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Hi guys,

Thanks so much for the warm welcome :rofl:

His name is Henry (we called him that and already he knows his name). They had a different name for him and I think he was ignored so much that he didn't really know it anyway. I love human names for dogs :laugh:

I've always wanted a lab, but I wanted to make sure I had the lifestyle and the devotion to doing it properly. I knew there was no point in getting one and being a couch potato. I used to dred walks, now I absolutely love them.

I'm in Maylands, so right near the river. I walk down the end of my street and there it is :rofl:. And Henry, being true to his breed sees the water amd wants to bound in. There are a lot of dogs down there running around and chasing balls etc, I'm not ready to let him off the leash yet, I'm not convinced I can control him off leash, so better to be safe than sorry.

I will change from peanut butter as I know it isn't great for him when he's quite the fatty cakes. I'll give the pumpkin a try tonight. I think I'll get another Kong and fill that with pumpkin too and hide it, so he has one to start on when I leave and will find another at some point during the day.

I have obedience on Sunday morning :laugh: I have no idea if it's the right one for me to be going to, but I've tried to find some in my general area and haven't been able to. I will happily come and join in at some stage, I think it'd be great for Henry too.

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Hi Kristenfaction :laugh:

When I posted on here a few years ago looking for tips on getting weight off a dog it was suggested to break up the walks into more smaller walks rather than one or two big walks. This keeps their body burning energy and using fat stores for longer. But that would be hard for you to do since you work. Maybe on weekends you could give it a go.

Definitely swap the peanut butter for something else. I'd be wary about using vegemite, doesn't that have a super high salt content? The amount is fine for humans but you know how when it comes to dogs it's something like one biscuit is the equivalent of 5 donuts or something.

Pumpkin, carrot and sweet potato are great for tubby dogs, as is kangaroo meat.

No advice on keeping him occupied during the day. My dogs and my neighbours lab just sleep :laugh:

Which obedience club are you going to?

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Yes we expect to meet you and Henry at some stage at a meet - more Labs the merrier :rofl: :rofl:

If I left Ruby alone during the day, she'd just sleep - it's that little digging cow Millie :):laugh: They sleep all day when inside though, but they haven't ever been left ALL DAY by themselves in a backyard before, so it's something they need to adjust to as I've just moved and this is the new situation.

Jealous much you live so close to the water? :laugh:

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Kristen I second the kangaroo - i have found Roo tails have been fantastic for my girl during the day, but they have to be frozen or she finishes them too quickly... but supervise your boy first with them as some will try to swallow the whole thing which obivously isn't safe. You could try roo mince frozen in a kong won't last as long but its not fatty.

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I wish I could take him on lots of smaller walks, but I'm out of the house from 8am until 5.30pm during the week so it's a bit hard to be able to do that :happydance:

I will mash up some veges tonight, and maybe mix it with some roo meat for his Kong. I feed my cats roo meat, so it's easy to just steal some of theirs. Would it be worth me changing Henry to a diet of roo meat? We have a vet appointment tonight so I'll be getting some advice from them. I'm always a bit catious of food advice from vets, I have found that some foods they recommend are because they have deals with the supplier. I have no problem preparing my own food for Henry from scratch.

I'm taking him to Northern Suburbs Dog Club which is I think about 40 minutes from me (I've only been in Perth a year and am still finding my way around).

I'd happily leave Henry inside, but we have 2 cats, and polished wooden stairs, I'd hate to see him get excited and hurt himself on the stairs. The way my house is designed allows the cats to sit upstairs and look at him through the glass, down to the first floor, and he gets a bit silly when he sees them.

Where do you get roo tails from?

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I'm sure there are closer obedience clubs to you than 40 minutes away. How about Cloverdale Canine Companions? That's probably about 15 minutes from you. Or Maybe Perth Training and Obedience Dog Club? (I think that one is in Vic Park? I know people here go there, so they can correct me if I'm wrong!) Not sure what nights they train, though.

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Thanks for the info :thumbsup:

I've emailed Cloverdale Canine Companions as they are very close.

