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2010 Training/title/goals Wish List


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Goodness, I've still got one trial left for the year and haven't got a clue what my goals are for next year but cos you guys asked I'll start a new one up for you! :rofl:

Awesome :thumbsup: I've been thinking about my goals. I have plenty of time to think while at work, I'm never busy :)

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Same here smoothiegirl, I have two trials left and one pass needed for AD and one pass needed for JDX and I'm not posting in the other thread until those trials have been, don't want to jinx myself either. :thumbsup:

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My trialling year has basically finished :thumbsup: So I'm already looking to next year. I am going to send entries off for open obediene (not for comp) and novice jumping for Ruby in December, but they don't really affect my goals I've set for next year :laugh:

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My trialling year has basically finished :laugh: So I'm already looking to next year. I am going to send entries off for open obediene (not for comp) and novice jumping for Ruby in December, but they don't really affect my goals I've set for next year :laugh:

Novice jumping that's exciting :(

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Another year, another wish list that will probably go unfulfilled :laugh:

Nova: Would like to start doing tracking trials with him, he is still in training so would be good. That's pretty much it for him, he is much happier being trained to do something rather than the trial aspects.

Darcy: Ahh well where too start? I will be getting at least his show title and an agility and jumping title. Thats the basic minimum I want to accomplish this year......I just need to get my arse into gear and enter trails instead of putting it off!

Didn't do any of these either especially the bolded part! ;) Both are capable but I just forget to enter trials. So our only agility/jumping trial we didn't do well but there is always next year!! :laugh:

Nearly got his show title, 12 points off......I had entered enough shows to get those last points (joys of being the only entry in the breed :( but didn't go!)

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Ok here goes :laugh:

Lomani -

-To have consistently solid contacts

-Obtain her JDM, ADX, GD, SPDX & SDX titles

-Be well on the way to getting her JDO, ADO, & GDX titles (don't want much do I?)

Bond -

-Start agility training with a goal to do his first trial before the year is out (he turns 18 months mid-September)

-Maybe have a look at some obedience trials... not committing to this one yet though :laugh:

Wow, I saw this thread up again and wasn't sure exactly where my brain had been at when I wrote this... seems it was pretty spot on.

This year Lomani has nailed 2 on - 2 off contacts in training.... since doing that she gives me more consistent contacts in trials but we still haven't managed to put the 2o2o into trials which is something I think I'm just going to have to live with.

She got her JDM, ADX, GD, GDX, SPDX, ADO and JDO titles this year so she certainly met those goals.

Surprisingly she is also 4 q's into her ADM title so that will definitely be on the list for next year.

Bond started trialling in September and has 4 q's to date. He is running beautifully but is still very green and I know that next year will be his year. :D Lets not talk about the whole obedience thing though :(

Congratulations to everybody on reaching their goals!!!!

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I wish I had written down what I wanted to achieve but I never like to jinx myself :grimace: My aims were to get Poppy's started herding title and sort out her stay problem so I could trial her in obedience. She got her herding title nicely and finally at the end of the year I think she will be ok in the stays.

I also wanted to have more fun with the dogs. I have been doing a weekly trip to a local river which has been fun. I wanted to go to the beach too but that hasn't happened yet.

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I just went back and read my goals for 2010 and Den has pretty much exceeded all of those lol! He is running for his JD title tonight!! :laugh:

lol so new goals for him


*Gain a Pass in JDX

*Finish either or SD or GD titles

* Get some more distance work going..

*Gain another pass in AD


I need to start challenging myself with my goals.. We have acheived all of those Damn Goals.. right challenge..


*Gain 2 ADX passes

*Gain 1 JDM Pass

*Finish SD Title

*Enter a DWD comp (still to be decided lol that may be a 2011 goal)


*To Finish SDX Title (we need 3 more Qs)

*To Finish ADX Title (2 more Qs)

With the Exception of the DWD comp we have managed all our 2010 Goals.. Yay me and Yay Jock and Den

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  • 2 weeks later...
Firstly, Huski, love your new avatar!

