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Quick update on Bonnie, her movement is improving, as is her bladder control- but she has abit of pain :( Which makes me think it must be IVDD. Going back to specialist on monday. Not keen to do the surgery on her at this age and with her degree of spondylosis- so going to go with the conservative treatment, steroids/crate rest/physical therapy- and hope she recovers.

Yay for improvement, gah for the pain,

Buddy hello handsome boy

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Ruby and Pippa are in focus, I would say that Millie moved and that's why she is blurred :D

ETA is see Rubys face is a bit blurred too but Pippa looks ok? Even my big camera gets confused when I do Mason and Gibbs in one photo it's the color diff I think :mad

Edited by Mason_Gibbs
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It's not just the not in focus I mean, the photo still looks fuzzy/blurry and that is the quality of the camera indoors it seems! I do understand different colours will focus/photograph differently but at least outside the overall look of the photo would have been clearer with the same camera.

I'm just glad I could get them all looking at the camera at the same time! thumbsup1.gif

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I know what you mean - the phone camera does struggle indoors - I usually take three or four shots and only one of them is okay in low light - also tapping on where you want it to focus helps (not sure if you did that?)

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Guest RosieFT

my goodness pippy looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damned cute! I *almost* want one! :-) and Ruby looks beautiful as always, and Mille looks - blurry... LOL just kidding, she looks a bit resigned - like, get no with it would you, sheesh, ANOTHER photo shoot.. sigh.. hee hee

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We're back ....................

And we have news :)

Lewis gained his last pass for his CCD with a 97 and first place, he also got two reserve challenges and an Inter in group.

He got very close to some agility/jumpers passes, but as it was in one instance a rather open course well he can run kinda fast, got a bit far ahead and missed the last jump.

Also figured to be a bit strategic and place Rommi in line with the last line of jumps :). That would of helped today if we hadn't of muffed an entry into the weavers and I hadn't of done a wrong course!!!!!!!stupid me!!!!!!

Rommi got totally overwhelmed in obedience so wecretired but was a star in the agility ring gaining two passes and first places in novice jumpers and agility

I am really happy with their attitudes and resilience over a really big weekend.

My dogs rock- well to me at least :D

Edited by OSoSwift
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Am in love with my DeepHeat today, ouchy muscles :)

also ended up running my friends Goldie in agility as her mums back was far to sore, had a great time but no passes for her, she was a happy bouncing soul though :) my legs muscles were a bit unsure about that idea at the time!!!

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Well done OSS and to your whippies!!!! Good kiddies! thumbsup1.gif

ST - the video camera on the new phone looks good, but I haven't transferred any video to my computer yet to see just how good it is. I'm sure camera will be ok in daylight, I will have to test it out. The best camera phone I ever had was a Sony Ericsson that had a Sony Cybershot camera in it. Clearest photos EVER!! The video camera sucked big time, though. 15 sec vids max (or thereabouts) and blurry as anything. I almost stayed with the Sony Ericsson's because of the awesome cameras in them.

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Am in love with my DeepHeat today, ouchy muscles :)

also ended up running my friends Goldie in agility as her mums back was far to sore, had a great time but no passes for her, she was a happy bouncing soul though :) my legs muscles were a bit unsure about that idea at the time!!!

Hahah and here we were talking about how many runs you had to do with your dogs - that wasn't enough and you had to do some bonus ones too :laugh:

The best camera phone I ever had was a Sony Ericsson that had a Sony Cybershot camera in it. Clearest photos EVER!! The video camera sucked big time, though. 15 sec vids max (or thereabouts) and blurry as anything. I almost stayed with the Sony Ericsson's because of the awesome cameras in them.

I remember that - didn't you have it at Piney Lakes? It did take surprisingly good photos

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I remember that - didn't you have it at Piney Lakes? It did take surprisingly good photos

Umm probably not, I had the Sony Ericsson when Ruby was a puppy but changed it over for a Samsung F480 touchscreen thingy (during my iphone boycott stage, didn't want to be a sheep! :rofl:) and that nice took clear photos outdoors too but again, indoors was pretty rubbish.

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the vids look great sending phone to phone... my sister sends me vids all the time of the kids and they look great, but I don't know how good they'd look if you made them larger.

So for those that didn't see it on FB, Lulu had her first swim yesterday morning... She only went in once, mind, then she worked out that all she had to do was wait on the waters edge for Ari to return and then she could ambush her for the ball!


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Well someone had a camera phone that took good photos at Piney lakes anyway :rofl: It wasn't a touch screen

Piney Lakes on the Samsung:


Sony Ericsson:



ST, was that photo of your guys swimming taken on the iphone? Which version?

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