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All the best for tomorrow boxagirl :)

That's the difference between the boys and girls. The boys are sooky la-la's and tell you when their toe is sore. The girls could break a leg and not complain laugh.gif

I think that is why females are the ones who have to have the babies ;)

Not true ;) My boy cocker would fly through barbed wire and not even squeak if he cut himself, we'd find out by the blood later! Whereas my female greyhound would scream the house down for a stubbed toe - but that's probably a grey thing :laugh:

Louis is a big girls blouse though too :laugh:

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Yep my boy dog rips open paw pads and carries on chasing his ball, don't even realise he's done it until later!

Oh unless he doesn't want to run agility because he is tired then he puts on a pretty mean limp over nothing :rolleyes: :laugh: yet walks perfectly back to the car :p

Edited by amypie
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Hi Lab Rat,

If they are smaller than a "Bosley" size, and I think his latest was 60cm, I would be interested in them for my "future" new addition :D


I got a Thundershirt for Zola while I was at Equitana last week......Just trying it out this morning :)

Zola spied a bobtail outside the front door and started with her usual jumping around and vocalising about it so I put her on a lead and got her to sit by me for ten minutes.....then suddenly remembered I had the Thundershirt :thumbsup: So I strapped it on and now she is sitting at the window calmly & quietly watching :D Dunno if its the shirt or not, but we have a vet visit next week, so she will be wearing then as well!!

So does anyone want or need a long check chain?? They are 17" or 20" (about 44cm or 51cm). The shorter measurement is between the rings, longer from outside of ring to ring =) Dont want anything for them - can probably post or bring to a show :)

Boxagirl, Im glad Bondi is making small improvements.....Big hugs for you :hug: :hug:

Cool, Ill bring them along to the next show and you can see if you want them =) Whens the Bunbury show again??? Better go check my K9 news & roster LOL!

How is Sashas ear???

Dec 3rd and 4th cos i am entered for once lol :D

Bondi is off to a specialist neurologist vet tomorrow morning- wish us luck :crossfingers:

Fingers crossed :D :crossfingers:

CC the closer to 0 for hips and elbows is better. most people xray at 12 months i did hers at 20 months. I am very happy with a 3, 3 so total of 6 the cut oif for breeding in a rotti is the adding of both male and female hips and elbows the hips is 20 i think i prefer 0 for elbows so 6 and 0 i am thrilled :D

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BONDI JUST TOOK 2 STEPS! When I was getting her up- I think she thought she was about to fall over- There was no weight on her rear end because I was holding it in the air wheelbarrowing her- and she moved her legs in the motion of 2 steps! :thumbsup: Then went back to not using them again- but still, 2 steps! :)

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Hi Lab Rat,

If they are smaller than a "Bosley" size, and I think his latest was 60cm, I would be interested in them for my "future" new addition :D


I got a Thundershirt for Zola while I was at Equitana last week......Just trying it out this morning :)

Zola spied a bobtail outside the front door and started with her usual jumping around and vocalising about it so I put her on a lead and got her to sit by me for ten minutes.....then suddenly remembered I had the Thundershirt :thumbsup: So I strapped it on and now she is sitting at the window calmly & quietly watching :D Dunno if its the shirt or not, but we have a vet visit next week, so she will be wearing then as well!!

So does anyone want or need a long check chain?? They are 17" or 20" (about 44cm or 51cm). The shorter measurement is between the rings, longer from outside of ring to ring =) Dont want anything for them - can probably post or bring to a show :)

Boxagirl, Im glad Bondi is making small improvements.....Big hugs for you :hug: :hug:

Cool, Ill bring them along to the next show and you can see if you want them =) Whens the Bunbury show again??? Better go check my K9 news & roster LOL!

How is Sashas ear???

Dec 3rd and 4th cos i am entered for once lol :D

Bondi is off to a specialist neurologist vet tomorrow morning- wish us luck :crossfingers:

Fingers crossed :D :crossfingers:

CC the closer to 0 for hips and elbows is better. most people xray at 12 months i did hers at 20 months. I am very happy with a 3, 3 so total of 6 the cut oif for breeding in a rotti is the adding of both male and female hips and elbows the hips is 20 i think i prefer 0 for elbows so 6 and 0 i am thrilled :D

Well I wont be going to those shows then - working ALL that weekend :mad

Good results for your girl Lisa :thumbsup:

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Well let Mason out for the loo this AM and he had a bit of diarrhea but thought nothing of it as with his allergies he often has problems, but then he started pooping bright red blood, :eek: Off to the vets just now, musts say I hit a panic... This has never happened before

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