So our goals this year were:

Pass HIC and gain her HT title.

Start and maybe even gain her CCD.

We have had to revise that goal as she got her HIC and HT in April.

Now the goals are:

Gain her PT title.

Commence trailing in Herding Start.

And still start and maybe even gain her CCD.

On the side, after two second places in internal obed club fun days we were gunning for a first place and trophy - well with a bit of luck here and there we achieved that today. Whoo hoo!

Just an update on our goals for this year peoples:

Last Sunday Bronte successfully qualified for her PT title with two lovely runs on the sheep. We are going to hold off trial level herding until next year to ensure that she has enough training under her (our) belt, rather than rush her.

And tomorrow, barring the 'Great Flood of 2010' in Victoria (it just started raining in the last two minutes), we are going to compete in our first CCD class.

She's a dream dog with an ever increasing work ethic and I'm a very proud and happy owner.

Come on gang, we need updates!

Well our first attempt at CCD during the Sept floods was a categoric disaster. The day was horrendous and the ring was under two inches of water in some spots and she DID NOT WANT TO BE THERE - TAKE ME HOME MUM - NOW! The only thing we got out of it was me being struck down with a cold/flu for the next week and a half.

However since then we have competed twice for two passes so her CCD sounds like a possibility for this year.

Final update for 2010...

Bronte got 2nd place in CCD at the Croydon trial today with a qualifying score to complete the third and final leg of her title. Mission accomplished!

We can now look forward to a summer of slightly more relaxed training, get back to some herding and some plain old silly doggy fun fun fun.

Right, now I have to put my thinking cap on for the 2011 wish list.

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What an awesome way to cap off a wonderful year for you Smoothiegirl. Congratulations to you and Bronte.

I am so happy you got that title pass in before the year's end, lovely feeling, you must be thrilled.

I will catch up with you at either obedience, herding or agility next year or all 3. :cheer:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't think I did a training wish list for Ziggy....

Typical! :love: :love:

One of the big aims was to teach contacts and weavers for agility - we managed to do this in a 2 week period and have entered a couple of trials so extremely pleased with our progress. Have competed in Novice Jumping, Novice Agility and Open Jumping. Only one pass in Novice Jumping but he is working beautifully so just need a bit of luck and his handler to engage her brain ;)

Another aim was to organise a few private agility lessons - also have done this and I am thrilled with our instructor and Zig's rapid progress.

Independent weave entries - need work - he has great potential so just need to put some time in!

We joined our local club (a lot closer since we moved!) which I have been meaning to do for ages but haven't had many agility sessions due to the poor condition of the grounds. In the limited training session we both had a hoot, Zig worked really well and we learnt a LOT :laugh:

Ziggy now has two passes in Novice Jumping (2nd place, 4th place) and one pass in Novice Agility (1st place). Could not be more pleased with how he is going. Both of us are starting to get some real confidence and speed up! Handler still needs lots of work.

Agility contacts are seriously cute, funny and very reliable - he just scares the sh!t out of me by sprinting across the dog walk pretty fast for a larger dog :love: When he's feeling a little silly at home there's nothing like playing nose touches with the piece of timber on the deck!

Weave entries are really coming along at home - I'm really pushing his independence and he is loving the challenge. Can't wait to do some training at club so we can practice coming off other equipment instead of using the old stone BBQ as a table ;)

Would like to get his Novice title this year - haven't competed in any trials yet but he is working well. No thoughts given to Open although we are training for it and his dumbbell work is extremely enthusiastic after a LOT of work. Don't want to push him too fast.

I can't see him getting his Novice title unless I start entering trials :p Two passes down and one to go :)

ET would be great this year - will see how I am going for time.

Just not enough time to get myself organised.....need to buy a decent bike...

