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Dogs Worse Behaved On A Lead


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My Staffy is a pretty well trained dog, (we dont expect alot, sit, drop, dont steal my food kind of dog) He walks beautifully off lead and ignores other dogs and cats when off lead, however when on lead he pulls and goes crazy to get to cats more so than dogs.

Is there anyway we can address this? or a reason why?

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I agree with Nekhbet. If you have a friend with a dog who can help you, even better. Have them at a long distance from you, train the leash manners, and gradually bring them in closer. Keep your dog succeeding at keeping a loose leash and not misbehaving.

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I think this kind of thing is often related to a sense of frustration in the dog because they know when on leash they don't have the freedom to follow their impulses, and so it kind of turns into a big feedback loop and they make themselves more and more worked up. Google leash reactivity or impulse control. There are a few good websites out there that might give you some ideas.

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