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;) ;) ;) :o:cry: :D :hug::) :cool: :(:):) ;) ;) :clap:

I think we talk too much ;) ;)

Yeah thats awesome, here are the stats:

Who posted in: Western Australian Thread

Poster Posts

valleyCBR 1032

RubyStar 1015

amypie 644

Mas1981 485

mirawee 471

Tiggy 446

Golden Rules 395

SparkyTansy 344

emery 260

Wazzat Xolo 240

ozjen 214

Ptolomy 205

Lab_Rat 189

ness 167 - Just noticed this! Not even a WA person :cry: Obviously a Clean Run addict!

Rach... 142

RoxyNHemi 117

bedazzledx2 92

Rommi n Lewis 87

RosieFT 84

CrazyCresties 84

showdog 75

belgian.blue 69

KristenLovesLabs 38

♥♫PD888♫♥ 37

Mim 36

ncarter 31

fetchindawgs 26

Vader's mum 25

jazzyjules 24

CareyJ 23

Tassie 21

Jenni87 20

myzchev 16

ravenau1 14

jess live die 13

ChristineX 11

washa 11

moosepup 10

quickbrownfox 10

SBT101 10

So basically RS me and you post too much ;)

Edited by valleyCBR
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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team :) .

I heard one of the vic teams was maybe coming over to demonstrate.

Im lucky i have my own personal trainer for flyball who has a Flyball master excellent titled dog :)

Would you use one of your Setters? That would be awesome to see! :)

yep ,my boys rellie & personal trainer if need be http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=19970

.i use to own a flyball box when it was becoming known here about 15 yrs ago,the dog i trained for it was an american Cocker who weighed in at 9kg

Edited by showdog
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;) ;) ;) :cry::cry::hug::clap::) ;) :(:):) :D :o :cool:

I think we talk too much ;) ;)

Yeah thats awesome, here are the stats:

Who posted in: Western Australian Thread

Poster Posts

So basically RS me and you post too much ;)

i made the top ten woohoo ;) lol

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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team ;) .

I heard one of the vic teams was maybe coming over to demonstrate.

Im lucky i have my own personal trainer for flyball who has a Flyball master excellent titled dog ;)

Would you use one of your Setters? That would be awesome to see! :)

yep ,my boys rellie & personal trainer if need be http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=19970

.i use to own a flyball box when it was becoming known here about 15 yrs ago,the dog i trained for it was an american Cocker who weighed in at 9kg

Ok so you are going to give it a shot with your Gordon then? Are you going to compete him in a snood too? (How cute is that :)) :)

Also does anyone know what happened to the user: kirsten Loves Labs

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My boy is ball trained,he also knows how to bounce to get a ball .

Spends all day with a ball in his mouth.Lizzie also has a body suit plus wearing the snood

Aww well I hope it's red flames to match the snood! Cause it looks like with that pattern she couldn't lose :(

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It'd be good to have a corgi in the team because the jumps would be lower ;) :)

Kyzer is short enough :( Actually Amanda's poodle who is just over 350mm is ball mad ;) Banjo could possibly be taught to do flyball but he isn't that ball mad :) He plays fetch but won't pick up the ball within a metre of me :)

Jenna loves flyball, we tried it when they were trying to get a display team up for the Royal a few years ago, hope its somewhere close and not too expensive so we can give it another go and that it doesn't clash with anything else.

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Guest RosieFT

me me me me me me meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! i would love to do flyball!!! would have to learn exactly how, but right up my ball obsessed foxie's allly :-)

:-) :-)

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Guest RosieFT

oh she always brings the ball back .. .whether she drops it is another matter, but always back to me :-) ... yes i am lurking.. i was madly scrolling backwards to find out where the flyball topic started LOL.. i always start at the end and page backwards...


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Some one I know owns a young pap :)

Can you imagine a pap running over jumps with a tennis ball in his mouth? :) Would he even weigh enough to set off the ball machine? :(

Well holding the ball might not be a problem if Gizmo is anything to go by, but certainly don't know that he or any other little Pap could set of the machine. Jenna would be only too keen though. Gizmo would have loved flyball as he lives for balls, but alas way too old to handle jumping.


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