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Is anybody considering entering the upcoming double header obedience trial in Bunbury? I'd like to try trialling there but not too keen on driving a couple of hours to sit there by myself all day :rofl: Anyone interested in a mini road trip with the doggies? :rofl:

How would Ruby cope in the back of my Tonka Truck? I am tossing up whether to take Beans and Moo

I think Ruby would cope fine, it's your two I'd be worried about putting up with the Lab! :rofl:

maybe on Monday I load them all in the back and we do a lap of the block and see how they cope - if its ok - then we can plan to go together!

Awesome, sounds like a plan :) Half the petrol costs to Bunbury is a winner to me!

Ruby may need a few minutes saying hello to them to get it out of her system first :)

UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer :laugh:

Go Ruby!!! We wont make it down to watch being easter weekend....

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Awesome, sounds like a plan :rofl: Half the petrol costs to Bunbury is a winner to me!

Ruby may need a few minutes saying hello to them to get it out of her system first :)

UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer :laugh:

More like your kids survived the invasion of the psycho Lab!! It was so funny, after the quick private parts sniffing and confirming it was friend not foe, the 3 of them just stood there looking out at us like it was an every day occurrence :rofl:

P.S. You've sent off entries for both trials right?

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Awesome, sounds like a plan :rofl: Half the petrol costs to Bunbury is a winner to me!

Ruby may need a few minutes saying hello to them to get it out of her system first :)

UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer :laugh:

More like your kids survived the invasion of the psycho Lab!! It was so funny, after the quick private parts sniffing and confirming it was friend not foe, the 3 of them just stood there looking out at us like it was an every day occurrence :rofl:

P.S. You've sent off entries for both trials right?

Awww poor Ruby isnt psycho..... she is not as hyper as my one lol.

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Excellent :rofl: Preparing my entries this morning and will probably send off tomorrow (as I left my canine news at home :laugh:)

Candice, no worries it is far to go especially on a holiday, but I never do anything for Easter anyway so why not do it doggy style :)

Ptolomy, me thinks we're gonna need EXTRA chocolate that day, being Easter and all :rofl: (I love excuses to each chocolate!)

Perhaps I will try and find some chocolate recipes :rofl:

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Could someone recommend a class south of the river for my pointer

We just, well 2 weeks ago enrolled our girl into a juvenille "transition" class at Murdoch Tafe. It's on a Saturday and depending on what you're there for (puppy, adult refresher etc) spreads out from about 12 I think it is. Goes for 8 weeks I think. You can contact the tafe for details :laugh:

We haven't done to much with her since Puppy School and so before we joined an actual dog club we'd do this as a refresher more so for us as she is pretty up to speed with things so we don't feel like idiots when we take her somewhere for further obedience things.

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Hello All :laugh: ............Ive only been lurking for the past few days. The last four days have been absolutely crap :rofl: I went to work Thursday night feeling great, then when I got home Friday morning after NS my whole world turned to shit :rofl: My darling old mare, who my sister & I have had since 1986, was down, unable to get up and had colic..................After the last few weeks of her being sick then seeming to recover, I was gutted. It took about an hour to find a vet that could actually commit to getting to our place at a reasonable time :) The poor girl had colic, and I didnt want her suffering for hours until a vet could manage to get out here!

The vet that finally came was an angel, such a wonderful young woman - born the same year we got Sally! We all had a smile about that! She did an amazing job of letting our girl go. Such a peaceful farewell to a beautiful horse that was just so much part of our lives.

A neighbouring farmer came up that afternoon and buried her for us at the end of our property.

My dearest bestest friend spent the afternoon with us, my mum and her twin had brought us out lunch - as an excuse to come and be with us. The three of us, sister, friend and me then spent the afternoon reminiscing and toasting past horses (theres been a few between us) with ciders.

I still cant believe my Sally has gone. At the end of the day I think about feeding time and rugging before my brain suddenly realises shes not there. At least my sheepies still need a feed and a hug! They are a little like BoPeeps sheep at the moment - very lost without their horse!!

I found a tree that Sally has rubbed on for ages - it will smell of horse for ages, so I can get my "fix" when I need it :rofl:

My darling dogs and OH have extra specially wonderful - so understanding and "there" for me. Especially that darn Kelpie. jeez, do they have ESP??? Such a little shadow, just when I need her :)


Sally, about 15 years ago with her new baby!


Sally a year or so ago.

Enough of my sadness, sorry guys!

Plans of trips to Geraldton and Bunbury sound exciting!! I reckon a road trip with dogs to a show or trial would be so much fun!! I have wanted to head to Albany for a couple of years, havent made it yet though!


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Candice, no worries it is far to go especially on a holiday, but I never do anything for Easter anyway so why not do it doggy style :laugh:

What! It's practically around the corner! :rofl:

Anywhere that doesn't require me to get up at 6am and drive all day is considered close :)

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Aww Labrat, Im so sorry to hear about Sally, my thoughts are with you. It does eventually get better.

It is amazing how the other pets know. One of my not so affectionate cats decided that he would be affectionate towards me after Cruise passed.. It was amazing.

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Thanks guys for your thoughts and hugs.......She certainly was a gorgeous girl in looks & spirit!

CnR - I know it gets better - but Ive lost 3 dear animals in the last 12 months, in fact it was ones 1 year RIP anniversary just yesterday! Ahh, if only we didnt get so attached to the beautiful things :rofl: .

Its funny, one reason my mum wont have a dog is that she cant bare the thought of the loss - I did explain to her that although when they leave us it leaves a huge hole in our hearts, the joy they give us when they are with is far outweighs this!! Still, I think she will satisfy her needs through my pair of ratbags!

I think Ive been overcompensating with the poor sheepies though :laugh: Everytime I go near them they get some food, like they need it!!! But their pitiful baa-ing just makes me want them too feel better too :) ...Silly humans giving animals human qualities!!! Im sure they miss her, but not sure its the same way I do :rofl:


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So sorry for your loss Lab Rat. You have had that horse longer then I have been alive! It must be utterly devestating.

:laugh: That is sweet Valley!!! Yes I am still quite shellshocked, but at the same time I had a feeling she would be leaving us before winter arrived, so I am relieved also. I didnt want her to be struggling & just surviving through winter, the last couple have been hard for her. Shes with her favourite boy now - our first "real" horse we got as kids!

CnR, its strange how animals behave when things change! I think cats are even more intuitive than dogs!!


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I meant to put this up before, but given the week Ive had!!!!!!!

Wazzat sent me this pic of the amazing Naca - hes certainly looking gorgeous!

All the formalities have gone through and the dogs can be shown after July 1 this year!!



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Such a sad weekend for you Lab Rat and a bad year for pets! :) Sally looks beautiful in those photos, you'll have some beautiful memories. :(

Its funny, one reason my mum wont have a dog is that she cant bare the thought of the loss -

My Dad refuses to have another cat after the last one died - he can't bear going through that kind of loss again either :rofl:

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Sorry for your loss Lab_Rat :( . What breed was Sally? She was a beautiful colour and love the markings. I use to have horses. I know what you mean about the horse smell. If I ever go anywhere horsie now I love the smell.

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