Something that WASN'T on my wish list was to enter the Dalmatian Nationals. But here we are in Sydney and my big aim is to get out there and enjoy ourselves :thumbsup:

Definite highlight of the year....had a fun time camping and caught up with Ziggy's breeders who were so proud of him. In one day of competition he came up with a first place, Q in Novice Obedience (& Highest Score in Trial), first place, Q in Novice Agility and second place, NQ in Open Jumping. Still proud ;)

My aim is to stop enjoying my busy weekends around the house and enter some trials!!!

Very happy with 2010, particularly being so busy and having not many opportunities to train over such a wet Winter!!!

Didn't enter another Novice trial....always a reliable way NOT to get a pass ;)

Finished the year with a bang with more quallies than we needed for JD and AD plus our first JDO pass :laugh:

Very much enjoying playing and training with Miss Emily too :)

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I am aiming for a bigger year next year seeing as this one has been a bit slow! So my hopes are for our UD title and be well an truely on the way to OC, I don't know if we'll get both next year but if I can get UD out of the way and a start on the OC legs! My other goal for Ella is get the allusive 200 in Open, I don't think I'll get one in UD any time soon but I know Ella is capable of one in Open! And the final goal for me is to enroll in the trainee judges program here in QLD and get a start on my judging licences!

Wellllll.... UD title Check! OC legs not yet, she missed out on one on Saturday night due to needing to poo in the ring (a certain five letter word starting with B springs to mind). Still got 5 trials left for this year I am expecting a couple of legs towards OC from those. :laugh:

As for the 200.... no such luck yet, considering I haven't put her back into Open yet! Her scores in UD are on the up with each one getting higher. Maybe next year I'll put her back into Open and do both but not this year. I was also really lazy for the first half of the year and did NO obedience and focussed on showing instead where she finished her Champion title instead!!

And enrolling in the judges training program - semi check... I sent in my application but due to dogsqld restructuring the program no new trainees have been accepted at this stage until the restructure is complete.

Well... I came close a few times to those ellusive OC legs but unfortunately it wasn't to be this year. She has shown me that she is definitely capable of getting them we just need to work on her being more consistent. We'll have to wait and see if the OC happens next year though as I have other plans for her in the whelping box.

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TSD - were you reading my mind? :D I had both this thread and the 2011 one open ready to post but got called away, then I came back and you had bumped them both :D

Final 2010 update in red!:

Following in green from my update in Blue! :)
Following on in blue from my purple update in April:

In 2010 we MUST enter an agility trial (I know, I say that every year)! I'm sure he's capable of Novice Jumping, I just need to get off my backside, stop making excuses and become a member of Dogswest and enter a trial! TICK have done this, entered a Novice Jumping trial on 17th March :laugh: We have also entered Jumping & Agility in the State Trial this weekend and also another two trials next weekend and then Nationals.I have been to heaps of agility trials this year! I attended every trial at K9 this year since March and also a few at other venues! Yes I think I am addicted!

Agility wise we need to work on perfecting our weavers, contacts and see saw. I'm thinking about joining another agility club so that we can get more training in each week.This is going along well, his weaves are coming along well, I'd say they are at 75% consistency, have also joined another club and we go to training both Tuesdays and Thursdays now Weavers are still improving, contacts are going nicely (in training anyway :) )Weavers are good in training, trials they can be pretty hit and miss though, contacts are still a WIP :)Contacts have been pretty good lately, a big improvement, see saw is fine, no real problems there, weavers are really speeding up, I'd say this is currently his strongest obstacle after the dog walk.

