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2010 Training/title/goals Wish List


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Millie: 2 CCD trials down so far, with 2 passes and 2 first places :laugh: One more to go, and we have quite a few trials left in the year yet so I am quite confident we will pull off this goal by the end of 2010. I just hope I haven't jinxed us now!!! :laugh:

Title done :laugh: With a 3rd first place :rofl: And it's full steam ahead straight into Novice this weekend. So whatever happens from here onwards is just a bonus, as I've already achieved the goal of CCD for Millie and CD for Ruby this year :rofl:

Well done :rasberry:

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Firstly, Huski, love your new avatar!

So our goals this year were:

Pass HIC and gain her HT title.

Start and maybe even gain her CCD.

We have had to revise that goal as she got her HIC and HT in April.

Now the goals are:

Gain her PT title.

Commence trailing in Herding Start.

And still start and maybe even gain her CCD.

On the side, after two second places in internal obed club fun days we were gunning for a first place and trophy - well with a bit of luck here and there we achieved that today. Whoo hoo!

Just an update on our goals for this year peoples:

Last Sunday Bronte successfully qualified for her PT title with two lovely runs on the sheep. We are going to hold off trial level herding until next year to ensure that she has enough training under her (our) belt, rather than rush her.

And tomorrow, barring the 'Great Flood of 2010' in Victoria (it just started raining in the last two minutes), we are going to compete in our first CCD class.

She's a dream dog with an ever increasing work ethic and I'm a very proud and happy owner.

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  • 1 month later...
Firstly, Huski, love your new avatar!

So our goals this year were:

Pass HIC and gain her HT title.

Start and maybe even gain her CCD.

We have had to revise that goal as she got her HIC and HT in April.

Now the goals are:

Gain her PT title.

Commence trailing in Herding Start.

And still start and maybe even gain her CCD.

On the side, after two second places in internal obed club fun days we were gunning for a first place and trophy - well with a bit of luck here and there we achieved that today. Whoo hoo!

Just an update on our goals for this year peoples:

Last Sunday Bronte successfully qualified for her PT title with two lovely runs on the sheep. We are going to hold off trial level herding until next year to ensure that she has enough training under her (our) belt, rather than rush her.

And tomorrow, barring the 'Great Flood of 2010' in Victoria (it just started raining in the last two minutes), we are going to compete in our first CCD class.

She's a dream dog with an ever increasing work ethic and I'm a very proud and happy owner.

Come on gang, we need updates!

Well our first attempt at CCD during the Sept floods was a categoric disaster. The day was horrendous and the ring was under two inches of water in some spots and she DID NOT WANT TO BE THERE - TAKE ME HOME MUM - NOW! The only thing we got out of it was me being struck down with a cold/flu for the next week and a half.

However since then we have competed twice for two passes so her CCD sounds like a possibility for this year.

Edited by SmoothieGirl
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I still haven't entered any tracking trials but have started training Moss in obedience and agility again and should be ready to trial after Xmas and he is working very well :cheer: .

Cole has his first starts in advanced level this weekend (which will make him the first ANKC MR/LR dog in NSW to compete at advanced level herding) and he does have 1 duck title. Only 5 more to go. A VHCh may not be too much to hope for this year if he keeps working like he is.

ETA I just have to learn how to shed.

I still haven't entered tracking trials nor done anything about Moss's obedience or agility and I am unlikely to ever do it.

With only half a seasons herding this year due to lack of sheep Cole has got an advanced title on sheep and 3 passes towards his herding championship. We also got his HSAd (only one duck trial was held this year) so he now has both his started titles on ducks.

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- Get his allergies under control so we can get back in the OB ring. Even if this is the only thing we accomplish in 2010, I will be the happiest person in the world!

- If his allergies are settled, get his CCD and novice titles

- Train him up to doing UD exercises (he's already doing open exercises) - I have my articles ready and we've just started training scent work

- Get his Flyball Dog Champion title

- Get him to HT level for herding and maybe a pass or two!? :rofl:

- Don't know what we'll do with agility... we'll see!

- ET title

Allergies - We have made an amazing turn around and he is just like a normal dog now! At this stage his treatment looks like it will be life-long, but you would never know he is an allergy dog. And that FUR!!!! I actually need to groom him now! :D

Titles obtained so far:

- CCD title

- ET

- FD (Flyball Dog)

And STILL 1 pass towards Novice OB. :o

I've started some UD work with him, too.

