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Some ISPs are offering 1 Terrabyte plans now :) :) That's just mental!


I've downloaded the occasional movie or tv show but have never hit my 5GB (mobile broadband so noone can steal my interwebs! :confused:) I was shocked that I use so little, but I do most of my surfing at work on their net :noidea: And I am only on my laptop for an hour or two at most weeknights before I fall asleep or run out of things to do :hug: (it all depends on how busy DOL is or how many training videos people have posted up :noidea:)

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Guest RosieFT

heehee don't worry Amy we are a one dog home :-) ... I have to say that I know Rosie has her moments and many people just see the hyped side of her, she amazed so many members of my family. My one brother who is not a dog lover was so enamoured with her, and wanted to know if he got a puppy would i train it and then give it back to him LOL.

When the new people arrived she would be excited for a few moments and then settle and never again got silly or jumpy with them - even with my 18 month nephew who was very low down. Most people see that excitable side of her when they first arrive, then i lock her out the back so they never see the settled rosie.

She is such a great, fun little dog, she would play ball and run at the beach with the kids.. at night she loved nothing more than to cuddle on your lap and can be moved from person to person and just stays like a jellyfish - soft and floppy :-) . One of my nephew's (3.5yrs) is autistic and his parents are totally converted to loving rosie, she was SO good with him. He thought she was super funny when jumping for the ball and i had him throwing the ball for her. She did not react when he went up to her and said 'go go go' and pushed her back end to try and make her run like you would push a tonka truck or something. He loved playing with her tail and she did not bat an eyelid. She was asleep in her bed and he got to her before i could get to him and he picked up her leg at an extreme angle and again she did not react - just raised her head and looked at him. He was very loving towards her, stroking her etc.

So my dog has gone up in everyones eyes and is now the super dog :-)

Sorry to gush, just had to share. Most people just see the excitable terrier straining on the leash, they don't see the soft, lovely tolerent temperament she has. :-)

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i have just found the perfect aviary to convert into a cat run i think it is about time i got one lol.

here is the add

Bird Aviary. 3m wide x 2m deep x 2.1m high. Double door entry with padlockable outside door. Mesh has 25mm x 12mm holes. Mesh sides have also 3 additonal frames with poly-carbonate sheeting covers to protect from storms (not really shown in photo but stored behind palm trees if you look closely). Very solid 25mm x 25mm galv and enamelled steel tube in a welded frame. Very good condition. Can easily be modified into a solid shed.

wonders how easy it would be to transport and what is a fair offer lol as its make an offer. bugger hubby isn't home

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I need a coffee or something with sugar to perk me up, I'm feeling a bit grumpy! I need to revoke my spare house keys from mum and dad (which I will be soon if I get a housemate!) Dad just rang to say he is sitting in my lounge room while there are real estate reps over at theirs (they're selling). Why am I grumpy? Cos my house is an absolute pig sty! I got home from work yesterday and washed up some dishes I had from the night before, then made some dinner to freeze in bulk, then dashed out to training for a couple of hours. Get home just before 8.30pm, have a shower, feed the dogs, cook the rest of my dinner for that night, and by the time that is done it is after 9.30pm when I get to eat and having been on the go all day, the last thing I feel like doing is cleaning the kitchen up! So I had planned on doing it this arvo cos noone would see it. But now dad is at my house seeing what a pigsty I have left it in! I wish I was more organised to keep on top of stuff. Sigh! :hug:

GETOVERIT :) and besides training was great last night :D

I agree with ptolomy, besides your parents will know that the house is usually clean so im sure they wont judge u!

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Rosie sounds lovely! But even with her excitedness, I already thought that!

Know what you mean though... nobody but me and my family gets to see how CALM my LABRADORS are at home! They are so well behaved around my 18 month old and 3 year old nephews. The 3 year old pulls their tails :hug: or steps on them, as much as I tell him not to and how to treat them, and they tolerate it. Admittedly he is getting much better with them, he is now patting them gently and when I asked him to "look after" Millie the other night while I went to walk Ruby, he felt all important, patted her nicely, and asked Millie to come play trucks with him :)

My 18 month old nephew adores them. He gets a laugh out of anything they do and when he wants to get past them he goes "scuse me!" :D and if he wants them in the lounge room with him he calls them by name with "come here" in his soft little voice. Too sweet!

I think my dogs are better behaved than the kids most of the time, they lay there quietly while the kids hoon around screaming :o

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Some ISPs are offering 1 Terrabyte plans now :o :o That's just mental!

:) i' dont think i'd use that in a year

Rosie sounds lovely! But even with her excitedness, I already thought that!

