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I will only be there Saturday but am pretty easy to spot being very short and apparently looking far younger than I actually am (I'm still getting asked for ID when I buy wine, despite being legally able to drink for a decade!. Grrrr.). I may be around Sunday morning walking my Sibe 'Zazu' and doing some attention work.

Don't complain about the ID thing! There are some of us here who never ever get ID'd :laugh: I know I don't look 18 but even when I was younger I always looked young but still didn't get ID'd! Oh how I would love to be ID'd :laugh:

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Oh that's exciting Mirawee? Who with? Or is it a secret :p I'm still undecided about obedience, don't know if we would ever be able to actually pull it together! I just do a little bit here and there, the SFE is the scariest part though!

That reminds me I have to book an agility lesson for Trixie to make sure I'm on the right track... she nearly traumatised herself last night on the A frame :rofl: Threw herself over it first go and her back legs almost flung over her head at the top, she just managed to steady herself and land okay but then she wouldn't go up it again! Took a bit of luring and pushing her over the top but she did it properly again twice so I left it at that, bloody reckless dog! :p She's been doing it okay for a while now but I think she may have just got a little bit too excited!

Awesome mirawee! When is your lesson? Hope you don't get all flustered when I do when I get help :cry: I end up dropping treats, dropping clickers, have the treats in the wrong hand, the list is endless!! :cry:

Amy, I spied Trixie's heelwork last night and she's coming along very well! She'll be in CCD in no time ;)

I keep thinking I need private lessons for a few things, well I KNOW I need them, its a matter of being able to afford them and working out what/who is priority when it comes to lessons.

Ruby is frightened of the dog walk as a few of you would know, she's finally going over it again but still creeps up it uncertain. But last night I broke out the i-squeak with the baby dogwalk and soon she increased her speed by more than double! :laugh: I'm not bothering with 2o/2o for her, just want her to run to get over her fear :rofl: Then I took Millie over it and forgot she offers 2o/2o so when I threw the ball for her at the end she kinda stopped and then went after it :laugh: Sent her over the full size dogwalk (which she's done many times before) and she's just getting faster and faster on that thing! Now she's not waiting for me and is flying off past me towards the end, and her contact is pretty good for the small amount of I have done with her :laugh: Did some grids (or whatever they're called) with Millie last night and sending her on, and happy that those are coming along too :rofl: She usually can't take her eyes off me or cheats and goes around the jumps :cry: My kids were good kids last night :rofl:

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Amy, I spied Trixie's heelwork last night and she's coming along very well! She'll be in CCD in no time :rofl:

Yeah that's the most heelwork she's done last night really, I just can't get the end bits or start bits correct :cry: And she will stand at home but not out and about, and down is a work in progress :cry: It's all a work in progress isn't it :cry: Oh well, there's no rush!

I keep thinking I need private lessons for a few things, well I KNOW I need them, its a matter of being able to afford them and working out what/who is priority when it comes to lessons.

Ruby is frightened of the dog walk as a few of you would know, she's finally going over it again but still creeps up it uncertain. But last night I broke out the i-squeak with the baby dogwalk and soon she increased her speed by more than double! :laugh: I'm not bothering with 2o/2o for her, just want her to run to get over her fear :rofl: Then I took Millie over it and forgot she offers 2o/2o so when I threw the ball for her at the end she kinda stopped and then went after it :p Sent her over the full size dogwalk (which she's done many times before) and she's just getting faster and faster on that thing! Now she's not waiting for me and is flying off past me towards the end, and her contact is pretty good for the small amount of I have done with her :laugh: Did some grids (or whatever they're called) with Millie last night and sending her on, and happy that those are coming along too :rofl: She usually can't take her eyes off me or cheats and goes around the jumps ;) My kids were good kids last night :love:

:p :laugh::rofl: Don't you love that! And Ruby did 12 straight weave poles too didn't she!?

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It's forever a work in progress :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :p Don't you love that! And Ruby did 12 straight weave poles too didn't she!?

Yep, but only twice out of over a dozen attempts :rofl: She just keeps coming out before the last weave, like it doesn't exist for her! So I'm going to have to take my weave bases out somewhere with more room than my backyard and open up the last 2 weaves for her in the hopes that will help solve it!

And I need to start teaching Millie to weave. Not overly looking forward to that :cry: She doesn't do shaping as well as Ruby!

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Can someone PLEEEEEASE email me and tell me who to tell Clean Run is the instigator so someone can get a pressie ??