Herding - we started at a new club and everyone has been impressed with Jedi's instinct and willingness to follow direction. We're having a great time!

Agility - We've begun training again and if all goes well will start trialling next year.

Flyball - He made his debut and now has his first title and is only a few points away from his second!


- Start trialling and get her CCD title. Can I push it and say her novice as well?! :o

- Get her Flyball Dog Champion title

- Start tracking training (I don't think we'll be trialling in 2010 though)

- Get her HT title for herding

- Again, dunno what I'll do with agility. It'll be difficult squeezing everything else in! :)

- ET title

OB - Soaks is well on her way to debuting early next year! :cheer:

Flyball - She has gained 3 titles so far - FD, FDX and FDCh!

Tracking - started training - she's going well!

Herding - We've only just returned to training, so hopefully we make some good progress over summer.

ET - A pad injury got in the way of this one! She'll go for it next year instead.

Goals for Abby:

- Train up to CCD level and enter one trial.

Abby has 2 CCD passes under her belt! Only one more to go!!!!!!

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:eek: Lots of great achievements for DOLers this year.

I didn't do a wish list -- I'm superstitious and didn't want to moz myself :wave:

but it has been quite a successful year


ADM2 ADO3 JDO4 SPDX and a 6th place in Masters Jumping at Nationals - and enough other quallies there to earn me Best Senior Female Handler award :D

and T.Ch! And we've had her first go at Track and Search, which she really enjoys (gotta teach her that a track can follow along a gravel path :love: )

Now - somr more agility, more track and search, and get a bit more serious with HTM.


Lots of Reserve Challenges, several Best of Breeds, a couple of Runner Up in Group :D /class in Group - and finished his Show Champion title with a 20 point BOB/RUBIG/Inter in Group at Launceston Royal. And he's a daddy :o . Now we can conentrate a bit more on getting some letters after his name - playing with obedience, tracking, agility and ET maybe next year or the year after. Oh, and some Rally and HTM for him too.

(Pity I need to work 4 days a week to support their little doggy luxuries like interstate travel and staying in dog-friendly houses. :eek: )

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I am aiming for a bigger year next year seeing as this one has been a bit slow! So my hopes are for our UD title and be well an truely on the way to OC, I don't know if we'll get both next year but if I can get UD out of the way and a start on the OC legs! My other goal for Ella is get the allusive 200 in Open, I don't think I'll get one in UD any time soon but I know Ella is capable of one in Open! And the final goal for me is to enroll in the trainee judges program here in QLD and get a start on my judging licences!

Wellllll.... UD title Check! OC legs not yet, she missed out on one on Saturday night due to needing to poo in the ring (a certain five letter word starting with B springs to mind). Still got 5 trials left for this year I am expecting a couple of legs towards OC from those. :D

As for the 200.... no such luck yet, considering I haven't put her back into Open yet! Her scores in UD are on the up with each one getting higher. Maybe next year I'll put her back into Open and do both but not this year. I was also really lazy for the first half of the year and did NO obedience and focussed on showing instead where she finished her Champion title instead!!

And enrolling in the judges training program - semi check... I sent in my application but due to dogsqld restructuring the program no new trainees have been accepted at this stage until the restructure is complete.

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Jeez my head is spinning, everyone is doing so well.

TerraNik, is Abby the Lappie in your sig? She wouldn't be very old at all would she? And already two CCD passes, what a clever girl!

I've got Bronte on a lifetime treatment for her Skin Barrier Dysfunction, so it sounds like we are getting these itchy, scratchy dogs under control so they can really enjoy life.

Edited by SmoothieGirl
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Jeez my head is spinning, everyone is doing so well.

TerraNik, is Abby the Lappie in your sig? She wouldn't be very old at all would she? And already two CCD passes, what a clever girl!

I've got Bronte on a lifetime treatment for her Skin Barrier Dysfunction, so it sounds like we are getting these itchy, scratchy dogs under control so they can really enjoy life.

No, Abby is my friend's Kelpie. She's 5! But I only started training her at the beginning of the year and only once per week. So she has done quite well for how little training we get to do together!

