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4 hours down, 3.5 to go until I can go home and do nothing, instead of being at work and also doing nothing. I tell ya, and I'm dead serious when I say this, that having nothing to do at work is terribly exhausting! Trying to occupy yourself for 7.5hours is horrible ;) Same again tomorrow, then 11 days off, woohoo!!! :)

come help me fill the shelves all i am getting is complaints about us doing it whilst shop is open and the loads are excessively large

And yet you have time to post on DOL while packing shelves? :(:xmascheer: Get back to work, emery!!! :o

hahahahahaha i don't start work to 5pm lol and i am organising the nightfillers christmas party tonight woohoo

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RS, i was in the same boat as you... sort of... i had stuff to do, but chose to avoid it!

so, I changed jobs... best move I've made yet!!

I honestly don't have anything to do!!! :o

I might have to make some changes in 2011. Not sure, yet.

I remember when I used to work at Kmart while I studied. On my full day there it was usually quiet so I would stretch my tasks out so they would last as long as possible. At times I had to take my books in to study cos there was nothing to do! I was in layby so hid out the back all the time unless a customer rang the bell :(

Edited by RubyStar
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RS, i was in the same boat as you... sort of... i had stuff to do, but chose to avoid it!

so, I changed jobs... best move I've made yet!!

I honestly don't have anything to do!!! :o

I might have to make some changes in 2011. Not sure, yet.

I remember when I used to work at Kmart while I studied. On my full day there it was usually quiet so I would stretch my tasks out so they would last as long as possible. At times I had to take my books in to study cos there was nothing to do! I was in layby so hid out the back all the time unless a customer rang the bell :(

wishes i could hide out the back sometimes lol

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I have the opposite problem next year! I am working pat time in a really full on and quite rewarding (yet sometimes sad and stressful) job. I am going back to molecular genetics with a 3/4 study load including my enemy Chemistry :( ! And I am showing Cider and Strauss, hopefully agility with Strauss and working on Toby. Plus I learn Greek and I am supposed to be doing more with my Italian studies.... Maybe a DOL free year next year? :o

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I have the opposite problem next year! I am working pat time in a really full on and quite rewarding (yet sometimes sad and stressful) job. I am going back to molecular genetics with a 3/4 study load including my enemy Chemistry :( ! And I am showing Cider and Strauss, hopefully agility with Strauss and working on Toby. Plus I learn Greek and I am supposed to be doing more with my Italian studies.... Maybe a DOL free year next year? :o

:) Once Cider gets 44 more points she will be out of there - which may make it a wee bit easier. Looks like I will have to get in early otherwise you will be waaaayyyyy to busy.

I have started agility with Cider ;) but she has no power steering and no cruise control - do you think Santa might bring me some?

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Busy year indeed for you, RV! I have quite a busy life outside of work (the dog stuff, part time study, and doing some web sites on the side for people, plus maybe a puppy!), it's just work gets in the way of the fun stuff! Regardless of me having nothing to do at work, I still have to come, which takes up the biggest part of my week :o

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4 hours down, 3.5 to go until I can go home and do nothing, instead of being at work and also doing nothing. I tell ya, and I'm dead serious when I say this, that having nothing to do at work is terribly exhausting! Trying to occupy yourself for 7.5hours is horrible :( Same again tomorrow, then 11 days off, woohoo!!! :o

come help me fill the shelves all i am getting is complaints about us doing it whilst shop is open and the loads are excessively large

They were busy packing shelves at Woolies today while we were shopping, shop was crazy busy!

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Busy year indeed for you, RV! I have quite a busy life outside of work (the dog stuff, part time study, and doing some web sites on the side for people, plus maybe a puppy!), it's just work gets in the way of the fun stuff! Regardless of me having nothing to do at work, I still have to come, which takes up the biggest part of my week :o

I think I may not get another dog for awhile, I dont want to change our dynamic at the moment, Mason loves working for me and getting attention but if i get another dog he wont be interested in me I dont think - and then I will just be upset.

