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Hope your horse is okay soon Mira - I had one that everyday (twice daily) when I went to the paddock to rug/unrug and feed I tool a bucket that had purple spray, betadine, cotton wool and vetwrap. I am sad to say I quite often needed it!!! He had midday zoomies that involves overreaching on his heels. He wore bell boots but sometimes they wouls be shreded and I would be bandaging AGAIN!

Those dogs and their middle fingers - I swear they really do do it!! I have seen it with my own eyes!

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Argh I saw the photo of the filly foot, think it will give me nightmares :( :D

Does anyone have experience with swollen anal glands? Trixie has had one come up this morning, it's a bit red, about the size of a medium grape, doesn't seem to be bothering her but of course it happens on a public holiday :) and I'm wondering whether to take her to Murdoch and wait 10 million hours because it's low priority or wait until tomorrow afternoon?

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Argh I saw the photo of the filly foot, think it will give me nightmares :laugh::)

:D Don't tell me that you are squeamish about a little blood :D

Poor Trixie, that is why my guys get theirs cleaned out when they are washed :eek:

Edited by mirawee
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If it is not too painful try and express it, ideally in the container they get washed in - probably not a good idea if you use your bath!!!!!

They can rupture quite quickly once they get swollen.

If you can express it and she is not to sore I would leave it until tomorrow.

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I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :cheer:

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Yay for Kelpie puppies :cheer: The power of Kelpie Kisses is magical :D

I need to get my Kelpie boy back down to see you for some more lessons :D

wow Mirawee if you need lessons with your beautiful boy who won group New Years Eve, we are all in big trouble he went like a dream.

A BIG congrats again

Aww thanks, he was a star ;) But as RS said, I need help in obedience LOL More me than him :rofl:

Thats good as your show on NYE was faultless, I will leave the obedioence and agility to Xolo puppies and the mad dedicated owners ( RACH!~ lol)

Jacqi :(

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I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :cheer:

Must be the day for anal glands, I had the pleasure of expressing Daisy's today - and hers are always a finger up the bum job :rofl: :D

Hope Trixies heart is ok :D

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Not a great start to the year for you or Trixie

Let us know how you get on tomorrow at your usual vet.

I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :cheer:

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I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :cheer:

Bugger AP. Maybe Trixie thinks you haven't been giving her enough attention? Fancy leaving her with your Mum for New Years :D Hopefully your vet can sort out her anal glad fully tomorrow and the heart issue was just a false alarm - maybe she didn't like having the finger up her butt? :rofl:

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That's what I was thinking - I'd probably develop a sudden heart murmur too if someone stuck their finger up my backside without warning :cheer: Hopefully it is nothing serious.

The butt lump is looking nasty and purple and oozed a bit of gunk - I have the fun job of applying hot compresses to it - why do I have dogs again? :D Very glad I got the Tramadol injection for her because I imagine it would be very sore right now!

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Guest RosieFT

youch! poor Trixie. I know what you mean re always on a public holiday/sunday.. Rosie's eye was weeping and she kept at it like a cat - licking her paw and wiping her eye. It was new years eve and OH said to wait till morning - i would have rushed her off somewhere. But he was right, it was fine the next morning :-)

I hope her heart is ok.

Hope you had a good new years eve party!

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It's Anal Gland season!!! :rofl: :D

Yep RosieFT usually I wait things out but it was growing quite fast and the last thing I wanted was for it to burst and get really infected because I have to work tomorrow so wouldn't be able to take her to the vet until late arvo. I'm feeling better now that she is on ABs and pain relief, she's keeping her distance from me - not sure she appreciates the hot compress on her backside :D

When Kyzer got the grass seed down his ear it was right on the vet's closing time :cheer: Oh the screaming was blood curdling! Off to Murdoch - gave up when we weren't seen for about 4 hours though because it was low priority and he had calmed right down and seemed comfortable and went home and to the vets first thing to get knocked out.