The nationals are in Perth in April and it would be great to be able to compete there, although the thought of it is rather terrifying! :eek:TICK we have entered both agility and jumping in the Nationals Yes he got his final Novice Jumping pass for his JD title at the nationals, and now has two legs of JDX

Although we are achieving most of our goals we set at the start of this thread there are now new challenges, so my goal for the rest of the year is get consistency at trials and improve his attitude towards trials and try and relax and make it more fun. I would also really really like that third novice agility pass for his title, please? ;) Still haven't got that third agility pass for AD :rofl: We have 4 more trials for the year and three of them are night ones, hoping that makes a difference for him because we train at night. Have got 4/5 JDX passes though, so his JDX title is looking like a possibility before the year is out, well it's looking a lot more hopeful than the AD title :laugh:

Well we finally got that elusive AD pass, in the last trial and run of the year :rofl: So typical! That was a toughie and I really had to change my attitude and outlook on things - it was so worth it though - not just for the title but for the massive improvement he has shown at our last few trials in agility, where before he would just shut down off the start line he is looking happier and having fun at the same time. We are still on 4/5 JDX passes but I don't mind - not in too much of a rush to get into Masters :eek:


First and foremost I am concentrating on her just being a puppy :laugh: Next year I would like to enrol her in an obedience club, I think she'd enjoy

it and be good at it, and I'll just keep doing foundations for agility with her. There's no hurry. Pretty much still being a puppy with a bit of training on the side :DYes we have stepped up Trixie's training, she is 1 now and is showing promise, she is fast and although she is a bit slow to pick things up :laugh: once she has learnt it she remembers it forever. I can see improvement with every training session and it is so fun. She has started doing contacts and I'm going to teach her 2x2 weaves soon. The most important thing is she loves training and is always enthusiastic and just happy to be out doing things with me Just trying not to break her :laugh: Still training her, she's still super keen, started contact obstacles, still heaps to work on though

My special girl :p always keen to train and play which is the most important thing at the current time, really going to be stepping up her training in 2011 - have got a lot of exercises to work on but I'm really looking forward to it!

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I usually join in on the wish lists but I didn't for 2010. I didn't dare actually put in writing that I was hoping to get Rogan's AgCh :mad But I feel a little wrap up of the year with my boys is warrented now our 2010 trialing year is over.

Rogan continued to trial consistently in Agility throughout 2010, our main focus for this year. I suspect it's his last competitive year. I am more than pleased that in September he gained his Agility Champion title, making him a dual Champion :eek: In August we achieved a goal we'd had for a few years and that was to compete in a Utility Gundog Ability Test, the first one run under National rules. Rogan passed the test and became the first dog in Australia (by about 40 minutes) to gain the UG title :laugh:

My aims with Polo this year was to finish his Restricted title in Retrieving Trials, to teach him to weave and compete in Agility trials and hopefully knock off a title there! Obedience wise I wanted to get a score over 190 in Open with him as I know he is more than capable but only got in the 180's for his title, and to introduce UD training. Polo finished his RRD early in the year :) and I did start competing in Agility trials with him, although he's still not quite there IMO. Unfortunately he still doesn't weave consistently :mad He did manage to gain his JD title in October and has passes in all Novice Games classes :eek: He did get that 190+ score in the little Obedience trialing we did, winning the Open titled class at our State Titles :eek: We have done a small amount of UD training, but nothing to really speak of. Our first go at Scent Discrim was a disaster! Additionally Polo was also introduced to Field work this year, something we have both enjoyed. He also particiapted in the first Utility Gundog Ability test and gained his UG, with some very nice ratings across the board :eat:

No training goals with the old boys, just hoping they'd see the year through and be happy and healthy :o After a scare with Flynn early on, he's been fit as a fiddle and as norty as ever :)

Edited by FHRP
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-CD Title Completed in May

-Finish training all CDX exercises and maybe sneak in a trial there First trailled in August, currently she has 1 leg towards her CDX.


-train train train!! because I was chicken this year and took a break to focus on obed, so next year I probably will have to re-train quite a bit.

-novice jumping trial Last weekend!

-JD pass *maybe* and if that works out... :eek: last weekend!

-JD title -Not gonna happen!

-novice agility trial, if training goes well Last weekend!

And if those goals go well, maybe try a bit of herding or flyball :mad-uhh nope! :)

Edited :mad

Still got a few trials before the end of the year though.

Now that's ALL the trials finished for the year.

With 2010 titles, we stand at:


2/3 JD

1/3 CDX

1/3 GD

Very happy with that!

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