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7mth Old Pup - House Training Issue


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Hello all. We have a 7 mth old Field Spaniel who up until recently was kennelled with her breeder. The first 2 weeks we came home to find the house amazingly free of mess (when we expected to see mistakes). This week, however, we are coming home to find soiling in the house. It appears as though she is attached to our other dog and doesn't appear to want to leave his side. He hangs around the front door waiting for us to come home and she doesn't appear to be leaving his side, even if she needs to go. (The evidence of this is from a recent observation when the dogs were outside and instead of going to the grass, she went on the top step.)

I have reverted back to normal puppy housetraining - taking her outside various times, after eating, sleeping, before going to bed and after bed...and praising enthusiastically. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to capture her going inside (so I can say a firm no and take her outside.) If she goes to do a poo on the sidewalk, during walking, I quickly pick her up and put her on grass.

I am also taking her out without the other dog as I want her to learn to do it without him.

When she first came to us and after she was taught to use the doggy door, she was really good going in and out on her own to do a toilet or to have a drink. Now she only goes out on her own for a drink, but not for toiliting.

If I'm home, she won't leave my side and when we're not home, she won't leave our other dog's side.

Any ideas/thoughts?

Edited by poochmad
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I wouldn't be looking to say No if you do catch her oopsing inside. Just continue to revert to puppy training and take her outside very 20 - 30 mins.

Maybe when you are home, let your dog inside with you and make her spend small amounts of time by herself.

You could also try spraying a pet deterrent spray around the steps but I'm not sure how successful that will be. Use vinigar to remove any residual smell she has already left in the area from toileting there.

Sorry brain fade since I've been up since 3am. Hope these tips may help in some small way.

Good luck.

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Thanks for the responses guys. ;)

So what I'm doing seems to be the right thing.

Yesterday morning we moved her bed to the location in the hallway where she's been toiliting thinking that dogs will avoid the area they sleep, and sure enough, came home to a clean house. (Lots of praise when she did her business outside.)

Last night she went out on her own and did a poo (again lots of praise when I snuck out after she'd finished).

I'm hoping that it's catching on and it won't be long before she goes outside out on a regular basis.

Poodlefan - thanks for the tip, I remember reading somewhere on this forum to separate them for that reason and have started doing that especially since she's not leaving his side.

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Thanks for the responses guys. ;)

So what I'm doing seems to be the right thing.

Yesterday morning we moved her bed to the location in the hallway where she's been toiliting thinking that dogs will avoid the area they sleep, and sure enough, came home to a clean house. (Lots of praise when she did her business outside.)

Last night she went out on her own and did a poo (again lots of praise when I snuck out after she'd finished).

I'm hoping that it's catching on and it won't be long before she goes outside out on a regular basis.

Poodlefan - thanks for the tip, I remember reading somewhere on this forum to separate them for that reason and have started doing that especially since she's not leaving his side.

Glad to hear things are improving Poochie. From her perspective, coming from the breeder to you, my guess is she's not had a lot of experience as the only dog in a situation. You'll need to work on her confidence to encourage some independence. Over bonded dogs are a nightmare if the older dog has to go to the vet or spend time away from the youngster.

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An update:

This week we've separated the dog beds - had one at the top of the hall (where she was toiliting) and the other near the back door (near the doggy door) and since we've done that we come home to a clean house. As soon as we get home, we take her straight outside and praise profusely when she goes (regardless what it is) and also give her treats whenever she goes on the grass when walking. :D

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