Sorry to hear about Bronte - I didn't know that she had skin issues, too! geez we could start up a support group - Obedience Trainers with Itchy Dogs :eek:

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Im getting in late on this thread, but before the end of the year I would like to enter an obedience trial with Bondi my boxer- which Im doing on the 12th november.

This year I have titled Wolf (CH), started sledding with my 2 sibes- and my veteran Boxer- had her run in her first race :) Started obedience with Wolf my sibe, hope to trial early next year.

I think we need to start a 2011 goals thread :(:eek:

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Jeez my head is spinning, everyone is doing so well.

TerraNik, is Abby the Lappie in your sig? She wouldn't be very old at all would she? And already two CCD passes, what a clever girl!

I've got Bronte on a lifetime treatment for her Skin Barrier Dysfunction, so it sounds like we are getting these itchy, scratchy dogs under control so they can really enjoy life.

No, Abby is my friend's Kelpie. She's 5! But I only started training her at the beginning of the year and only once per week. So she has done quite well for how little training we get to do together!

Sorry to hear about Bronte - I didn't know that she had skin issues, too! geez we could start up a support group - Obedience Trainers with Itchy Dogs :thumbsup:

Well go Abby I say, great work.

Yep, skin issues started when she was about five months old. I really need to take shares out in my vet and the veterinary dermotologist centre. We now 'mostly' have the itch under control on a relatively safe drug. But her infections are a whole other issue. She is rarely off antibiotics for longer than a week or two, its really quite heartbreaking and I really fear for the long term impacts. But we have to keep them comfortable and as fit and active as we can don't we.

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Im getting in late on this thread, but before the end of the year I would like to enter an obedience trial with Bondi my boxer- which Im doing on the 12th november.

This year I have titled Wolf (CH), started sledding with my 2 sibes- and my veteran Boxer- had her run in her first race :laugh: Started obedience with Wolf my sibe, hope to trial early next year.

I think we need to start a 2011 goals thread :scold::laugh:

Man, your dogs sound like they have as active a social life as Bronte, but you have three to contend with :D

I thought about starting the 2011 thread, but didn't want to tempt fate. I think we all need as long as possible to complete all of our 2010 goals first. :thumbsup:

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Yep, skin issues started when she was about five months old. I really need to take shares out in my vet and the veterinary dermotologist centre. We now 'mostly' have the itch under control on a relatively safe drug. But her infections are a whole other issue. She is rarely off antibiotics for longer than a week or two, its really quite heartbreaking and I really fear for the long term impacts. But we have to keep them comfortable and as fit and active as we can don't we.

Jedi is on pulse therapy (2 days of antibiotics, 5 days off) for the rest of his life. Given the alternative (steroids), I am quite happy with the arrangement!

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Man, your dogs sound like they have as active a social life as Bronte, but you have three to contend with

I thought about starting the 2011 thread, but didn't want to tempt fate. I think we all need as long as possible to complete all of our 2010 goals first.

:laugh: They are kept pretty busy! Bondi is going back to agility this friday too :rofl:

What are we going to do over christmas break when theres no shows, trials, sledding or training? :D ... I think alot of trips to the beach will be in order :rofl: Need to keep them all fit for next years sledding season!

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Following in green from my update in Blue! :rofl:

Following on in blue from my purple update in April:

In 2010 we MUST enter an agility trial (I know, I say that every year :happydance: )! I'm sure he's capable of Novice Jumping, I just need to get off my backside, stop making excuses and become a member of Dogswest and enter a trial! TICK have done this, entered a Novice Jumping trial on 17th March :laugh: We have also entered Jumping & Agility in the State Trial this weekend and also another two trials next weekend and then Nationals.I have been to heaps of agility trials this year!

