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Thanks Ozjen - its been a while since Ive been to a bunbury show, couldnt quite remember how long they usually run for!

WX - I hope to get there Sunday arvo, maybe even lunchtime-ish........New job, hey!! Excellent!

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I think you'll find the awesome people will be at Rockingham this weekend!! :rofl:

So who is going to rockingham??? i will be there with my monster not entered lol but to support a friend and his rotti doing there first ccd trial (well it hink ccd is first lol) would love to meet and say hi

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But have you seen all the prickles that the new growth has given us? Ruby jumped out of the car Monday night and into a bindi patch, and proceeded to limp around. Put her in the car and took a look at her pads and they were covered in little needles :( Then the patch near the roped off bit is looking atrocious!

:rofl: So we have to cope with prickles as well as those little black ants now? Do they want all our agility/obedience dogs to be lame or something

Probably, but as long as the pretty ones are fine!! ;)

(I know you're a show person too, but couldn't resist :laugh: )

Hey RS one day when you have your "pretty" ES i'll remind you of that comment :p

Anyway, we are lucky i think to have our grounds but I'm disappointed to hear about the prickles... a few weeds etc don't matter but prickles are really not good at all!

I have a breed with pretty resistent pads she only seems to get the most rediculous giant ones in her feet!

Yep they are tied :laugh:

There are trials on the 31/10, 6/11, 13/11, 27/11, 11/12, all evening trials except for the one this month :)

Race ya then ;) Although I can only get to the 13/11, 27/11 and 11/12 (didn't know about the Dec trial). So you will probably get one of your titles at the next two trials

OzJen, think positive! She has around 15 months to get it before my 200 dog starts trialling :laugh: Although take 6 months off if she has puppies... She has gotten 2 passes so far in 2 years so should get the 3rd in another year :rofl:

You'll win that one :laugh:

You so are! Are you going to be showing 2 dogs ozjen? Make sure to come say hi! I will have Lincoln and I am bringing my friend and he is bringing his Bronson

That sounds like a euphemism

:rofl: :D Well he will be bringing it I would expect? (Anyone heard that song 'detachable penis' ;) )

LOL i haven't heard that song in a while!! :rofl:

P.S I just tried to post this and it told me i had too many emoticons!!

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Bedazzled, Rubystar and I will all be at Rockingham on Sunday :laugh:

Are you all sitting together lol? may make it easier to spot you all. I am sure i have meet rubstar once :o and i know what you and bedazzledlook like lol. kep an eye out for the two newbies with a rotti pup and rotti lol and a hoard of kids lol. feel free to come say hi :o

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Bedazzled, Rubystar and I will all be at Rockingham on Sunday :laugh:

Are you all sitting together lol? may make it easier to spot you all. I am sure i have meet rubstar once :) and i know what you and bedazzledlook like lol. kep an eye out for the two newbies with a rotti pup and rotti lol and a hoard of kids lol. feel free to come say hi :D

We more than likely will be all parked next to each other under the trees :o

Think we should be able to spot you a mile off.

Its forecast for 31 degrees :o

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Bedazzled, Rubystar and I will all be at Rockingham on Sunday :laugh:

Are you all sitting together lol? may make it easier to spot you all. I am sure i have meet rubstar once :) and i know what you and bedazzledlook like lol. kep an eye out for the two newbies with a rotti pup and rotti lol and a hoard of kids lol. feel free to come say hi :)

We more than likely will be all parked next to each other under the trees :o

Think we should be able to spot you a mile off.

Its forecast for 31 degrees :D

i know shocking weather lol. yeah i will be the one looking all lost and i'm not even exhibiting lol. :o we have alredy decided we are taking all kids to the beach afterwards so they can all cool down before the long drive home ;) i think my friend is entered in both shows (two is there morn and arvo?) i will bake something just incase i spot everyone lol. any requests??

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i will bake something just incase i spot everyone lol. any requests??

Yummo - we will definitely come looking for you :laugh:

and yes it is a morning and an afternoon trial.

hhahahahahahahaha sounds like a fair deal :o

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Can anyone summarize if/what the major changes are? (Please :rofl: )

A couple more changes I've noticed in CCD - the recall distance is now 12 m (was 10 m previously) and the in the stays the handlers are now 10 m away (previously it was 6 m).

In CD the recall distance is now 15 m (previously 12 m) and the stays are 12 m.


My deepest apologies also to any DOLs that were impacted upon by my crazy runaway dog at the State trial on Sat night....back to the drawing board for us!

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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team :) .

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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team :) .

I heard one of the vic teams was maybe coming over to demonstrate.

Im lucky i have my own personal trainer for flyball who has a Flyball master excellent titled dog :)

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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team ;) .

:) I've wanted to do flyball for so long! This will be awesome. No doubt the WA DOL team will become the best in the nation :) :)

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Hey guys shoemonster from DOL sent me a message that she'd heard a club in Perth had been approached to run flyball classes so I sent Brian at the AFA an email and he confirmed that yes they've asked a club and will donate the equipment and if that club declines they'll ask other clubs. I would love to do flyball with my doggies :( we could have a DOL team :) .

I heard one of the vic teams was maybe coming over to demonstrate.

Im lucky i have my own personal trainer for flyball who has a Flyball master excellent titled dog :)

Would you use one of your Setters? That would be awesome to see! :)

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