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ok chandra next

Moccarott Total Nv Toall (3 yrs 9months)]

sire Ch Ubersein Rocket Man

adm Ch Moccarott Kaotek Rajah

second kelari

Moccarott Chapaka Dare T Dream (18 months)

sire Ch Darkgypsy Sudden Impact

dam Moccarott Total Nv Toall



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Yep, no sewing which is the only reason I gave it a go - Martha Stewart I ain't! LOL! Basically you cut two pieces of polar fleece the same size, cut 4" long x 1.5" wide strips all around the edge (cutting out 4" squares on each corner if you are doing a square or rectangle) and then just tie the strips up! Leave one side open enough to stuff with fluff and voila! one cushiony dog bed. Super easy! :D

Have a look here - they make a round one but I wanted to do rectangular - same principle though.

Hey that's cool.... might make one for my dogs, that way it's not a huge deal if Trixie does destroy it (highly likely lol) rather than a proper one that costs a stack of cash

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What great Photos Emery they are gorgeous, if I lived closer I would dognap one :)

I have seen baby blankets made in a similar way PF they are very easy to make. they good thing is you can restuff them easily if they go flat as well. Polar fleece is great to work with..

Now my agility and jumpers people, I am after a little help please.

I have been reading the latest canine news and was about to do some entries. However the trials (Albany ones) are double header Agility and Jumpers. Do I need a seperate entry form per class or can I put the date and AD and put both the fees on the side and they will know it is for both classes on that day?? the same question for jumpers. The other question, They have $10 for the first entry and then $8 for subsequent. Is this per dog? ie $10 for the first entry for each dog, then $8 per entry for each dog after that? Or $10 for the first regardless how many dogs you are entering. I rang the lady's number but no-one answered and I am a bit impatient :o

I have had a dog in multiple disiplines before but never multiple dogs in multiple disiplines - going to have to get fitter me thinks! :)

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The morning trial and afternoon trial are separate, so you would have a form for the morning, let's say for Rommi, you would put AD and JD on it and mark somewhere that it is for the AM trial (I usually put it in with the trial date), then do the same for PM. So if you are entering morning and afternoon, you would have two forms per dog.

Not sure about the entry thereafter question because I have only ever entered one dog!

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The morning trial and afternoon trial are separate, so you would have a form for the morning, let's say for Rommi, you would put AD and JD on it and mark somewhere that it is for the AM trial (I usually put it in with the trial date), then do the same for PM. So if you are entering morning and afternoon, you would have two forms per dog.

Not sure about the entry thereafter question because I have only ever entered one dog!

Thank you, that answers a big part of it, I am normally not this insane either, but well there is a first time for everything. Think I will sleep well :)

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OK a very quick post as i am wrecked and sore lol.

Showed under the german judge he was absolutely lovely, talks to the dogs, counted teethe by moving lips and running fingers across and was all round a lovely judge, would show uner him again :D

showed 4 of 5 dogs today chance cut his pad just after arriving and wasn't weight bearing so had to be scratched :(

Kelari came 2nd out of three but judge gave her a good look over but i noticed in photos she paced sigh lol

Chandra came 3 out of 3 but again got a good look over Tough class :)

the two pups i show the bitch came first and the boy 3rd :)

Some people just crack the poops when they lose!! I believe!! Well done emery!

Firstly, I didn't "lose" as such, I was Baby of Breed (ok, he was unopposed but still ;p) Had I gone on to win Baby in Show under this guy my comments would still be the same. I have been showing for 20 years on and off, and the only time I have ever 'cracked the poops' as you put it is if I feel my dog hasn't been judged correctly, fairly or treated with respect. He was very nice to Jerry in as much as he talked to him etc, but I still maintain he was far too rough on his testicles. And no ifs, ands or buts - it is completely rude to ignore a dog and have a convo outside the ring whilst you are supposed to be judging it, regardless of what you do with that dog in the results.

Just my findings on the day, I am as entitled to state what I found with this judge as anyone else. No poop cracking here ;)

Well done on your day Emery :thumbsup: , and sorry that Chance hurt his foot... what a bummer! :( Hope he's much better now.

Edited to remove post from the existing quote :)

keep ya knickers on Poo Yong it wasnt directed at YOU it was from all the whiners about tyhe German Judge who is in fact an excellent Judge ( so sorry you took offence it was not a9imed at any person just the general feeling from the WHOLE Dog community!!)

:rofl: my knickers are firmly on, thanks! I'm sure some people think he is excellent - but if the 'general feeling from the WHOLE Dog community' is of the opinion that he is a bit of a twit then you do have to wonder if there's something in it... ;) There are several judges I would class as excellent but I'm sure that some wouldn't agree there either :D

Ah well, each to their own... I guess excellence is subjective in this case!

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Why don't you enter open jumping and open agility with both dogs too for the hell of it, that's only 16 runs in a day! :D :p


I hadn't even thought of that, but no I won't be that mean to them, it will be our first sanctioned agility and jumpers trials, so I think that will be enough for ...me .... I mean them :D

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Why don't you enter open jumping and open agility with both dogs too for the hell of it, that's only 16 runs in a day! :D :p


I hadn't even thought of that, but no I won't be that mean to them, it will be our first sanctioned agility and jumpers trials, so I think that will be enough for ...me .... I mean them :D


Chicken :p

ooh how exciting! Make sure you get someone to video :provoke:

I was looking forward to Albany in February but now we are going to Bali then (I didn't choose the dates) but RallyValley and I haave decided we will road trip down there next November :D And probably camp, exciting!

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Why don't you enter open jumping and open agility with both dogs too for the hell of it, that's only 16 runs in a day! :D :p


I hadn't even thought of that, but no I won't be that mean to them, it will be our first sanctioned agility and jumpers trials, so I think that will be enough for ...me .... I mean them :D


Chicken :p

ooh how exciting! Make sure you get someone to video :provoke:

I was looking forward to Albany in February but now we are going to Bali then (I didn't choose the dates) but RallyValley and I haave decided we will road trip down there next November :D And probably camp, exciting!

Not sure if I will get there in Feb as I will probably be working, but will see how we go :) I would love to, but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day :)

Video - hmmm not sure about that, not sure if I want evidence of me fallign over or running into a jump :)

Edited by OSoSwift
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Oh jeepers showing them as well, okay I don't blame you lol - think they are going to sleep well too!

Yep although we probably won't get through as usually there are some high calibre Whippets there, will see :) Tis all fun and we enjoy it.

Ah yep we will all be knackered I think. At least they get to sleep in the car on the way there and on the way home :)

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What great Photos Emery they are gorgeous, if I lived closer I would dognap one :)

I have seen baby blankets made in a similar way PF they are very easy to make. they good thing is you can restuff them easily if they go flat as well. Polar fleece is great to work with..

Now my agility and jumpers people, I am after a little help please.

I have been reading the latest canine news and was about to do some entries. However the trials (Albany ones) are double header Agility and Jumpers. Do I need a seperate entry form per class or can I put the date and AD and put both the fees on the side and they will know it is for both classes on that day?? the same question for jumpers. The other question, They have $10 for the first entry and then $8 for subsequent. Is this per dog? ie $10 for the first entry for each dog, then $8 per entry for each dog after that? Or $10 for the first regardless how many dogs you are entering. I rang the lady's number but no-one answered and I am a bit impatient :o

I have had a dog in multiple disiplines before but never multiple dogs in multiple disiplines - going to have to get fitter me thinks! :)

Well Oso if the albany show is conformation as well you might get your chance to dognap them or at least come get rotten cuddles :)

you will be super fit i need to improve my fitness for showing 4 dogs rofl

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