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Western Australian Thread


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Yeah I know :( Wanna get home to the dogs. Thunderstorm coming! Meant to go to mum's for dinner before training but now I know I won't be bothered going for a free feed if it's too wet to train! Will wanna get home and get in my jammies to enjoy the storm laugh.gif

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CC pls let me know what happens with Indy

Well the x-rays showed the same thickening of the airways as last time, but no infection this time, so the coughing is asthma, not bacterial related. The bad news is that the prednisolone inhaler seems to no longer be working, so she is now on pred tablets along with upping the Ventolin inhaler to every 8hrs. They took bloods as well as she's now finished her month of antioxidant pills, so they want to test her liver enzymes to see if they had any effect.

Poor Indy, luckily she is such a tolerant cat as she has been poked and prodded for months now......this all started back in March :(

I probably won't make the gundog show on saturday now, as she needs to go back then for a check up.

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My husband will be showing at his first show on sunday the west coast rottweiler open show. I got him to stack up his dog today Chance here is his first attempt at stacking Chance. let me know what you think :D


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Tell Andrew he is doing a good job :thumbsup: And Chance is looking nice!

I don't know alot about Rotti's (or about tails- though I will soon have to learn!) but I think that the Rotti's look better when they are "tailed". Just like I think the tailed boxers look better when their tails are held up and not just flopping there. :)

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