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I have the opposite problem next year! I am working pat time in a really full on and quite rewarding (yet sometimes sad and stressful) job. I am going back to molecular genetics with a 3/4 study load including my enemy Chemistry :( ! And I am showing Cider and Strauss, hopefully agility with Strauss and working on Toby. Plus I learn Greek and I am supposed to be doing more with my Italian studies.... Maybe a DOL free year next year? :o

:) Once Cider gets 44 more points she will be out of there - which may make it a wee bit easier. Looks like I will have to get in early otherwise you will be waaaayyyyy to busy.

I have started agility with Cider ;) but she has no power steering and no cruise control - do you think Santa might bring me some?

Hmm that reminds me can you please email me the shows Cider and Strauss are in for Jan? So I can let you know which ones I can make and which I have to work.

I have given Toby since last Thursday off training (so not quite a week) but he seems to remember his obedience stuff! Doing some very nice fronts, left and right finises!!! He will even recall from about 20m to front enthusicstically (in my backyard :xmascheer: ). But I don't think we are ever going to see the inside of a ring again (except if Rally comes in) which is a dissapointment because he is coming along quite well. However he be able to do a CDX round in my backyard eventually! Can the judges accept video entries?

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Busy year indeed for you, RV! I have quite a busy life outside of work (the dog stuff, part time study, and doing some web sites on the side for people, plus maybe a puppy!), it's just work gets in the way of the fun stuff! Regardless of me having nothing to do at work, I still have to come, which takes up the biggest part of my week ;)

I think I may not get another dog for awhile, I dont want to change our dynamic at the moment, Mason loves working for me and getting attention but if i get another dog he wont be interested in me I dont think - and then I will just be upset.

Hmmm according to my dad I have a 4 year wait unless I move out of home! :( (Think they are trying to get me to move out :o ) Will have to have a chat to the behaviourist tonight about Toby and what she thinks would suit him.

I would love to have my own competition/show dog but I think the next two years might be full on so I might have to borrow red kids (and maybe even grey ones :xmascheer: ) to be able to show and compete and stay current. :)

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I have the opposite problem next year! I am working pat time in a really full on and quite rewarding (yet sometimes sad and stressful) job. I am going back to molecular genetics with a 3/4 study load including my enemy Chemistry :) ! And I am showing Cider and Strauss, hopefully agility with Strauss and working on Toby. Plus I learn Greek and I am supposed to be doing more with my Italian studies.... Maybe a DOL free year next year? :(

Lordy! I take my hat off to you!! :o

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I am not doing that much at work atm... patients don't tend to come in if you book them the week before Christmas. Am meant to be neatening up my office but I can't really be bothered :)

Don't know how crazy next year will be. Am so glad I don't study anymore ;) So next year will be filled with: work (please let me have a significant lotto win so I can work less hours :o ), agility with the Aussies, getting Banjo up to speed for agility and obedience, showing occasionally depending on if/when I get another puppy, all of Diva's "extracuricular" activities (showing - but only the bigger shows, dressage, team penning and hopefully starting to jump), and showing the younger ponies. So yep, I think next year will be lighter than this one :(

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However he be able to do a CDX round in my backyard eventually! Can the judges accept video entries?

That would be good. Also to ness' logbook idea. Just get a pass in each exercise over however many trials to qualify :o Ruby might be 2/3 of her way to her CDX by now if that was the case! :(

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mirawee and RV - don't forget to add showing my puppy to your list if it eventuates :( But I might wait til 2012, who knows!

As long as you email me in advance.... Mirawee can do all the ones I have to work! ;) Why aren't you going to handle by the way? :o

Um, I don't know, not sure I'm cut out for it! But I may change my mind when it's my own pup. I like to have willing handlers lined up just in case I chicken out, which is highly likely!

Another vote for obedience trials via video submission - Ness and Kenz will each put 2 paws in :) .

Do you have some sort of filter that alerts you when your name is mentioned in a thread? :xmascheer::champagne::cheers:

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