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:offtopic: Why a chocolate? Come and have a cuddle with Millie, she really has eyes for people. She's a big smoocher ;) Though a bit psycho :rofl:

I love my Labs, and think I will always have one (or two), but I agree, life is too short to just experience one breed! My next dog won't be a Lab for this reason ;) They are still my #1 breed, though!! :p

I dunno why I like the chocolate labs - probably the colour :rofl: I will def be up for Labrador cuddles, any doggy cuddles really!!


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Yep Millie is a friendly dog alright :offtopic: She's lovely ;)

I always thought I would get a different breed each time - life's too short for one breed etc - but I could easily see myself with more Manchesters.

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mirawee nice choice of dog name I have a Banjo to :rofl: .

;) I did do a double take the first time I read your dog's name :thumbsup: My Banjo came with his name and since he is co-owned with his breeder I didn't really feel I could change it :rofl: And it does suit him :rofl:

Lab_Rat, I am sure Banjo would much prefer you to get a girly kelpie :rofl: But I am glad that is still on the cards :offtopic:

Oh, and um, Banjo greets everyone with a wag... and a black eye as he leaps up to kiss their face (please note that he can do this to anyone, regardless of height ;) ) The main time he is feral is for the first minute after we have visitors! He then settles down and doesn't care anymore even when we go out and come back in :p

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Yep Wandys greeting is a wagging body and a curled tongue right up the nose :offtopic: ;) It makes your brain squirm ;)

Tell Banjo Im not having three girl dogs - two bi-aches is quite enough!!

And I want a nice fat headed, B&T boy, something with a nice boofy head :rofl: :p


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The 'choclate' variety of Labs apparently comes from Chessie outcrosses :rofl: . You know you want one. :offtopic:

;) Why a chocolate? Come and have a cuddle with Millie, she really has eyes for people. She's a big smoocher :rofl: Though a bit psycho :rofl:

I love my Labs, and think I will always have one (or two), but I agree, life is too short to just experience one breed! My next dog won't be a Lab for this reason :rofl: They are still my #1 breed, though!! ;)

I dunno why I like the chocolate labs - probably the colour :p I will def be up for Labrador cuddles, any doggy cuddles really!!


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I'm glad the crazy greeting is a Kelpie trait! My brothers Kelpie loves to greet you, but she'll act all sweet and lovely until you bend down to pat her and then BAM! She sticks her tongue in your mouth! :offtopic: She's so quick you can't even react! Pretty gross though, but we're all wise to it now!

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Guest RosieFT

Thanks for the registration info :-) I thought as much, but just wanted to be sure I didn't have to bring cash with me tonight.

RS- I am in the adult foundations class. My name is Emma :-) Will see you tonight..... have got my sausage, cheese, liver treats ready.. oh and my super exciting new ball on a rope.. Rosie will be in heaven :-) .. well at least hopefully, not running off from me anyway! Did that on my first night, but not since - *fingers crossed* :-)

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The 'choclate' variety of Labs apparently comes from Chessie outcrosses :thumbsup: . You know you want one. :offtopic:
;) Why a chocolate? Come and have a cuddle with Millie, she really has eyes for people. She's a big smoocher :rofl: Though a bit psycho :cheer:

I love my Labs, and think I will always have one (or two), but I agree, life is too short to just experience one breed! My next dog won't be a Lab for this reason :rofl: They are still my #1 breed, though!! :rofl:

I dunno why I like the chocolate labs - probably the colour ;) I will def be up for Labrador cuddles, any doggy cuddles really!!


Man I shouldve started this dog collecting years ago - Too many breeds, not enough years left :rofl:

Re my dog book when I was a little girl (coupla pages back, it had stickers :p )- one of the other breeds that fascinated me was the Chessy! Dont know whether it was the name or the curly hair!


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I have learnt.... I really need to get fitter! :rofl::laugh:


Try training 3 dogs :laugh:

The girls were good and Banjo can now add spread and tyre jumps and collapsible tunnels to his list of obstacles he can do! So now to get a bit more focussed on training contacts and actually start to train weavers if I want him to be able to compete in Agility as well as Jumping at the State and National Champs :rofl:

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I had heaps of fun! Pretty sure Millie did too :laugh:

I'm very proud of her, she can work in close proximity to other dogs without the need to initiate a meet and greet session with each and every one (like some blonde hussy I know :laugh:)

Speaking of chocolate Labs on the previous page... who wants one for free? She may be an agility prospect with the right trainer, but she also comes equipped with demolition skills! I think my baby is trying to dig a hole to China - something tells me she doesn't like it very much in her new back yard? :mad

(look sideways to your left at the pic)


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I am thinking of maybe bringing Lincoln to the Puppy Foundation class after the March enrolment, but I might take him to obidience instead. Do they use clickers or allow use of clickers at the ACWA training?

I hope so, I want to take mine and mark a few things. But I doubt it :rofl:

I started working Millie on my right side tonight. Oh boy, that's a hard task to achieve when she's been so heavily rewarded being in heel position on my left! But she started getting the hang of it (a few lapses had her going back to my left!) We also learnt a front cross - ooh looky at me using the terminology :laugh::laugh: Can't wait for next week now! :mad

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Guest RosieFT

I have learnt that i am totally unco :-) and that my dog needs some training... but i could do with a hell of a lot more LOL. Anyone got a slow dog for me to learn with?

On this morning's walk, i discovered that fox terriers look pretty awesome with jet black legs..... thought it was cute and funny until I was washing her for the 5th time and she was STILL black! Not so funny... We walk near a creek and went down a path I had not gone down before and Rosie discovered a smaller creek/runoff and was in like a flash - and came out covered in stinky black mud! ewwwWW!! That hypoallergenic shampoo just does not cut it when it comes to real dirt!!

Whilst out we met a STUNNING jet black entire male lab. Wow, he looked great. I have never seen such a shiny coat before and he had a lovely solid head on him. Just gorgeous.

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I keep meaning to sign Roxy up as an associate dog, so I can try doing some Obedience/Agility with her... she is pretty good picking things up!

I had started working with Cruise, and he had learnt to sit, down and stay, and how to hold a dumbell... I dont think he was a typical westie... I will try it out with my next one tho!

Edited to add.. I dont know if holding a dumbell has any relevance, i just thought it was pretty cool I had taught it to him

Edited by CruiseNRoxy
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