I have noones personal details ! lol

If Ptolomy won't offer up her personal details to you, how about emailing Clean Run and asking if we can have free shipping on i-squeaks as the pressie? As we all promote Clean Run heaps on here and everyone wants i-squeaks! And no I'm not saying this for me, I don't need any more, I have a stash of brand newies in my cupboard still! But everyone else seems keen for them :laugh: Just a thought :laugh:

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A bit annoyed :laugh: The tafe course I am doing part time I am taking annual leave from my full time job for because they don't really offer night time classes (just one class). Well next semester, the daytime class I am doing this semester is being offered Wed nights next semester! My night off from training during the week and I wouldn't have to use my leave on it or take leave without pay! Grrrr!!!!! Would have been perfect! So next semester, I will have to take more leave without pay or annual leave to continue with the leftover daytime classes. Wish I could afford to take 1 or 2 full days off a week for a year and get closer to finishing this certification sooner!

End rant :laugh:

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I will only be there Saturday but am pretty easy to spot being very short and apparently looking far younger than I actually am (I'm still getting asked for ID when I buy wine, despite being legally able to drink for a decade!. Grrrr.). I may be around Sunday morning walking my Sibe 'Zazu' and doing some attention work.

Don't complain about the ID thing! There are some of us here who never ever get ID'd :laugh: I know I don't look 18 but even when I was younger I always looked young but still didn't get ID'd! Oh how I would love to be ID'd :p

You can come to my store RS and I'll ask for ID. Most people get really pissed off when you ask for ID and they are older than about 21. The law states we have to ask for people who look under 25yrs though. I had one woman who was 25 but looked a lot younger and she gave me such a dirty glare when I asked and then made a big huff about having to get it out of her wallet and I told her to take it as a compliment and she just ignored me :laugh: woops.

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A bit annoyed :laugh: The tafe course I am doing part time I am taking annual leave from my full time job for because they don't really offer night time classes (just one class). Well next semester, the daytime class I am doing this semester is being offered Wed nights next semester! My night off from training during the week and I wouldn't have to use my leave on it or take leave without pay! Grrrr!!!!! Would have been perfect! So next semester, I will have to take more leave without pay or annual leave to continue with the leftover daytime classes. Wish I could afford to take 1 or 2 full days off a week for a year and get closer to finishing this certification sooner!

End rant :laugh:

ask your bosses Rubystar you never know they may just allow it ? Or job share ? thats very popular now

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A bit annoyed :laugh: The tafe course I am doing part time I am taking annual leave from my full time job for because they don't really offer night time classes (just one class). Well next semester, the daytime class I am doing this semester is being offered Wed nights next semester! My night off from training during the week and I wouldn't have to use my leave on it or take leave without pay! Grrrr!!!!! Would have been perfect! So next semester, I will have to take more leave without pay or annual leave to continue with the leftover daytime classes. Wish I could afford to take 1 or 2 full days off a week for a year and get closer to finishing this certification sooner!

End rant :laugh:

ask your bosses Rubystar you never know they may just allow it ? Or job share ? thats very popular now

Work has been flexible in letting me take two half days a week already (especially when what I am studying is not related to my job!) and will let me do it again next year, however, it's the decrease in pay that is making it impossible for me to take anymore time out for it :laugh: Maybe I'll win lotto? :whip:

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Can someone PLEEEEEASE email me and tell me who to tell Clean Run is the instigator so someone can get a pressie ??

I have noones personal details ! lol

Perhaps you should be the "receiver" of said pressie/pressies - then you can forward it or divide it up to whoever is deemed CleanRun DOLer addict :vomit::offtopic::( ........

Hope to see you and you two in Sunday WX, hope also to meet Tumbleweed and her dog, and any other DOLers that are there Sunday!?!?!?

So who will be there Sunday?????

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I second (or third???) Free shipping on I-Squeaks, and that is because I would like some more :vomit: One of ours disappeared into the blue yonder in the ocean a few weeks ago.

The problem is there are so many CR Addicts on here it is hard to pick just one.

ALthough If I have to pick one I think Ptolomy did a fantastic job with the bulk I-squeak order.

Decisions, decisions.

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Can someone PLEEEEEASE email me and tell me who to tell Clean Run is the instigator so someone can get a pressie ??

I have noones personal details ! lol

Perhaps you should be the "receiver" of said pressie/pressies - then you can forward it or divide it up to whoever is deemed CleanRun DOLer addict :D :D :) ........

Hope to see you and you two in Sunday WX, hope also to meet Tumbleweed and her dog, and any other DOLers that are there Sunday!?!?!?

So who will be there Sunday?????

me unfortunatley !!!!

Edited by Wazzat Xolo
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Rockingham have a sausage sizzle and bacon and egg burgers that you can buy. Nothing is close enough for you to walk.

Hoping someone might know - is there somewhere close by (ie. walking distance) at the Rockingham trial to go and buy lunch?
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