Know what you mean though... nobody but me and my family gets to see how CALM my LABRADORS are at home! They are so well behaved around my 18 month old and 3 year old nephews. The 3 year old pulls their tails :) or steps on them, as much as I tell him not to and how to treat them, and they tolerate it. Admittedly he is getting much better with them, he is now patting them gently and when I asked him to "look after" Millie the other night while I went to walk Ruby, he felt all important, patted her nicely, and asked Millie to come play trucks with him :)

My 18 month old nephew adores them. He gets a laugh out of anything they do and when he wants to get past them he goes "scuse me!" :D and if he wants them in the lounge room with him he calls them by name with "come here" in his soft little voice. Too sweet!

I think my dogs are better behaved than the kids most of the time, they lay there quietly while the kids hoon around screaming ;)

my dogs are definately better behaved then my children and if they get annoying i can put htem in a cage :hug:

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Sorry to gush, just had to share. Most people just see the excitable terrier straining on the leash, they don't see the soft, lovely tolerent temperament she has. :-)

You should gush Rosie is brilliant, and such a great dog for kids.

She gives terriers a good name!

Then mine undo all her hard work :D :)

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Sorry to gush, just had to share. Most people just see the excitable terrier straining on the leash, they don't see the soft, lovely tolerent temperament she has. :-)

You should gush Rosie is brilliant, and such a great dog for kids.

She gives terriers a good name!

Then mine undo all her hard work :D :)

hahahahahaha was like friends and i the other night took dogs to dog beach we had three rottis a maltese and a jack russel.

decided to go up to hillaries boat harbour and get kids icecream after wards was about 8.30 so we walked dogs areound outside only two female rottis and two smaller dogs. a family came up to pat the small dogs and friend had to put jack russle behind her. my two are looking on longingly and they did get pats too but they were wary to i said they live witha two and three year old

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(((Hugs))) to Bondi. Although at least now that you know what is wrong you can manage her better :)

i like both sexes you can train males not to cock on everything

My girls cock their legs more than Banjo does ;) All three girls do it and they all mark (not inside) where as Banjo can be a PITA to toilet as he has to read all the "roadsigns" and then doesn't always mark over the top of them!

Yes, yes it was :D Except for that one little problem :) Are you feeling inspired to go again tonight? Cos I'm not feeling overly inspired to train agility but I am obedience :o

I will be there so I will motivate you to train agility :)

Training tonight - hmmm I guess I could make it a quickie - what time can you get there?

Hmm, more information than we need on the forum :hug: I didn't know you two felt that way about each other :)

What limit do most of you have for internet? I only have 5GB and I very rarely get through half of that limit! How sad :o

I have 3GB and have only ever gone over it once!

Sorry to gush, just had to share. Most people just see the excitable terrier straining on the leash, they don't see the soft, lovely tolerent temperament she has. :-)

You are meant to gush about your dog ;) And she deserves gushing over :D

I agree with ptolomy, besides your parents will know that the house is usually clean so im sure they wont judge u!

My parents know that my house is usually not clean :o:o It only gets fully cleaned when visitor come over and I can't just take them to my parents house ;) The joys of having their house on the same property as mine :p

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Since your parents were there waiting RS they could have at least cleaned it for you :o My parents know I am messy too, they accept it :) but I usually try to clean before I leave my mother at home unsupervised because otherwise she goes on a mad cleaning blitz when she is supposed to be taking it easy! :hug:

No one in my family has any kids that my two could socialise with but when we had kids visiting Trixie was great with them once she warmed to them (like any people) she would never bite anyone at all, she just barks and runs away until she's sussed them out :D

Kyzer however is a mental pygmy.

I'll definitely be enlisting some professional help if I ever have a baby to make sure it's not traumatic for dogs or babies or me!

Ewww babies :o

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Since your parents were there waiting RS they could have at least cleaned it for you :o My parents know I am messy too, they accept it :) but I usually try to clean before I leave my mother at home unsupervised because otherwise she goes on a mad cleaning blitz when she is supposed to be taking it easy! :hug:

No one in my family has any kids that my two could socialise with but when we had kids visiting Trixie was great with them once she warmed to them (like any people) she would never bite anyone at all, she just barks and runs away until she's sussed them out :D

Kyzer however is a mental pygmy.

I'll definitely be enlisting some professional help if I ever have a baby to make sure it's not traumatic for dogs or babies or me!

Ewww babies :o

Mas is ok with kids, he just licks faces which some dont like lol!!

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Since your parents were there waiting RS they could have at least cleaned it for you :o My parents know I am messy too, they accept it :) but I usually try to clean before I leave my mother at home unsupervised because otherwise she goes on a mad cleaning blitz when she is supposed to be taking it easy! :hug:

No one in my family has any kids that my two could socialise with but when we had kids visiting Trixie was great with them once she warmed to them (like any people) she would never bite anyone at all, she just barks and runs away until she's sussed them out :D

Kyzer however is a mental pygmy.

I'll definitely be enlisting some professional help if I ever have a baby to make sure it's not traumatic for dogs or babies or me!

