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I won't be there tomorrow. I'm going carpet and tile shopping instead :laugh: I figure if I'm not planning on doing tracking this year then there is probably no point in coming :o

I'm quite content sticking with obedience and agility. And I've just realised why :p Neither require me to get up at insane hours of the morning and head out to the sticks to train or compete like tracking and retrieving can do! :(

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I won't be there tomorrow. I'm going carpet and tile shopping instead :laugh: I figure if I'm not planning on doing tracking this year then there is probably no point in coming :rofl:

I'm quite content sticking with obedience and agility. And I've just realised why :o Neither require me to get up at insane hours of the morning and head out to the sticks to train or compete like tracking and retrieving can do! :p

Yeah, we all knew you'd favour your bed over a fun social morning :(

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No way, I'd never be facetious :)

RubyStar and I are both allergic to early mornings, dreadful things they are.

ETA: Although, this morning I got up an hour early :laugh: and walked the dogs (purely to prevent another one of OH's work boots getting eaten by a bored puppy) Blerk.

ETAA: I'm yet to hear if my prevention strategy was successful, no news is good news, right?

Edited by amypie
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I wont be there tomorow, I have just come home from having my appendix out at the hosiptal, so I have 3 little scars :laugh: (Thats also why I missed training Wednesday and yesterday nights)

I was so looking forward to doing tracking with Lincoln :)

Anyway I best go back to bed before the hospital drugs wear off.


Little Creatures Fremantle is the best reaturant in the world!!!!

OH NO! Hope your feeling better soon. Even if you miss the workshop I think you could still join the tracking when it starts if your up to it by then.

I'm going tomorrow! Still don't know how I'll fit in the tracking training and like others I do LOVE my bed on the weekend but it is only for 6 months a year so perhaps I can handle it if I can work it around the other doggie stuff.

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I was feeling so much worse before the appendix came out. :D

I'm not feeling too bad but scared of taking the dogs anywhere atm in case they pull or jump up and pull my wounds open. :) I am hoping that I will be back in action by mid next week as I don't want to lose much training time. I am recovering better then I though since I was in surgery this time yesterday, amazing how small the inscions are! :rofl:

If I am feeling better Sunday I might come down to the show with Lincoln, but I would have to get one of my guy friends to come down with me and do the lifting/puppy holding/showing.

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I was feeling so much worse before the appendix came out. :D

I'm not feeling too bad but scared of taking the dogs anywhere atm in case they pull or jump up and pull my wounds open. :) I am hoping that I will be back in action by mid next week as I don't want to lose much training time. I am recovering better then I though since I was in surgery this time yesterday, amazing how small the inscions are! :rofl:

If I am feeling better Sunday I might come down to the show with Lincoln, but I would have to get one of my guy friends to come down with me and do the lifting/puppy holding/showing.

Be careful that you dont overdue it because you could really hurt yourself :confused:

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Sh*t CBR - hope youre recovering ok!! :rofl: My work mate has just had her appendix out last week, I saw her scars the other day, two weeny ones, and they also went in through her belly button! Ick!!

Thanks for the suggestions, after posting my original question I found a place called Vivisen Teahouse, which is Chinese which I think were gonna try - sounds very nice, quite traditional and low key. Just what Im after!


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