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Well done everyone on their wins on the weekend

I won BOB dalmatian and shortlisted for group on Friday night, and the BOB Dalmatian (a different one) on Monday night. I also handled a cheeky Amstaff to Aust Bred of Breed Sunday night, a toy poodle to Minor of Breed on both nights(fri and mon) and Std poodle 1st/2 Junior dog on monday night.

Now to prepare to fly out to Melbourne Thursday night...

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My friends boxer went RUBIS last night woop woop go Vickie and pepper. and BIS was a cavalier who i heard her owner got married the day before so what a wedding present

Yep and the Cav is only about 16 months, so was a really nice win!

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My friends boxer went RUBIS last night woop woop go Vickie and pepper. and BIS was a cavalier who i heard her owner got married the day before so what a wedding present

Yep and the Cav is only about 16 months, so was a really nice win!

wow excellent

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The cav is 15 months old & needed 3 points,she is away for 5 weeks so was happy just to title him but BIS was a massive bonus for Jenny.

Yes Jenny got married the day before,drove back to Perth yesterday & hit holiday traffic so was late picking them up then rushed down to the show .

I had a good weekend,1 group. 1 runner up in grp,1 junior in grp ,2 inter in grp

My young irish also made the shortlist on saturday for group which i was very happy with as the judge has breed/shown Irish Setters

Edited by showdog
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Agility training????.....what's that?????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::o We were in good form for the drinkies though!!!! Go the obedience dogs!!! :laugh:

WE had a great night last night at the teams event - "Obedience Challenge" (Brookie, Glory, Alex and Scoota) came within a second of knocking off the sheep station real agility people for top jumping team. Not bad for a bunch of oldies 3 of which haven't done any agility training in a long long time :eek:

Thanks Teamies :o

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:laugh::rofl: Way to go the versatile dogs. But i'm confused - was the oldies the dogs or the handlers :o:rofl:

Seriously - great results - and RS - Lab Tested .... obviously rocketing to stardom now :rofl: - but seriously - good stuff :o

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Well we had a great night Saturday and Sunday with Charlie. He got BOB both nights and Sunday was shortlisted for group :rofl: His daughter, Abby, got Baby in Group on Saturday :wave:

Congratulation Sparkytansy! Charlie is your weim yeah?

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Well we had a great night Saturday and Sunday with Charlie. He got BOB both nights and Sunday was shortlisted for group :D His daughter, Abby, got Baby in Group on Saturday :rofl:

Congratulation Sparkytansy! Charlie is your weim yeah?

Charlie is an adorable OES that is owned by ST's sister but groomed and handled by ST.

Well done to everyone for thier Classic results!!! :wave:

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Well we had a great night Saturday and Sunday with Charlie. He got BOB both nights and Sunday was shortlisted for group :eek: His daughter, Abby, got Baby in Group on Saturday :D

My breeder was over from Victoria and won Puppy in Show on Saturday night with her Weimaraner :wave:

Unfortunately i was so busy getting Charlie ready on both days and running around I didn't really get to see much of anyone :D I went to see agility on Sunday with RV and finally met Brookie plus of course saw all the red kids which was nice :)

LabRat looks like we missed each other again and sorry I didn't get to meet your baby pap ncarter.

Well done to everyone in obedience and agility this weekend with your amazing and clever dogs :) Even without passes, those dogs are just amazing!!

ST I think you deserve a medal grooming Charlie - what a job that is :) Well done on your BOB x 2 a nice way to say goodbye to WA :rofl:

How long until your mum leaves??

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Well done on everyones Team success! :cry:

I decided to stay at home instead since we would have only had a team of 3 anyway :) After my day yesterday I am very glad I had Monday afternoon/evening to semi-relax!

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