Maybe I will come on Sunday, as long as nobody laughs at my poor little fatty cakes :)

Edit to show a picture of my boy eating his icy treat this morning in 3.2 seconds.


I'm quite worried about his weight, but hopefully with a new diet and lots of exercise, both he and I will be fabulous in no time ;)

Oh, he also has a weird growth on his right foot, as you can see in that picture, hopefully the vet will be able to sort that out too. It didn't seem to hurt him before, but last night he licked it a lot and made it bleed :happydance:

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Guest RosieFT

EEK! it is THIS Sunday!! where is this year going? I didn't realise it was so close... must be in denial as to the days flying by... hee

Amypie - came home from helping at my kids' school and saw a big yellow envelope sticking out of my post box. Normally i wait till the kids get home as they love to get the post, but i knew what it would be and couldn't resist LOL. Rosie and I had great fun opening it and pulling out each one by their fluffy tails hee hee. Yep, the skineez arrived :-) . She loves them and they are SO cute :-) . Thanks for the heads up on them :-) . :-) Should have bought more :-)

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Yep this Sunday. Yay parcels! Must be the day for them. They're so soft and nice I wanted to keep one for myself and not give it to the dogs.. but that didn't happen :thumbsup: Glad she likes them :happydance:

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Thanks for the info :thumbsup:

I've emailed Cloverdale Canine Companions as they are very close.

Maybe I will come on Sunday, as long as nobody laughs at my poor little fatty cakes :)

I will give your "little fatty cakes" big cuddles, and I am sure Ruby will be in love :happydance:

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Just introduce Henry slowly to roo meat. My old dog Elle had never had roo before and she threw up her roo tail after eating it. Now her body is used to it and it's easily her favourite thing to eat (same with the other dogs).

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I will give your "little fatty cakes" big cuddles, and I am sure Ruby will be in love :thumbsup:

Aww, you're too sweet :thumbsup:

I attached a pic of him, in my last post. He's such a beautiful dog and it saddens me that he's spent most of his life left in the backyard ignored ;)

He's a beautiful boy! Would love to see his face. I'm sure if you come along on Sunday then I'll get to see him better :happydance:

I got Millie after she started her life the same way, except we suspect she was chained and muzzled in the backyard to boot :) She was rescued from the pound by Lab Rescue with muzzle marks on her face :) Besides her having a touch of separation anxiety (well maybe more than just a touch!), she is a beautiful girl with such a loving nature. She loooooves people, just doesn't like strange dogs in her personal space until she knows them, then she's sweet as pie ;) A bit vocal at times, though :thumbsup:

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He's a beautiful boy! Would love to see his face. I'm sure if you come along on Sunday then I'll get to see him better :happydance:

I got Millie after she started her life the same way, except we suspect she was chained and muzzled in the backyard to boot :thumbsup: She was rescued from the pound by Lab Rescue with muzzle marks on her face ;) Besides her having a touch of separation anxiety (well maybe more than just a touch!), she is a beautiful girl with such a loving nature. She loooooves people, just doesn't like strange dogs in her personal space until she knows them, then she's sweet as pie :) A bit vocal at times, though :thumbsup:

That is so sad ;)

I wish I could go home to check on Henry, I just want to make sure he's ok. I'm sure he's sound asleep :)


I don't have many pictures of him yet, plan on taking my good camera down to the dog beach tonight. Hopefully we'll get some great action shots :thumbsup:

I have no idea how he compares to the lab standards, but I think he's beautiful <3

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He is just GORGEOUS Kristen! :)

I strongly suggest you drop the obedience club south of Geraldton (that way you can come to the picnic this weekend) and go to the Cloverdal Canine Companions club. They are 10 to 15 minutes from where you are. That's my old club and they were great. There's a few Dolers here who use that club :happydance: I'll be going back there when I get my puppy later this year.

And the river I think you are talking about is Riverside Gardens! We have had a few DOL meets down there. I usually go most weekends, it's the best doggy place in Perth! :thumbsup:

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