Agility wise we need to work on perfecting our weavers, contacts and see saw. I'm thinking about joining another agility club so that we can get more training in each week.This is going along well, his weaves are coming along well, I'd say they are at 75% consistency, have also joined another club and we go to training both Tuesdays and Thursdays now Weavers are still improving, contacts are going nicely (in training anyway ;) )Weavers are good in training, trials they can be pretty hit and miss though, contacts are still a WIP :rofl:

The nationals are in Perth in April and it would be great to be able to compete there, although the thought of it is rather terrifying! :dancingelephant:TICK we have entered both agility and jumping in the Nationals :happydance::dancingelephant: Yes he got his final Novice Jumping pass for his JD title at the nationals, and now has two legs of JDX

Although we are achieving most of our goals we set at the start of this thread there are now new challenges, so my goal for the rest of the year is get consistency at trials and improve his attitude towards trials and try and relax and make it more fun. I would also really really like that third novice agility pass for his title, please? :dancingelephant:

Still haven't got that third agility pass for AD :dancingelephant: We have 4 more trials for the year and three of them are night ones, hoping that makes a difference for him because we train at night. Have got 4/5 JDX passes though, so his JDX title is looking like a possibility before the year is out, well it's looking a lot more hopeful than the AD title :dancingelephant:


First and foremost I am concentrating on her just being a puppy :dancingelephant: Next year I would like to enrol her in an obedience club, I think she'd enjoy

it and be good at it, and I'll just keep doing foundations for agility with her. There's no hurry. Pretty much still being a puppy with a bit of training on the side :happydance:Yes we have stepped up Trixie's training, she is 1 now and is showing promise, she is fast and although she is a bit slow to pick things up :dancingelephant: once she has learnt it she remembers it forever. I can see improvement with every training session and it is so fun. She has started doing contacts and I'm going to teach her 2x2 weaves soon. The most important thing is she loves training and is always enthusiastic and just happy to be out doing things with me :D Just trying not to break her :dancingelephant: Still training her, she's still super keen, started contact obstacles, still heaps to work on though

Edited by amypie
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My goal in 2010 is to enter my first agility trial with Toby but more importantly my main goal is for us both to have fun and for me to remember that is why I will be trialling. Many expirenced agility people have warned me that once you start trialling it can be addictive and that you can put pressuer on yourself and your dog to perform well, this is my anti-goal.

Well me and Toby entered a few trials and up until nationals he was running quite well, then one night at a closed club trial he was refusing jumps and I noticed him limping.. a few Bowen sessions later he was better. Fast forward a few months, he is lame again, so Toby is seeing a special vet on Saturday but is retired from agility :D . Hopefully we can pursue Rally-O and tracking next year. Even if he is sound again I doubt we will de agility as my concerns about his leg are projected into the trial ring and we both get super nervey.

I have been having lots of fun at trials and training with the dogs, I have not yet lost the ability to laugh it off when my dogs are being little turds, so hopefully i can keep that! :laugh:

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Jeez my head is spinning, everyone is doing so well.

TerraNik, is Abby the Lappie in your sig? She wouldn't be very old at all would she? And already two CCD passes, what a clever girl!

I've got Bronte on a lifetime treatment for her Skin Barrier Dysfunction, so it sounds like we are getting these itchy, scratchy dogs under control so they can really enjoy life.

No, Abby is my friend's Kelpie. She's 5! But I only started training her at the beginning of the year and only once per week. So she has done quite well for how little training we get to do together!

Sorry to hear about Bronte - I didn't know that she had skin issues, too! geez we could start up a support group - Obedience Trainers with Itchy Dogs :laugh:

Well go Abby I say, great work.

I have no idea what your dog has. I assume he has been blood tested so you have a name to put to it. The only reason I am asking is because my GWP had

major issues, in fact when I bought him another breeder said the dogs from that kennel loose their coates. No one would tell me why. In short I had him

blood tested and he came up with a thing called Malacesia, he was put onto a human drug which is quite expensive, however on a month long dose (in short

boming it) he now looks better than he ever has and he is ten yrs. old his coat is lovely. With this he also gets a black gunge in his ears, has burst two

ear drums (which re grow) and has had a haematoma in his ear. The drug he has when he breaks out keeps this thing under control. If you have a mind

to ask me more you may email me privately, he was on all sorts of other drugs before we went onto this one, we only got it because I made the vets life

a misery about it Beagie

Yep, skin issues started when she was about five months old. I really need to take shares out in my vet and the veterinary dermotologist centre. We now 'mostly' have the itch under control on a relatively safe drug. But her infections are a whole other issue. She is rarely off antibiotics for longer than a week or two, its really quite heartbreaking and I really fear for the long term impacts. But we have to keep them comfortable and as fit and active as we can don't we.

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