morning was nice and pleasant.

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Yeah your welcome to come and play on our seasaw :) Kenzie and Ness can test it out to make sure it doesn't fall apart since Chip won't touch the thing after thinking it was a dog walk :laugh: and going weeeeeeeeeee, bounce, bang!

and as for a SFE if Kenzie can do one so can Kiesha :) .

Kiesha would like to ask Kenzie how she decided that strange hoomans are not big scary mosters!!!! :scold:

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Poor Chip. Yeah Kenzie did that once and then decided it was worth racing back up just to see if the same thing happened again :)

Well Kiesha strange hoomans are spooky but hey all you have to do is stand still and focus on the mumma human and then she rewards me with my favourite ball toy. Not perfected yet but she has come a long way from a time where I couldn't have a hope in hell to standing and managing one perfectly on at least 3 occasions with 2 different people, one who is an obedience judge :) . Lots of stand stay proofing and hanging outside the local shopping centre doing nothing other than shovelling treats while people walk past. Not even asking for a stand. We still have a way to go but hey I never even thought I'd get to point where she could manage one for anybody this year so that is a huge step forward.

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Kyzer -

make 6 more weavers and work on getting him doing 12 consistently

A frame contacts - work on getting them independent

Some basic jump grids although I only have 4 jumps and a tyre, might need to make some more! I want to make some proper ones with metal uprights like at training.

Not sure what else with him

Trixie -

Just some basic puppy games and crate games really.

The Christmas break always goes for soooooo long :) I wish we had an air conditioned indoor arena :)

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We are going to take a holiday from most training.

What we will be working on is flyball turns and just learning some new tricks I might be able to use in our frisbee freestyle routine.

Sadly I can't take 6 weeks off altogether because my house would be destroyed by one bored BC and another one who will copy her..... :)

Last time we went away for a week and took the dogs with us I got told off the minute we got home for not training her. She ran into the room where we keep all 'her' toys and started to bark at me!

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I will continue to work on the basics, and train Brydee for Open, and Oscar for UD.

A big wish for me is to convert Oscar to train in drive. I will be doing lots of drive building for him. I want to get that soughted before I train him for UD.

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Ziggy does NOT work well in the heat so I will take the opportunity to give him a rest as much as possible and definitely on any of the warm days (i.e above 21C)

If we have a cool snap ( :thumbsup: ) or I manage to get up early enough we'll continue to tighten up a few things for Novice and work on a few advanced exercises. For agility I want to concentrate on contacts so might just do that with a plank of wood. If I gave him a complete break he would start bouncing off the walls so it's better just to do a little occasionally.

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Mine will be having four weeks off training all together. I am going away for a month with out them - not sure how I will go without them for so long but it just would not be practical to take them with us as it is a 4 weekoad trip to Vic, Tas and SA and with the weather down that way at the moment it wouldn't be fair for them to be sitting on the back of a ute.

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I'll be working on Ruby's SFE and working more on Millie, getting her ready to start trialling. I guess it's just business as usual for me, except I won't have the training grounds and their lights to use! Lots of shopping centre and local park work :thumbsup:

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The dogs might not need a break but I do!! Whilst I have only been competing in herding I have done a heap of training this year and am feeling rather burnt out. I will just do some token training as the dogs like it! I get very little (well no) time to do things like take the dogs to beaches, rivers etc so I will aim to do some things like that.

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