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I am having such an average day! The water is out here and my parents put down chook poo in the garden so Lincoln has eaten like half a kilo of sand! I am having a busy week this week too! Agility tonight, probably show class tomorow, Jumping Trial Wednesday, maybe obidience Thursday, agility friday, DOL meet Sat and Retrieving training and a show Sun!!!!

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I missed it because I had to go into work at 9. I will absolutely not work this week so I will be there. I don't know if I have the interest/passion that training a dog to do retrieving takes, but will go and have a look.

It takes a LOT of training. There are so many aspects to it to train, it's not as easy to train as it may appear on the surface. If I wasn't doing obedience and agility, and could soley concentrate on retrieving I'd probably do it as I think it would be a really great sport, but I love obedience too much to give that up :thumbsup: I envy those who do it all AND do well at it!!

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RS I am the same, except with showing and a bit of obedience... my goal was to title Ari then concentrate on Retrieving...

Thing is the best thing to have is a team of people to practice with... maybe we should have a DOL team? (btw RS don't get your hopes up it's not with James - my (i think most) English setters don't really DO retrieve!)

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My guess is it will take me longer, because I tend to keep training obedience rather than those skills I need for agility ;)

That's because obedience is better :banghead: .

Obedience is my first choice, but I won't be debating which is "better" :rofl:

Yeah I'll stay out of this argument until I've done both so I can form an educated opinion :laugh:

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Oh, now your tempting me, I keep looking at my canine news and saying I can't afford to go and that it will clash with tracking. I do have a big three room tent, spare sleeping bags, air mattresses and could possiably get hold of another big tent or a couple of little ones(possiably) :banghead: I think camping may only be available to competitors though as its on the competition grounds. Entries close next Monday, how many are interested? Perhaps we could car pool. Mmm camping/competing V tracking, I need more and longer weekends.

If enough people are interested in camping with their dogs we could maybe arrange a DOLers camp somewhere in the not too distant future if we could find somewhere nice that we could have all the dogs at.

I'd be interested in both a trialling camping weekend and a DOLer one another time too ;)

I am however not ready to do Geraldton at the next one. Bit strapped for cash and Ruby isn't reliable enough yet to risk trialling at such a far away place! I want to get through Bunbury first and see how she goes :laugh: Doesn't Geraldton have a few trials throughout the year? Maybe one later in the year I'd be interested in doing!

As for a DOLer camping thing, I'm up for that anytime! But its times like these I wish there was 2 of me, as I won't be able to enjoy a camping holiday as much with 2 dogs per 1 me. As much as I wanna camp with both of them, I think this will just be a trip for me and my special yellow girl :rofl:

Yep they usually have another big weekend towards the end of September, I'm hoping to be up to my ears in puppies :whee: so won't make that one. Know what you mean about the finances, if utilities keep going up I'll be operating by candlelight.

With regard to the DOL camp, perhaps there might be spare people willing to give a hand with an extra Lab.

I would offer to lend a hand as if we are camping I will bring OH with but Mason is a 2 person job at this stage, maybe by the time we organise a trip, like for next year he will be better behaved and I can help, Millie :laugh:'s me lol.

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Did you go to the retrieving training yesterday? I was tempted, but didn't have exact details plus it was too hot. I figure I have so much on my plate as it is without adding another activity to the list.

I really want to do retrieving but it is on a sunday at the same time as obedience so thats a no go for me, plus if retrieving involves anything off lead at the moment I will just get frustrated and not go back, Mason isnt ready to do much offlead. He is a bit of a wild child right now if other dogs are all off lead, he just wants to play.

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I just came to ask about obedience classes, and your discussing it :laugh: . Could someone recommend a class south of the river for my pointer, who is being a right proper bugger at present. I had heard that they had classes near murdoch university now, but can not find any information about it.

any information would be appreciated (and costs if you know), would prefer a class by an animal behaviourist as my GSD used to go to one, but she has stopped now, so looking for somewhere else.

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Did you go to the retrieving training yesterday? I was tempted, but didn't have exact details plus it was too hot. I figure I have so much on my plate as it is without adding another activity to the list.

I really want to do retrieving but it is on a sunday at the same time as obedience so thats a no go for me, plus if retrieving involves anything off lead at the moment I will just get frustrated and not go back, Mason isnt ready to do much offlead. He is a bit of a wild child right now if other dogs are all off lead, he just wants to play.

Retrieving only has 3 more mornings then breaks for over a month. I am taking Lincoln and just getting him used to the noise, action, water and playing with some bumpers.

As for a DOL obidience club that would be awesome! Except we could make it like puppy/pre sports in one group, then serious obidience and agility. Then socialising for owners :laugh:

Hmmmm could that be done?

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I would offer to lend a hand as if we are camping I will bring OH with but Mason is a 2 person job at this stage, maybe by the time we organise a trip, like for next year he will be better behaved and I can help, Millie :laugh:'s me lol.

Not wanting to burst your bubble or anything, but Millie loves everyone on 2 legs :laugh: Though I think she loves her i-squeak more :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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RS I am the same, except with showing and a bit of obedience... my goal was to title Ari then concentrate on Retrieving...

Thing is the best thing to have is a team of people to practice with... maybe we should have a DOL team? (btw RS don't get your hopes up it's not with James - my (i think most) English setters don't really DO retrieve!)

Another thing that put me off is once the 4 or so beginners lessons are done, you are on your own, except for the occasional training day they have. I don't have enough knowledge to be able to go off and train retrieving on my own! If a group of people met up then it would make it easier :laugh:

Maybe next year I will try it though :laugh: Bummer it's not spunky James!!

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I just came to ask about obedience classes, and your discussing it :laugh: . Could someone recommend a class south of the river for my pointer, who is being a right proper bugger at present. I had heard that they had classes near murdoch university now, but can not find any information about it.

any information would be appreciated (and costs if you know), would prefer a class by an animal behaviourist as my GSD used to go to one, but she has stopped now, so looking for somewhere else.

Sorry Swiss Girl, I don't know of a club that trains near Murdoch. Which suburb are you in though? Murdoch? Other SOR clubs are Southern River, Cloverdale, Eden Hill, Perth (which I think trains in Vic Park?)

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Is anybody considering entering the upcoming double header obedience trial in Bunbury? I'd like to try trialling there but not too keen on driving a couple of hours to sit there by myself all day :) Anyone interested in a mini road trip with the doggies? :laugh:

How would Ruby cope in the back of my Tonka Truck? I am tossing up whether to take Beans and Moo

I think Ruby would cope fine, it's your two I'd be worried about putting up with the Lab! :D

maybe on Monday I load them all in the back and we do a lap of the block and see how they cope - if its ok - then we can plan to go together!

Awesome, sounds like a plan :) Half the petrol costs to Bunbury is a winner to me!

Ruby may need a few minutes saying hello to them to get it out of her system first :laugh:

UPdate! Ruby survived being in the back of the tonka truck with two red kids - so the Bunbury trip is a goer :laugh:

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