Ewww babies :o

Mas is ok with kids, he just licks faces which some dont like lol!!

my daughter would tell him off rofl she is very good at that. get down and NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO rofl

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Guest RosieFT

naw, thanks everyone.. only on a dog forum hey :-) ...

RS it is great your nephews can get to know dogs with such well behaved ones :-) . The number of kids that have never been around dogs and have NO idea how to behave is amazing, sad really. yes it is alot of work, and Rosie is often like a 3rd child with the responsibilities that go with owning a dog ( but you are right Emery, wish crates were allowed for kids! LOL), but it is so good for the kids to learn how to behave around dogs.

Amypie.. well Kyzer is 'special' (mental pygmy made me LOL), but am sure Trixie could warm to kids - just give them a treat bag LOL

RS - your dogs always seem in control and although not always 'calm' definitely not stupid. I just see them as super friendly and wanting to say hello with a big smile :-)

ok, been to ortho appointment for Sasha, now off to shops, then to a friends house... loving the school holidays :-)

oh and just think of me with my dial up which is currently connected at 36000 bps... wish i could click my fingers and have broadband... just feels too hard to change... ugh...

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Yes, yes it was :D Except for that one little problem :o Are you feeling inspired to go again tonight? Cos I'm not feeling overly inspired to train agility but I am obedience :hug:

I will be there so I will motivate you to train agility :)

I will perhaps do a bit after I do some obedience :o Wanna work more on Millie's weaves. Depends on how I feel and if I get that kitchen cleaned up before training or not! :)

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Come do at least 15 minutes RS :hug: Remember you are trialling this weekend :D

Banjo will be at training but I think we will do more obedience stuff than any agility. He has been really quiet/depressed at home lately :) He is booked into the vet for hip/elbow xrays on Friday and I will get them to check his ears again and see if he has grass seeds down them again. Hopefully that is all the problem is.

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I have unlimited downloads Internet !!!!! Lucky I do cause you all talk so much!!!! Last night I took Toby for a walk with Bronson and we had to loop back and drop Bronson home halfway cause he was getting really puffed it's sad when they get old! :hug:

Yeah, we took my brother's old BC and Kyzer for a walk at whistlepipe gully, poor old Max would just lay down every chance he got, sad to see, he's a special boy, will be sad when he goes :o

Amypie.. well Kyzer is 'special' (mental pygmy made me LOL), but am sure Trixie could warm to kids - just give them a treat bag LOL

Yep - treats will buy her love!

Stuff haivng dialup! Being shaped to 56000KB/s is bad enough!

I will perhaps do a bit after I do some obedience :) Wanna work more on Millie's weaves. Depends on how I feel and if I get that kitchen cleaned up before training or not! :)

Get your priorities right!! :)

Come do at least 15 minutes RS ;) Remember you are trialling this weekend :D

Banjo will be at training but I think we will do more obedience stuff than any agility. He has been really quiet/depressed at home lately :o He is booked into the vet for hip/elbow xrays on Friday and I will get them to check his ears again and see if he has grass seeds down them again. Hopefully that is all the problem is.

Poor Banjo, hope he is okay.

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Come do at least 15 minutes RS :D Remember you are trialling this weekend :D

Banjo will be at training but I think we will do more obedience stuff than any agility. He has been really quiet/depressed at home lately ;) He is booked into the vet for hip/elbow xrays on Friday and I will get them to check his ears again and see if he has grass seeds down them again. Hopefully that is all the problem is.

:) You are right, it IS this weekend :) So much for getting team shirts lined up :o Yep I definitely need to come and do some weaving then! With both dogs! The strat pairs is this weekend too, isn't it? That is going to be a royal stuff up I can see it now! Not to mention the teams thing :o

Hope Banjo is ok! :o

Get your priorities right!! :hug:

About what? Obedience training or kitchen cleaning before agility? :o

( but you are right Emery, wish crates were allowed for kids! LOL)

Says who? :) :)

Edited by RubyStar
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Since your parents were there waiting RS they could have at least cleaned it for you :o My parents know I am messy too, they accept it :) but I usually try to clean before I leave my mother at home unsupervised because otherwise she goes on a mad cleaning blitz when she is supposed to be taking it easy! :hug:

No one in my family has any kids that my two could socialise with but when we had kids visiting Trixie was great with them once she warmed to them (like any people) she would never bite anyone at all, she just barks and runs away until she's sussed them out :D

Kyzer however is a mental pygmy.

I'll definitely be enlisting some professional help if I ever have a baby to make sure it's not traumatic for dogs or babies or me!

Ewww babies :o

Mas is ok with kids, he just licks faces which some dont like lol!!

my daughter would tell him off rofl she is very good at that. get down and NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO rofl

Luckily he does not jump so most kids just laugh when he licks them, it is a terrible habit but what can you do...

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