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OzJen, 6 months from last season add 9 weeks from conception gets you to beginning of August :swear: Could be a bit earlier but not much if they do exactly 6 months. And Abbey is just as likely to go 8 months :laugh::eek:

As to Jenna - J has said Abbey is definitely getting bred while you keep changing your mind or having something blow up and need replacing :rofl: Otherwise RS has even more puppy torture to look forward to :rofl:

The joys of being poor :eek: but the time clock keeps ticking away and its this year or never. It pesky neighbours hadn't been a pain I would have kept a Brookie baby, there were two girls I particularly fancied in that litter. He does make lovely babies, even if Jenna can be a difficult little B to mate.

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OzJen, 6 months from last season add 9 weeks from conception gets you to beginning of August ;) Could be a bit earlier but not much if they do exactly 6 months. And Abbey is just as likely to go 8 months :( ;)

As to Jenna - J has said Abbey is definitely getting bred while you keep changing your mind or having something blow up and need replacing ;) Otherwise RS has even more puppy torture to look forward to ;)

The joys of being poor ;) but the time clock keeps ticking away and its this year or never. It pesky neighbours hadn't been a pain I would have kept a Brookie baby, there were two girls I particularly fancied in that litter. He does make lovely babies, even if Jenna can be a difficult little B to mate.

I liked them all - couldnt pick a favorite! Must say I like bobtails, its unusual.

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Please ignore my ignorance but :( ... where is Crufts and what time of the year?

OH and I are heading to the US next year to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary -- haven't booked yet so anything's possible -- unless it's on the wrong side of the world ;) .

Also, ;) can just any ol' spectator turn up or is it rooly difficult to get tix to? ;)

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Please ignore my ignorance but :( ... where is Crufts and what time of the year?

OH and I are heading to the US next year to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary -- haven't booked yet so anything's possible -- unless it's on the wrong side of the world ;) .

Also, ;) can just any ol' spectator turn up or is it rooly difficult to get tix to? ;)

Crufts is THE big annual dog show in the UK ;)

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Aannie Crufts is the biggest dog show in the world... it runs over I think 3 or 4 days, and covers conformation showing, obedience, agility, dancing with dogs and a bunch of other stuff! It runs in March, most years (brrrrrrrrrrr) and is held at the NEC in Birmingham...

Some people don't like it - the sheer size etc... but others love it. I, for one, am just excited to see so many English Setters in one place!!

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Please ignore my ignorance but :thumbsup: ... where is Crufts and what time of the year?

OH and I are heading to the US next year to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary -- haven't booked yet so anything's possible -- unless it's on the wrong side of the world :laugh: .

Also, :D can just any ol' spectator turn up or is it rooly difficult to get tix to? :xmaslights:

Depends on what breeds you wish to see & the time off year you go

I have been to Crufts & wouldn't go again.

very hard to watch breed judging as males/females are in sep rings & you need good friends to save front row seats (which we had).Very much a giant royal show with alot of stalls aimed at the public.

Westminster in the US is also a benched show & you need to buy tickets.

Crufts & Westminster you need to buy group judging tickets .

Eukanunba is in december & back to Florida next year & again you need tickets

We did all 4 days of Crufts.

There are certainly shows in the US that are free & some super cluster shows during the year

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Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

Erk don't tell me that! I haven't been outside yet and air con is still on. We have to do a delivery of chairs, tables, webers and appliances to my brother's in Forrestfield as he's hosting and he only got home last night.

Thank you to everyone who answered my embarrassingly stupid questions :thumbsup:. Think I'll give it all a big miss and just be happy to enjoy Vegas :laugh:

Merry Christmas to those that drink, Happy Christmas to those that don't and Happy Birthday to those that need it! :D

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Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

Not any more! Been to the river, worn the fetch junkie out and am now home, had a shower, aircon on, getting ready to meet friends for brunch .....

I have to go brave Midland Gate at 13h00 to collect my new phone.... my pup is struggling in the heat - all he wants to do is lay in his pool :thumbsup:

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Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

Not any more! Been to the river, worn the fetch junkie out and am now home, had a shower, aircon on, getting ready to meet friends for brunch .....

I have to go brave Midland Gate at 13h00 to collect my new phone.... my pup is struggling in the heat - all he wants to do is lay in his pool :D

:thumbsup: Goodluck! Midland Gate was hetic yesterday!!!

I am supposed to be sleeping.. I didn't finish work till 6am. But it's so hot :laugh:

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Is your daughter's birthday on Christmas day emery? The poor thing!

Yes poor sweetheart it is :laugh: makes for a nice lunch though rofl

Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

Not any more! Been to the river, worn the fetch junkie out and am now home, had a shower, aircon on, getting ready to meet friends for brunch .....

I have to go brave Midland Gate at 13h00 to collect my new phone.... my pup is struggling in the heat - all he wants to do is lay in his pool :xmaslights:

good luck getting parking. Yesterday was mad, Coles was swamped all night we were constantly chasing items forcustomers all night.

My stepdad went at 8am to get 1 item didn't get out to after 10 so good luck.

I have to work at 5 to 9 not too bad hope that we get customers out by half 6 lol as we do close at 6

Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

Not any more! Been to the river, worn the fetch junkie out and am now home, had a shower, aircon on, getting ready to meet friends for brunch .....

I have to go brave Midland Gate at 13h00 to collect my new phone.... my pup is struggling in the heat - all he wants to do is lay in his pool :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: Goodluck! Midland Gate was hetic yesterday!!!

I am supposed to be sleeping.. I didn't finish work till 6am. But it's so hot :D

yuck thats no good

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Thank you to everyone who answered my embarrassingly stupid questions :thumbsup:. Think I'll give it all a big miss and just be happy to enjoy Vegas :laugh:

Merry Christmas to those that drink, Happy Christmas to those that don't and Happy Birthday to those that need it! :D

If doing vegas & you like horse events look out for those they have amazing horse events in vegas plus dog shows

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Ok, who else is battling with the heat/humidity in Perth today??

:xmaslights: Yup me :thumbsup: And to top it off I've buggered up my neck again and have to have a heat wrap on it - I can't drink enough to replace the sweat loss from my head at the moment :laugh:

The dogs are just crashed on the sofa - splayed out like frogs :D

Edited by CrazyCresties
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