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Well, I've caved :eek: My two furbabies are up on the lounge next to me :scared: (on a sheet!) I said to myself, if I was told they wouldn't be here next week, would I let them up for cuddles? Of course the answer was YES, so I decided this is something I'd like to let them do for a while.. until they abuse the privelege :eek:

I have Ruby snuggled against me, and Millie next to her. Took quite a bit of coaxing to get them up though :eek: Millie got up, decided it was too weird for her, then got down! Got Ruby up, and she didn't get off :eek: When I tried calling Millie back up to join us, Ruby took that as an invite to snuggle closer so I am having snuggles with my baby girl who always gets pushed away by Millie, and now Millie is laying on the end. They look content! But downside, I can't easily move if I need to :eek:

Before you know it Rubystar, you will have this, and then when sprung given the tummy up cutey look. ;)



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Thanks all! Yes they are very high Maintenance but as I like to say another way of saying good qualiy....

Tiggy this is Kenobi you may remember our little vader didnt quiet make it home to us :scared: Maybe I should change my name?

RottienRags I have always loved rotties your boy is so Gorgeous I would love one as our next dog but OH has his heart on a doux de bordeaux eekkkk lucky me! I'd love a boxer too haha the list is endless I figure if I can deal with a beagle then others will be ummm easy (haha yep sure)

Sorry about that VM, Kenobi is keeping with the theme I see :eek: .

All good, yep there is a theme with my fur babies! My cats called jedi haha she had a litter they were all named after star wars lol it's sad to say yep I'm a star wars tradgic! Oh wont let me walk down the aisle to it bastard haha.

Kenobi had his first bath today, he did ok wasn't overly thrilled but god he did stink haha, get his shots next week can wait to get him out and about. Walking on the lead is proving harder than I thought.

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That's a very familiar site!!!!

Well, I've caved :D My two furbabies are up on the lounge next to me :) (on a sheet!) I said to myself, if I was told they wouldn't be here next week, would I let them up for cuddles? Of course the answer was YES, so I decided this is something I'd like to let them do for a while.. until they abuse the privelege :p

I have Ruby snuggled against me, and Millie next to her. Took quite a bit of coaxing to get them up though :eek: Millie got up, decided it was too weird for her, then got down! Got Ruby up, and she didn't get off :laugh: When I tried calling Millie back up to join us, Ruby took that as an invite to snuggle closer so I am having snuggles with my baby girl who always gets pushed away by Millie, and now Millie is laying on the end. They look content! But downside, I can't easily move if I need to :o

Before you know it Rubystar, you will have this, and then when sprung given the tummy up cutey look. ;)

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All these puppy photos make me think of sleepless nights and the 2am toilet outings :rofl:

Like you Rubystar I love beagle puppies ;) but can't see me ever getting one now.

Enjoy your get together today - the sun is shinning over here, and I actually have shorts on :eek: , but I think afternoon showers are forecast.

Shorts weather here, too! I was up just before 6am for a retrieving training date and it was a tad chilly, had jeans and jacket on. Went to our BBQ afterwards and had to change into shorter pants, got a bit too warm!

I'd like to get a Beagle one day, but that day will probably come at retirement :thumbsup:

Candice got some lovely shots of the dogs today with party hats on, hope she can post a few for us! A group of nearby picnicers were awwing when the 3 Labs were in a line getting their photo taken :)

Edited by RubyStar
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All these puppy photos make me think of sleepless nights and the 2am toilet outings :rofl:

Like you Rubystar I love beagle puppies ;) but can't see me ever getting one now.

Enjoy your get together today - the sun is shinning over here, and I actually have shorts on :eek: , but I think afternoon showers are forecast.

Shorts weather here, too! I was up just before 6am for a retrieving training date and it was a tad chilly, had jeans and jacket on. Went to our BBQ afterwards and had to change into shorter pants, got a bit too warm!

I'd like to get a Beagle one day, but that day will probably come at retirement :thumbsup:

Candice got some lovely shots of the dogs today with party hats on, hope she can post a few for us! A group of nearby picnicers were awwing when the 3 Labs were in a line getting their photo taken :)

Just busy re-sizing them, will upload to FB and then put a couple on here.......

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For the first time in weeks I have no clean run orders on the way but I'm already thinking I should grab some wubbas while they're on free shipping :) but I know I'll be tempted to get other stuff to so must stay away :thumbsup: .

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grgeous pics of the labs all in a row looks like a fun day :)

I apologise I didn't come thought it was my sister in laws birthday its next sunday oops.

So I took Kelari and Zeus to hillaries beach. they got to meet two horses and neither reacted which is awesome. Met up witha friend and her rotti and her kids.

All kids went swimming K went to Chest deep on her own acford i may have a swimmer in the making :D the waves were huge nd kept knockig skin children over so we went to maccas and then to the park.

Kids and dogs ran themselves ragged.

Now all asleep awwwww

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