Yes it was a fun New Year's - maybe a little too fun ;)

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Guest RosieFT

" too fun" in that you had a lovely morning of regret and hello toilet.. or too much fun as in someone had a video camera and you embarrassed yourself ? LOL

Been wondering where you have been hiding :-)

Poor Trixie lix.. must be sore and she thinks you are the nut that won't leave her alone :-)

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Still nursing a few dance related injuries including a sore neck and a bruised knee but didn't say hello to the toilet thankfully :cheer: Did get the clichéd 5am kebab though :D I'm too old to go out drinking, I end up hungover for the entire next day and time is precious these days!

Yes I've been on holidays which have been very unproductive but mostly consisting of me keeping my mother busy and out of trouble! Unfortunately work starts back again tomorrow, yuck.

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I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :cheer:

Poor Trixie, hope she is OK, sending her hugs and healing thoughts. Don't stress too much about the heart murmer, I'm sure given her energy levels its not worring her much and as you know Gizmo manages fine with heart issues.

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Still nursing a few dance related injuries including a sore neck and a bruised knee but didn't say hello to the toilet thankfully :D


Hope Trixie is ok! My girls have never had anal gland issues until recently I copped a whiff of Ruby's backend when she was laying on the lounge so I asked the vet to check them for me and yep sure enough they (or one) was full. No way I am sticking my finger up her bum unless its an emergency, I'll pay a vet consult for that joyful experience ;) :cheer:

Yup, back to work tomorrow. I am dragging out the going to bed thing so work doesn't come too soon :D I've so enjoyed my days off, I need moooooooore!!

Edited by RubyStar
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I tried to express it myself after applying hot compresses but wasn't successful and it was quite solid so called Murdoch and they told me to come in, it was quiet so got in after only 30 mins, they examined her thoroughly and expressed what they could and gave her antibiotics and pain relief and we have to apply hot compresses and go to the normal vet tomorrow to flush it I suppose.

Neither of mine have ever had anal gland problems, I leave them alone, not sure what happened this time but my Mum was babysitting them on New years and fed them protapak - maybe that did it, who knows!? The other one was nearly empty.

Vet took a long time listening to her heart which worried me, then said she thinks Trixie has a grade 1 or 2 heart murmur that she suspects is congenital - my vet hadn't picked it up before, so they said to get that double checked by my vet and my vet can hear it get an echo and/or x-ray - great! :o

Poor Trixie, hope she is OK, sending her hugs and healing thoughts. Don't stress too much about the heart murmer, I'm sure given her energy levels its not worring her much and as you know Gizmo manages fine with heart issues.

Let us know how the vet visit goes later today. I myself have a beart mumur and i am fine, i just dont get as fit as regular folk - battle to catch my breath if i run etc.

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Yep if my regular vet hears the murmur as well I will probably get the echo and/or x-ray so I know exactly what I'm dealing with, but she's never been short of energy previously, that's for sure :(:thumbsup: And I've never heard her cough.

Poor poppet was in a fair bit of pain last night, trying to run away from her own bottom! Applied a hot compress and it burst - ewwwwww - was waiting for the bad smell but thankfully it didn't arrive. She seemed to feel more comfortable after it popped though - so gross! Taking her to the vet after work to get it flushed and checked. Blerk!

That's interesting MM, I battle to catch my breath if I run too, but I don't have a murmur, I'm just terribly unfit :( :D

Not appreciating this humidity at all, where's our thunderstorm?

Does anyone know when the Western Classic entries close, my Canine News has been put in a 'safe place'

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Yep if my regular vet hears the murmur as well I will probably get the echo and/or x-ray so I know exactly what I'm dealing with, but she's never been short of energy previously, that's for sure :(:thumbsup: And I've never heard her cough.

Poor poppet was in a fair bit of pain last night, trying to run away from her own bottom! Applied a hot compress and it burst - ewwwwww - was waiting for the bad smell but thankfully it didn't arrive. She seemed to feel more comfortable after it popped though - so gross! Taking her to the vet after work to get it flushed and checked. Blerk!

That's interesting MM, I battle to catch my breath if I run too, but I don't have a murmur, I'm just terribly unfit :( :D

Not appreciating this humidity at all, where's our thunderstorm?

Does anyone know when the Western Classic entries close, my Canine News has been put in a 'safe place'

Thunderstorm isn't due until tomorrow :laugh: All the rain yesterday just made today worse!

My Canine News is in a "safe place" as well :laugh:

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